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When will McGill give it up?

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B9 Predator

Dec 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/23/99
C'mon McMonkey, face the facts. For every exception to the rule. For every
nigger genius or invention you cite, we can name hundreds of whites who done far
greater things. For every white crime you post, we could easily flood this NG
off Usenet will more atrocious examples of nigger crime.

I mean, just who do you think you're fooling anyway? Nobody, black or white,
reads your crap and goes "Gee, I hadn't considered that". Everyone willing to
accept reality already knows the score. Whites create and niggers destroy.


Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99

Here is a history of Whites destroying:

Egypt was destroyed by NORTHERNERS, The Assryians (Caucasions) just like
Rome was destroyed by barbaric Germanic tribes and the Indus River Valley
Civilization was destroyed by Aryan Invaders from the North. The War-like
Aryan whites.

King Taharqa battled with the Assyrian King Esarhaddon for dominion of
Kemet (Egypt).

The negro Nefertem Khu Re Taharqa the Nubian (Kushite) king battled with
the mighty Assyrians for dominion of Kemet (Egypt) and held his own (one
victory and one defeat).
Assyrian Attack. In ca. 677 BC, during Taharqa's thirteenth regnal year,
the Assyrians, led by King Esarhaddon, attacked Egypt's eastern frontier
near Sile with the intent of invasion. Here they were defeated by the
army of Taharqa. Three years later, in 674 BC, they attacked again. This
time they defeated Taharqa and captured Memphis. While Taharqa withdrew
southward, probably to Nubia,....
Rome crumbled because of Barbaric Germanic tribes:

Germanic tribes hunting in the woods and at war with each other. Check out
the Germanic tribes at:

During the third and fourth centuries, there were large migrations of
land-hungry Germans southward and westward onto the Rhine-Danube Frontier.
The basic Germanic political structure was the tribe, headed by a chief
who was elected for his ability as a war leader. It was these tribes that
resulted in Rome's losing control of the great frontier. The Roman and
Germanic cultures greatly clashed. The Germanic religion was polytheistic,
their society was a warrior aristocracy, and finally their societal
structure was a mobile one. By 370 A.D., the tribe had become nations led
by a warrior king. It was at this time that the Huns swept out of central
Asia westward in which they encountered two Germanic nations of Visigoths
and Ostrogoths. This was the spark of many years of invasions and warfare
that provoked the downfall of the Roman controlled frontier. The following
information describes some of the Germanic tribes such as Franks,
Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Huns, Burgundians, Angles, Saxons, Ostrogoths,
Vandals and Lombards.

The Visigoths, also known as the Goths, were a barbaric tribe.

The period between 406 and 572 saw the Germanic barbarians complete their
migrations into the West. It is undoubtedly one of history's most hectic
and confusing periods of time.

The Vandals were a Germanic tribe of Jutland (now in Denmark), who
migrated to the valley of the Odra (Oder) River about the 5th century BC.
During the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD they settled along the Danube River.
This is approximately when they began their conquests over Rome. Today's
usage of the word "vandal" reflects the dread and hostility the tribe
precipitated in other people, especially the Romans, by their LOOTing and
pillaging of the many villages they conquered.
Harappa civilization thrived until about 1500 BC, when the Indus valley
was overrun by Aryan invaders from Iranian plateau...Aryan religious texts
indicate that the Aryans viewed themselves as racially and culturally
superior and
despised the dasas. In north, the area of Aryan dominance, the name dasa
eventually came to mean "slave" or "bondsman".
The exact origins of the IVC people is disputed but appears to belong to
four ethnic types including the Protoaustioloids (Black-Brown people)...
They called themselves the "noble ones" or the "superior ones." Their
names are lost; their tribal names are lost. But when they found
themselves conquerors, they gave themselves the name "superior" or

They were a tribal and nomadic peoples living in the far reaches of
Euro-Asia in hostile steppe lands barely scratching out a living. They
were unquestionably a tough people, and they were fierce and war-like.
Their religion reflects it dominated as it is by a storm-god or sky-god
that enjoins warfare and conquest. This god was called something like
"Dyaus," a word related to "Zeus," "deus" (the Latin word for "god"),
"deva" (the Sanskrit word for "god"), and, of course, the English word
"divine." Their culture was oriented around warfare, and they were very
good at it. They were superior on horseback and rushed into battle in
chariots. They were a tribal people ruled over by a war-chief, or raja
(the Latin word "rex" (king) comes from the same root word, along with the
English "regal"). Somewhere in the early centuries of the second millenium
BC, they began to migrate southwards in waves of steady conquest across
the face of Persia and the lands of India.

