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Michael Jordan's got a White whore mistress!

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Black Beauty

Feb 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/4/00
What new huh? The whorish White woman once again allows herself to be a
slut on the side of a Black man whom is married to a Black woman. Boy,
its a shame White women's values and self esteem about themselves would
allow them to stoop to the level of a whore and get used up like trash
for the Black man.

Do these White broad's mothers teach them any self respect, values, or
morals as women???! I think they raise their White daughter sluts to go
after Black men with money and do "whatever" they say -- even if he
hides and sneaks around with you.

I know of a Pro ball player friend of mine whom I met at FLA. State
(actually he went to FAMU but...) who used to try to talk to me -- but
he was such a dog and could barely speak properly that I just settled
for friendship. Anyway, he now plays for Pittsburgh Stealers. We were
joking about groupies and stuff, and I asked him about the White sluts,
and he said they are the only women to chose from. he says they don't
even too much want the White guys, but they are NOTORIOUS for going
after the rookie Black men -- and he said quote "those are some of the
freakiest nastiest bitches I have ever seen -- word!". The older Black
players pretty much have a couple they've been screwing on the side for
a while whom they put up in a nice apartment (although they are married
to Black women). Then I asked the question: "have you ever messed with
any?", and he said in these EXACT words -- "hellllll yeahh, it aint no
other PUSSY floating around here but the White pussy, what do you think
a nigga is going to do if they givin it up --sheeit a nigga don't even
have to buy them hoes nothing. All a nigga gotta do is be ballin'?".
Those are his EXACT words -- no lie.

Its a shame. I know there are some nice ass looking White men out there
who would treat them 10 times better than the average NEGROE (like my
friend above) -- but they'd rather fuck a weak ass Black man. White
women -- I tell ya -- those are some messed up in the head whores I
tell ya!

Sent via
Before you buy.

B9 Predator

Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00
On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 23:35:19 GMT, Black Beauty <>

>What new huh? The whorish White woman once again allows herself to be a
>slut on the side of a Black man

**Glad to see you finally agreeing with the racist point of view. But who is
really at fault? The white mudshark or the drooling black buck who eagerly turns
his back on black females infavor of a "white goddess".

As a racist I have to laugh outloud (BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) as the nigger race
tears itself apart. Nigger men prefer white women and nigger women hate their
men because of it.
And what is at the root of it all? The fact that blacks KNOW in their heart
of hearts that they are inferior and whites are superior.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Enjoy your miserible exhistance while it lasts, extinction

Skiff Islam

Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00

Black Beauty wrote:

> What new huh? The whorish White woman once again allows herself to be a

Skiff Islam

Feb 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/5/00
I've got some friends at a local university tell me the same thing.


Feb 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/6/00
In article <>, DocM...@stomp.nig (B9
Predator) wrote:

> On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 23:35:19 GMT, Black Beauty <>

> wrote:
> >What new huh? The whorish White woman once again allows herself to be a
> >slut on the side of a Black man

> **Glad to see you finally agreeing with the racist point of view. But who is
> really at fault? The white mudshark or the drooling black buck who
eagerly turns
> his back on black females infavor of a "white goddess".
> As a racist I have to laugh outloud (BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) as the nigger race
> tears itself apart. Nigger men prefer white women and nigger women hate their
> men because of it.
> And what is at the root of it all? The fact that blacks KNOW in their heart
> of hearts that they are inferior and whites are superior.
> BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Enjoy your miserible exhistance while it lasts, extinction
> awaits.

This reminds me of a white super model I saw on a late night tv. talk
show. This white super model visited Africa and the famous Massai
warriors. She said she was fascinated by the Massai warriors. She said
that she tried (very hard) to get the Massai males to view her as a woman
but they didn't. She was unsuccessful, they were not interested in her.
She said in their (Massai) culture they didn't view white females as
women. The talk show host (Conan O Brian?) said he couldn't see how any
men wouldn't view her as a woman. Obviously these negro men had not bought
in to white superiority or white beauty.

