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Black History month vs. Santa Claus and other myths

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B9 Predator

Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
I was flicking through the channels and hit a BHM cartoon on Nickelodeon which
was stating the HISTORICAL LIE that peanut butter was invented by George
Washington Carver.

The fact is, Carver did research on the uses of peanuts, but it was a WHITE
doctor in Ohio who actually invented peanut paste as a food.

So why do we teach Afrocentric lies to little niglettes? Is it like Santa
Claus and the Easter Bunny? We tell kids bullshit just to make them feel good
and assume that someday, when they grow up, they'll realise the cold hard truth?
By then we assume they'll be mature enough to accept it.

Alas, unlike white children, niggers never grow up, never mature mentally and
never accept the fact that niggers did NOTHING of value except pick cotton.

And that, my (white) friends, is why we need NG's like AFN to bring reality
crashing down on the burrheaded swine.


Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00

Damn, those niggers lied again. I guess they lied about inventing
these things too.

1. almanac Benjamin Banneker Approx 1791
2. baby buggy W.H. Richardson June 18, 1899
3. bicycle frame L.R. Johnson October 10, 1899
4. biscuit cutter A.P. Ashbourne November 30, 1875
5. curtain rod S. R. Scratton November 30, 1889
6. door knob O. Dorsey December 10, 1878
7. door stop O. Dorsey December 10, 1878
8. dust pan Lawrence P. Ray August 3, 18 1897
9. egg beater Willie Johnson February 5, 1884
10. electric lampbulb Lewis Latimer March 21, 1882
11. fountain pen W. B. Purvis January 7, 1890
12. golf tee T. Grant December 12, 1899
13. guitar Robert F. Flemming, Jr. March 3, 1886
14. hair brush Lydia O. Newman November 15, 18--
15. hand stamp Walter B. Purvis February 27 1883
16. horse shoe J. Ricks March 30, 1885
17. ice cream scooper A. L. Cralle February 2, 1897
18. ironing board Sarah Boone December 30, 1887
19. key chain F. J. Loudin January 9, 1894
20. mail box Paul L. Downing October 27, 1891
21. mop Thomas W. Stewart June 11, 1893
22. peanut butter George Washington Carver 1896
OOOPS! forgot, G.W. Carver DID NOT invent peanut butter.
23. pencil sharpener J. L. Love November 23, 1897
24. rolling pin John W. Reed 1864
25. stove T. A. Carrington July 25, 1876


Rastus, say it ain't so! Look at all these marvelous inventions by
African Americans and this guy says it's bullshit. I feel soooooo
let down and disappointed.

Unlike the energizer bunny, the jungle bunny is going no where fast.
No igual al conejo energizer, el conejo de la jungla no va a ningun
lugar rapido.
©2000 elfatvis

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Playa Del Rey

Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
You would be surprised by number and uses of Black invention. Starting
in the industrial age to the present, they have devised either
inventions or processess that have either improved an earlier white
invention, or created an entirely new creation.
I compiled a list for my nephew, who was doing a report for school. My
nephew took the floppy with him, but I'll post a list of these
inventions when I get them back.
I was really stunned by the number AND the sophisticated
applications,even as far back as the 19th century.
One really stands out in my mind.
Back in the late 19th century, there was no way to communicate from a
moving train,either to the outside world or to other trains,except by
dropping messages off or tooting the whistle.
Well sir, Edison and others worked on the problem for years without
success. Then around 1880 or so,a Black telegraph operator devised some
type of relay switch or circuit which finally made train to train and
train to point communication by telegraph and telephone possible. I
believe that Edison sued him, but the courts ruled in favor of the Black
inventor,and eventually Edison dropped his lawsuit. This is highly
unusual for the 19th century, considering the racist attitudes back
then,AND the high regard everyone had for Edison.
I'll have the full list in a few days.
Dick the Spic-
Ps.-You really should read or study American history. Its always good to
get your facts straight before popping off. It will save you much


Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
Hey dickless, I'm sure it was an oversight on your part but, would you mind
posting a URL with a picture of this gentleman (snicker) to verify this

Playa Del Rey <> wrote in article


Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00
In article <DC7P3.3768$lK.6...@news2.mia>, "Verner Roentgen"
<> wrote:

> M. McGill wrote in message ...
> >In article <dCvO3.6657$iu4....@news2.mia>, "Verner Roentgen"
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >> History is full of frauds who claim inventions they are not entitled to.
> >> Bell faught one after another in court for years after he invented the
> >> telephone.
> >
> >Edison, Bell, and the Westinghouse Company bought some of the devices he
> >(Woods) invented. Woods brought two patent cases against the former; and
> >INVENTIONS CLAIMED BY EDISON. After his second loss to the black
> >inventor, Thomas Edison offered him a position; but Woods turned it
> >down, preferring to be his own master in the "Woods Electric Company."
> More nigger lies and bullshit.
> >
> >Source - BLACK INVENTORS OF AMERICA 1969, 1989 by McKinley Burt, Jr.
> >pages 30 and 31.
> Ah that explains it. Another nigga history book. A bottomless pit of
> spoiled fruit and nigga envy.
MIT web site on inventors and inventions:

"Woods found himself fighting patent suits filed by none other than Thomas
Edison. Woods eventually won,"

"the multiplex telegraph. A success in the powerful railroad industry of
the late nineteenth century, the device not only helped dispatchers locate
trains, but also allowed moving trains to communicate by telegraph."

Review on the great Negro inventor Granville T. Woods:
Granville T. Woods (a Negro): Over 60 patents. Invented the Synchronous
Multiplex Railway Telegraph (1887), for the purpose of averting accidents
by keeping each train informed of the whereabouts of the one immediately
ahead or following it. Inventor of the Light Switch and the Incubator.
Alexander Graham Bell (a white man) invented the first telephone. But
amplification technology was not advanced enough in his day for an
electromagnetic transducer to be practical. Granville woods, a Black man
from Cleveland, Ohio developed the powdered carbon transducer that was
used in production telephones until modern amplification made it
unnecessary. The great Thomas Edison asked Woods to come work with him.

In 1888 Granville Woods developed and patented a system for overhead
electric conducting lines for railroads, which aided in the development of
the overhead railroad system found in contemporary metropolitan cities,
such as Chicago, St. Louis, and New York City.

In his early thirties, he (Woods) became interested in thermal power and
steam-driven engines. And, in 1889, he filed his first patent for an
improved steam-boiler furnace. In 1892, a complete Electric Railway System
(U.S. 463,020) was operated at Coney Island, NY. The railway system had no
exposed wires, secondary batteries, or slotted causeway -- all previously
necessary for electric railways.

The Induction Telegraph System used the physics principle of
electromagnetic induction. The Woods Induction Telegraph, a large oblong
coil, or helix, was suspended from the train. A current was sent through
the helix, generating field moved along with it. The movement of the
magnetic coil induced a current in stationary wires hung parallel to the
track. Therefore, telegraph signals sent through the helix were also sent
through the wires to stations and other trains.

The American Catholic Tribune, in 1888, lauded Woods as the greatest
person knowledgeable in electricity in the world. His inventive genius
was wide spread.

page 11, page 57, page 59, and 71 of-CREATIVITY AND INVENTIONS The
genius of Afro-Americans and Women in the United States and their
patents by Patricia Carter Ives (a patent examiner), Washington D.C. 1987.

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