There, they would take on the name "superior" or "noble" to distinguish
themselves from the people they conquered. Their name is derived from the
Indo-European root word, "ar," meaning "noble." In Sanskrit, they were the
"Aryas" ("Aryans");...This concept of nobility, in fact, seems to lie at
the heart of Indo-European consciousness, for it appears in another
country's name, "Ireland," or "Eire." You can bet, however, that when a
people go around calling themselves superior that it spells bad news for
other people.

And there is no question that they were bad news for the southern Asians.
They swept over Persia with lightening speed, and spread across the
northern river plains of India. Their nature as a warlike, conquering
people are still preserved in Vedic religion, the foundation of Hinduism.

The Vedic period, then, is a period of cultural mixing, not of conquest.
Although the Aryans were a conquering people when they first spread into
India, the culture of the Aryans would gradually mix with indigenous
cultures, and the war-religion of the Aryans, still preserved in parts of
the Rig Veda, slowly became more ritualized and more meditative. By 200
BC, this process of mixing and transforming was more or less complete and
the culture we call "Indian" was fully formed.
Whites lead mass killing list in the past six decades.
6 million martyrs of the Nazi genocide.
Mass Killings

Record of Misery: mass killing in the past five decades
This table lists events involving 100,000 or more human deaths.

USSR: Stalin's terror, 1936-53 20 million plus [1,2,5]

W.W.II: noncombatant deaths
Russia/USSR:civilian deaths by Nazis 7-12 million [4,5]
Europe: The Holocaust, 1933-45 6 million [1,4]


1.Charny (1988) Genocide: a critical bibliographic review, vol.2.
2.Matthews (1994) Guiness Book of Records, pp. 184-85.
3.Masland (1994) "Will it be Peace or Punishment?," Newsweek
(August 1):37.
4.Clodfelter (1992) Warfare and Armed Conflicts, vol. 2.
5.Elliot (1972) Twentieth Century Book of the Dead.
Add to that:
The Crusades, the Inquisition, and since whites consider Arabs caucasions
lets include the Islamic Holy wars, the genocide of Native Americans,
World War I, World War II, the holocaust by itself, the Cold War, the
Soviet genocide, The massacre of Ghandi's people in India, and many
Add to that the destruction to animals and the environement:
Thylacine is actually the scientific name for the Tasmanian Wolf. Some
books also call it the Tasmanian Tiger.
At the time of European settlement, thylacines lived throughout Tasmania,
except in the west and south west regions. The new settlers showed
little interest in the native animals of Tasmania including the thylacine.
Pioneer sheep farmers in Tasmania considered the thylacine to be a pest
and blamed it for heavy sheep losses.

The Van Diemen's Land Company employed a thylacine trapper and introduced
a bounty scheme on their property at Woolnorth in North West
Tasmania. Continued pressure from farmers on the Government led to the
introduction of a Government Bounty Scheme. The bounty led to
increased hunting pressure over the next twenty years. Bounty payments for
2,063 animals are recorded.

Suddenly after 1905 very few thylacines were caught. The last thylacine
(female) died in Hobart Zoo on 7th September 1936, aged 12 years (born
19.2.1924) . Full protection was proclaimed in 1936.

Despite hundreds of reported sightings of thylacines since 1936, no
conclusive evidence of its existence has been discovered.

Though researchers have discovered numerous examples of environmental
disruption caused by dams, they realize that they have barely scratched
the surface. The cliche is apt, because little of what goes on below the
surface of rivers has penetrated the landlocked biases of Homo sapiens.
The studies that have been done indicate that dams have been disastrous
for river ecosystems.
Larry Master, the chief zoologist of The Nature Conservancy, says, "Dams have
been the dominant factor in the decline of aquatic fauna in this country."
He goes on to characterize the current health of America's aquatic fauna
as "appalling." Master's judgment carries particular weight, because he
has led the most comprehensive study to date on the status of the nation's
freshwater animals.

So far Master and his colleagues have studied four broad groups of river fauna
and have found that all are in trouble: about 20 percent of dragonfly
species, 36 percent of fishes, 64 percent of crayfish, and 67 percent of
freshwater mussels are either extinct, imperiled, or vulnerable. Embattled
though they are, terrestrial fauna are faring comparatively well: 14
percent of birds and 16 percent of mammals are extinct, imperiled, or
vulnerable by Master's standards. David Allan, an aquatic ecologist at the
University of Michigan, observes that many species not yet officially
endangered are in decline--some to the point at which the functioning of
their river ecosystems is substantially altered.