Black Beauty

Feb 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/7/00
In article <>,
DocM...@stomp.nig (B9 Predator) wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 23:35:19 GMT, Black Beauty <blackbeauty0374@my->
> wrote:
> >What new huh? The whorish White woman once again allows herself to
be a
> >slut on the side of a Black man
> **Glad to see you finally agreeing with the racist point of view. But
who is
> really at fault? The white mudshark or the drooling black buck who
eagerly turns
> his back on black females

Actually hon. I KNOW why Black men go after White women. They are
affected by the White media's portrayal of White women. Whites wouldn't
DARE put Black women in front of young White boys faces because they
know damn well what would happen! White whores would start whyning
about how they can't compete with Black women unless they get Plastic
surgery and buy body parts, White men would start drooling over Black
women and stop reproducing with the sluts to date Black women (like
some Black men), young White boys would grow up with the idea that the
BLACK woman is truly the ONLY woman -- not the skinny emaciated stringy
haired pale adolescent boy body white whore with huge hard silicon fake
titts and lip collagen. You know this, White media knows this, and they
know that as long as White boys are fanatcising about White whores,
then that will keep them reproducing with white whores who will give
them White kids and keep whites in power. PERIOD. Now as far as White
women going after Black men -- well you'll just have to try to figure
that one out for yourself Mister SUPERIOR White man!

> infavor of a "white goddess".

White women are NOT impressing at all. Their features are that of their
men's. Their bodies are that of thier men's (no ass, no titts, no
curves -- just long straight thin bodies). Their hair is that of a dogs
(including the lice fleas that it attracts). They're lips are that of a
man's (not full and sensuous). They only have nice colored eyes. They
act like female dogs in heat, and allow themselves to be USED for
statements. Any Black man that REALLY thinks that a white slut can
compare to Black woman is a White man made negroe that has been
brainwashed. Unfortunatley, you have alot of Black AMERICAN males who
are BRAINWASHED by the powerful WHITE I say WHITE ran media and believe
this -- but they KNOW the truth. They are weak however, and make
themselves believe that White women are better or use White women as a
statement to White men as a trophy of vengeance or a trophy of
prevertedness (because we all know white women are like female dogs in
the bedroom).. Yes, white women are better at fucking and getting
fucked like animals, whyning like little girls, and doing as DADDY
says. Yes, white women are good at hating thier natural selves and
therefore, go out and buy the NECESSARY womanly parts to keep men
looking at them. However, men of ALL colors will still use her as a way
to get ahead in White society, and to make a statement to others in the
WHITE RAN planet. White women are Goddesses of Plastic, and better be
damn glad their men run the country -- or else those sluts would be
forced to fuck each other because no one would look twice at the UN
WOMANLY White Goddess Whore. AND YOU KNOW IT!

> As a racist I have to laugh outloud (BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) as the
nigger race
> tears itself apart. Nigger men prefer white women and nigger women
hate their
> men because of it.

We don't hate Black men because of it -- we just feel sorry for the
weak guy. We also feel sorry and sometimes are amused at the White
slut, as she keeps pumping her brain and reassuring herself that Black
men only want her because she is "better" than the Black woman. LOL!
But yet, it must be hard to reassure themselves of this, when they have
to spend the Black man's and the White man's money to BUY and get
injected with Womanly parts just to look like the Black woman. Remember
though: Lips, ass, titts, and full hair, and curvy womanly bodies come
natural to the Black woman whom she feels she is "better" than. Its all
a game and the White women are loosing more than the Black women. What
are they loosing? Their self respect as women, thier battle against
looking like the Black woman, their morals, values etc. The Black woman
is gaining true Black men and White men with backbone and substance,
who date us because they TRULY love us AS WOMEN, know what we have to
offer AS WOMEN,and want to be with us -- not for statements, or using
us as a tool to get ahead. However, we are also loosing something --
WEAK, inferioir minded, brainwashed, wannabe Black men -- and the White
sluts are surely gaining them by the numbers! Hey, somebody's gotta
take out the garbage -- right???

> And what is at the root of it all? The fact that blacks KNOW in
their heart
> of hearts that they are inferior and whites are superior.

IYE dunno bout that White boy! Looks to me (and everyone else including
you), that White women love them some Inferioir negroes over those
SUPERIOR white men -- such as yourself. Boy, can you explain what goes
behind that one -- since we all know that no INFERIOR Black man holds a
gun to a white sluts head for her to remain with him or to be with him.

> BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Enjoy your miserible exhistance while it lasts,
> awaits.

No you better enjoy yours buddy, because the world (thanks to our
lovely Black men and your lovely white women) will soon be browner than
ever! No whites left. You better get yourself some brown chilen' to
take care of you -- because boy are you pale faces going to feel the
wrath of these brownies later! Enjoy your pale power now while you have
it -- the Spanish are taking over your country White boy -- and you
dumb fucks are to busy worrying with the little 13% of the Black pop,
instead of worrying about YOUR TRUE enemies. The Asians and Spic will
be running America shortyl, and the Whites will be pushed aside to the

You Whites are STUPID! So busy worrying about Blacks being a threat
(people who are truly no threat to you)when the real threat is the
person you've let over here in your country and hold close by your
sides. Boy its going to be fun to watch as the White man get trampled
by the ones he thought were so great! LOL!

Feb 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/10/00
On Mon, 07 Feb 2000 17:43:54 GMT, Black Beauty
<> wrote:

>In article <>,
> DocM...@stomp.nig (B9 Predator) wrote:
>> On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 23:35:19 GMT, Black Beauty <blackbeauty0374@my-
>> wrote:
>> >What new huh? The whorish White woman once again allows herself to
>> >be a slut on the side of a Black man
>> **Glad to see you finally agreeing with the racist point of view.
>> But who is really at fault? The white mudshark or the drooling
>> black buck who eagerly turns his back on black females
>Actually hon. I KNOW why Black men go after White women. They are
>affected by the White media's portrayal of White women.

Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that most black women
look and smell like baboons.

Black Beauty

Feb 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/10/00
In article <87v3k1$ouc$>,
Well it depends on what smell the man likes. If he likes to smell a
woman who when wet smells like a wet dog, screws like a female dog,
hairs feels and has lice fleas like a dog and animal, and animal that
just rolled around in a puddle with another type animal species, then
he'll go with the White girl.

If in your experience you say Black women look and smell like baboons
then sounds to me like you prefer a flea lice infested head, dog
smelling when wet, female dog in heat White woman.

It all has to do with preference.

The Devil's Advocate©

Feb 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/10/00
On Sun, 06 Feb 2000 01:55:51 GMT, (M.McGill) wrote:

>This reminds me of a white super model I saw on a late night tv. talk
>show. This white super model visited Africa and the famous Massai
>warriors. She said she was fascinated by the Massai warriors.

Obviously sneaking over there looking for some black d***.

The Devil's Advocate

Bull Connor

Feb 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/10/00

The Devil's AdvocateŠ wrote ....

>Obviously sneaking over there looking for some black d***.

Obviously sneaking over there to have her photo taken in front of subhuman
niggers living in pure squalor, because they don't have enough White people
around to take care of them. But you sure do, don't you, boy? You've been
leeching off White people your entire life.

Bull Connor

Feb 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/13/00
On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 22:34:23 GMT, Black Beauty
<> wrote:

That makes a lot of sense. You complain that all the brutha's want
white women yet lament that white women smell bad. Are you
putting forth that your brothers haven't developed past preferring
women that smell like animals? Just like a nigger, a third grade
education and a mouth that won't stop.

>If in your experience you say Black women look and smell like baboons
>then sounds to me like you prefer a flea lice infested head, dog
>smelling when wet, female dog in heat White woman.

Nigger, it's in bad taste for you to do nothing more than parrot
what I posted. Fuckin' newbies. And a mud at that. Seems
this nigger traded some poor addict out of their webtv box.

>It all has to do with preference.

Niggers can't afford "preferences." You receive the crumbs that
fall from the white mans table.