*There is also evidence that the rate of decline is accelerating.*

Research by the American Fisheries Society suggests that the rate of
extinction for North American fish species has doubled during the past
century. From 1979 to 1989 the AFS added 139 species and subspecies of
fish to its list of rare and vanishing fishes of North America and removed
only twenty-six--sixteen owing to technical adjustments, ten because they
had gone extinct, and none because they had recovered.
1.Ok we can start off with the destruction of the buffalo by the white man.
"Oh give me a home,
where the buffalo roam,
and the deer and the antelope play...."
- Home on the Range

At one time in the history of the United States, this "home" was called
the Midwestern U.S. Before the expansion of the U.S., American buffalo,
properly known as bison, roamed wild in herds in the Midwest. However,
when the Western expansion movement began, people began killing them for
various reasons. First it was for meat to eat on the journey westward, a
justifiable reason. But with
the advent of the locomotive, this food was not as necessary, since the
trip could be made in shorter amounts of time. Instead, men used them as
target practice and shot the bison from WITHIN THE
MOVING TRAIN! This meant that once the bison was shot, it would be left
there to rot, and was completely wasted. Because of this, the bison now
survive only in small numbers in the U.S.

2. Next we can go to the white man's destruction of the whales.
Before the expansion of the U.S., American buffalo, properly known as
bison, roamed wild in herds in the Midwest. However, when the Western
expansion movement began, people began killing them for various
reasons...This was not just isolated to land. In the oceans of the
North-Eastern U.S., whale used to populate the waters in abundance. They
were killed for oil to cook, to heat homes, etc., a good reason since they
were used in the colder areas of the U.S. However, because of population
growth, more and more oil was needed. Because of this more and more whales
were killed. Soon the whale was driven to the brink of extinction. Today
their numbers are recovering, but they are still nowhere near the number
they used to be before the hunting began.

3.Next we can go to the destruction of the Tasmanain Tiger (wolf) by the
white man.

4. Next we can go to the building of dams (mostly by whites):

The Trouble With Dams
Some 100,000 dams regulate America's rivers and creeks, often at the
expense of ecosystems...

America is close to being the most dammed nation on earth, second only to China.


ON the south side of the Lower Granite complex a Rube Goldberg apparatus of
metal chutes and ladders angles from the top of the dam down to a dock a few
hundred yards downriver. When I visited the dock that spring day several years
ago, workers were loading a shipshape red-and-gray Corps barge. They had
positioned a large pipe so that water from the apparatus poured into the hold of
the vessel. The gushing water was filled with thousands upon thousands of
silvery finger-length fish: young salmon, called smolts. In the spring smolts
from innumerable spawning streams spill into the Snake and drift downriver,
starting their anadromous life cycle by heading for the Pacific. At Lower
Granite the Corps annually funnels, sorts, and pipes 6-9 million of these
fish into barges.

The barges haul the smolts hundreds of miles, past the seven additional dams
that lie between the salmon and the sea, and dump them into the lower Columbia.
The Corps calls this procedure "fish transportation."

Whether transportation is the best way to help the salmon is arguable; many
scientists think that barging kills more smolts than it saves. But no one
questions the need to help the migrating fish. The dams have so
transformed the river that, as one Idaho Fish and Game supervisor puts it,
"sending them down the river would just be sending them to their death."

Such transformations lie at the heart of the ongoing environmental harm done by
dams. Rivers are rivers because they flow, and the nature of their flows defines
much of their character. When dams alter flows, they alter the essence of

Consider the erstwhile river behind Lower Granite. Although I was there in the
springtime, when I looked at the water it was moving too slowly to merit the
word "flow"--and Lower Granite Lake isn't even one of the region's enormous
storage reservoirs, which bring currents to a virtual halt. In the past, spring
snowmelt sent powerful currents down the Snake during April and May.
Nowadays hydropower operators on the Columbia and Snake systems store the
runoff behind the dams and release it during the winter, when demand--and
the price--for electricity rises. Over the ages, however, many populations
of salmon strong flows to migrate, drifting downstream with the current.
During the journey smolts' bodies undergo physiological changes that
require them to reach salt water quickly. Before dams backed up the Snake,
smolts coming down from Idaho got to the sea in six to twenty days; now it
takes from sixty to ninety days, and few of the young salmon reach salt
water in time. The emasculated current is the single largest reason that
the number of wild adult salmon migrating up the Snake each year has
crashed from predevelopment runs of 100,000 200,000 to what was projected
to be 150-175 this year.