Feb 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/13/00
On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 16:45:57 GMT, Black Beauty
<> wrote:

>In article <>,
> wrote:

Me thinks this niggers jealousy of white women is showing. Now run
along and see if you can get your hair a little straighter and blonder,

Feb 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/13/00
On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 17:29:47 GMT, Black Beauty
<> wrote:

>In article <>,
> wrote:
>OH! you say White Pussy is superioir eh? Well I guess if I fucked and
>sucked 3 or more men like a female dog in heat (like the white bitches
>do -- just look at any porno site) then hell yeah, you'd think I'd have
>superioir pussy too. lOL! I understand White boy. You boys...[..]

Nigger probably posted that just after she blew a couple of crack
dealers for enough rock to get her through the night.

Dick Da Spic

Feb 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/13/00
Myers likes to project his own mothers's adventures in the "trade" on
other people.
Is this guy self hating or what?

Dick the Spic-

Great Celtic Satan

Feb 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/13/00
Shut the FUCK up Dick-lick
Dick Da Spic <> wrote in message

Feb 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/15/00
On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 12:59:12 -0800, Dick Da Spic <>

>Myers likes to project his own mothers's adventures in the "trade" on
>other people.

A "'yo momma" lame from a wetback, how...surprising.

>Is this guy self hating or what?

Hey wetback, you're second grade education doesn't quite qualify
you for a psychology degree.

Feb 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/15/00
<> wrote:

>Many white females I have known are superficial, whiny, and
>shallow. The white women would rather have a male that will
>make herself look better.

Still upset because the White women weren't impressed with
your 'head french fry salter' job, eh?

>I think the cause for this problem is the fact that white women
>have been coddled in their suburban homes while watching too
>many episodes of Full House, Saved by the Bell and the Brady

While the fecal colored females, which you are so fond of, were
out selling their ass before the age of ten.

>Also, on the average, black females have more beautiful features
>than white females.

"On average?" No wonder you prefer mud woman, your IQ's
are comparable.

Feb 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/16/00
In article <88c17j$lbu$>, wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 12:59:12 -0800, Dick Da Spic <>
> wrote:
> >Myers likes to project his own mothers's adventures in the "trade" on
> >other people.
> A "'yo momma" lame from a wetback, how...surprising.
> >Is this guy self hating or what?
> "Hey wetback, you're second grade education..."

Just so you know you're means "you are." I think you want to say "your"
second grade education.

I want to say how

second grade education doesn't quite qualify
> you for a psychology degree.
> >Dick the Spic-
> >
> >> Nigger probably posted that just after she blew a couple of crack
> >> dealers for enough rock to get her through the night.

Feb 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/17/00
On Wed, 16 Feb 2000 00:16:31 GMT, wrote:

>In article <88c17j$lbu$>,
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 12:59:12 -0800, Dick Da Spic <>
>> wrote:
>> >Myers likes to project his own mothers's adventures in the "trade"
>> >on other people.
>> A "'yo momma" lame from a wetback, how...surprising.
>> >Is this guy self hating or what?
>> "Hey wetback, you're second grade education..."
>Just so you know you're means "you are." I think you want to say
>"your" second grade education.
>I want to say how

Indeed, mud, but my grammatical error is a rare occurrence whereas
yourself and other muds prove your illiteracy here on a daily basis.

Feb 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/17/00
On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 20:03:04 -0800, Dick Da Spic
<> wrote:

>> >Myers likes to project his own mothers's adventures in the "trade"
>> >on other people.
>> A "'yo momma" lame from a wetback, how...surprising.

>This from a guy that posted:

>> >> "Nigger probably posted that just after she blew a couple of crack
>> >> dealers for enough rock to get her through the night."

Muddy's reading comprehension problems prevent him from realizing
that what he quoted contains nothing concerning his rather large
fuck-her-for-a-burrito mother.

Dick Da Spic

Feb 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/17/00
> Indeed, mud, but my grammatical error is a rare occurrence whereas
> yourself and other muds prove your illiteracy here on a daily basis.
> --
Iliterate because we DONT use our spell-check, or illiterate because
most of the "muds" here run circles around your pathetic and ludicrous

Dick Da Spic

Feb 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/17/00
Geee.I thought we were talking about "yo momma" jokes.
Can anyone say, "backpeddle"?

Dick the spic-

Dick the Spic

Feb 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/17/00
God Almighty wrote:
> Illiterate because you muds are just fucking stupid.
> -
Am I just fucking stupid because I pointed out your obsessive jealousy
of succesful Blacks or am I fucking stupid because YOU seem to blame
everyone but yourself for your failure in life?

Feb 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/19/00
On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 19:13:27 -0800, Dick Da Spic
<> wrote:

>> Indeed, mud, but my grammatical error is a rare occurrence whereas
>> yourself and other muds prove your illiteracy here on a daily basis.
>> --
>Iliterate because we DONT use our spell-check,

Your illiteracy probably stems from having nothing more than a third
grade mexican education. Not using a spell-check when you are
illiterate is just plain stupid..

>or illiterate because most of the "muds" here run in circles

The illiteracy causes the "circle running."

Feb 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/19/00
On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 19:15:01 -0800, Dick Da Spic
<> wrote:

> wrote:

>> On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 20:03:04 -0800, Dick Da Spic
>> <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >Myers likes to project his own mothers's adventures in the
>> >> >"trade" on other people.
>> >>
>> >> A "'yo momma" lame from a wetback, how...surprising.
>> >
>> >This from a guy that posted:
>> >> >> "Nigger probably posted that just after she blew a couple of
>> >> >> crack dealers for enough rock to get her through the night."
>> Muddy's reading comprehension problems prevent him from realizing
>> that what he quoted contains nothing concerning his rather large
>> fuck-her-for-a-burrito mother.
>> --
>Geee.I thought we were talking about "yo momma" jokes.

Then why did your stupid ass post a quote from me that has absolutely
nothing to do with that subject, moron?

>Can anyone say, "backpeddle"?
>Dick the spic-

Apparently you can't define it.

Feb 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/21/00
On Sat, 19 Feb 2000 17:34:49 -0800, SooperDuperMex <>

>> >Geee.I thought we were talking about "yo momma" jokes.
>> Then why did your stupid ass post a quote from me that has absolutely
>> nothing to do with that subject, moron?

>Youre the one that posted the words, "yo momma" .

This wetback is even more stupid than the average mud.

>> >Can anyone say, "backpeddle"?
>> >Dick the spic-
>> Apparently you can't define it.
>> --

>I cant.

As I said.

Feb 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/21/00
On Sat, 19 Feb 2000 17:28:57 -0800, SooperDuperMex <>

>Once again,"snippy" myers cries out for attention.
>"pPease Mr.Spic...kick my butt again...I've been a bad boy"
>Okay, "snippy". I'll be glad to oblige.

>> >>
>> >> Indeed, mud, but my grammatical error is a rare occurrence whereas
>> >> yourself and other muds prove your illiteracy here on a daily
>> >> --
>> >Iliterate because we DONT use our spell-check,

>Whoa...."snippy has been doing some heavy duty snipping here. He's...

Stop repeating yourself and I'll leave them intact, weepy.

A very small sample of Dicky's repetitiveness, these from just
a very few of his posts.

SooperDuperMex <>

Dick Da Spic <> wrote:

Message-ID: <>

"...cruising your favorite teen-male prostitute avenues"
Message-ID: <aEqr4.1334$>

"We just got some great kiddie porn videotapes just in and
some super beastiality fun fairs coming up. And dont forget August is
wife-beaters month, our most hallowed time."
Message-ID: <>

Message-ID: <>

"women's undergarments, torture wife with a small whip."
Message-ID: <>

Message-ID: <>

Message-ID: <>

"...kiddie porn"
Message-ID: <>

Message-ID: <>

"I was looking at kiddie porn."
Message-ID: <>

Message-ID: <>

Message-ID: <>

Message-ID: <>


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