Dams not only disrupt the flow of water; they also virtually cut off the
flow of sediment. When the current dissipates in the reservoir, its load
of suspended
particles sinks to the bottom, trapped for the life of the dam. Very
little slips by a large dam. Studies show that Glen Canyon Dam captures
99.5 percent of the sediment tumbling down the Colorado. The trapped
sediment includes organic matter, which is vital to downriver food webs.
Sandbars where plants have grown
in and alongside a river- important wildlife habitat--constantly erode; without
sediment with which to rebuild, they soon vanish. The same holds for riverbanks.

The loss of replacement sediment also leads to the lowering of the
riverbed, which harms the riparian zone--the land along a river that
derives its character
from the river. As the channel deepens and the elevation of the river drops, the
water table beneath the riparian areas drops correspondingly. This dries
up those lush, elongated oases that are such important havens for
wildlife--and for human beings.

5.Next we can go to the destruction of marine life by drift net fishing.

The Government today acted to help save dwindling dolphin populations by
announcing changes to UK licences for tuna drift net fishing. Fisheries
Minister Elliot Morley said the move would affect the seas south-west of
the UK.

He said: "This is the first step towards ending the unacceptable toll of
dolphins in drift nets. "The UK is pressing for the agreement of other EU
member states to take similar immediate action as well as to agree to a

The new licence will apply to all UK vessels over 10 metres and will
prevent additional vessels joining the fleet pending EU agreement to a

Mr Morley said that from February 1, the only UK vessels eligible to fish
for tuna using drift nets, for which a separate non transferable licence
will be required, will be those which did so in either 1996 or 1997. "This
will limit participation to a maximum of 10 vessels, and some of these
have been approved for a decommissioning grant which they can take up by
the end of February."
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 96 11:29:00 UTC 0000

EU drift net fishing ban blocked

BRUSSELS, April 22 (Reuter) - The European Union failed on
Monday to make any progress towards banning the use of drift
nets for catching tuna, swordfish and salmon, EU officials said.
Only Spain and Greece support a long-standing proposal by
the EU's executive European Commission to ban drift nets in the
northeast Atlantic, Mediterranean and Baltic by the end of 1997.
"The proposal is totally blocked," said one official after
a meeting of EU fisheries ministers.
EU Fisheries Commissioner Emma Bonino said she had no plans
to present a fresh proposal.
Italy pledged that its fishermen in the Mediterranean will
obey current rules forbidding the use of drift nets longer than
2.5 kilometres (1.5 miles).
The United States had warned that it could impose trade
sanctions this summer after the U.S. Court of International
Trade ruled recently that Italy was breaking international
Some officials said Italian fishermen were using nets of up
to 20 km to catch swordfish.
The European Commission said that a fisheries inspection
vessel, first chartered in 1995, will extend its patrols to the
Mediterranean this year.
Environmental groups, such as Greenpeace, have campaigned
vigourously to abolish "curtains of death drift nets" which
they say kill thousands of dolphins and other marine mammals
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 96 11:30:00 UTC 0000


BUCHAREST, (Apr. 21) IPS - Scientists here have warned that dolphins will
become extinct in the Black Sea if nothing is done to end the threat posed by
pollution and the legacy of years of hunting.
"Something must be done to stop the disappearance of the dolphins," says
Alexandru Bologa, scientific researcher at the Romanian Institute for Marine
Research (IRCM), based in the port city of Constanta, about 250 kilometers
south-east of Bucharest.
According to Bologa, the dolphin population has dwindled to just one percent
of the number recorded 46 years ago. In 1950, he said, one million dolphins
belonging to three species lived in the Black Sea. However, their numbers
started decreasing soon after.
By 1970 there were just 70,000 of these highly intelligent aquatic mammals
left, and by 1995 the school had been reduced to 10,000. If the present rate
of destruction continues dolphins will cease to exist in the Black Sea by the
turn of the century, he said.
He blames the pollution of the Black Sea and the cruel massacre of the
animals during the former communist regime, under its grimly-titled "program of
economic capitalization of dolphins."
Romanian researchers have already taken some steps to save the dolphins.
This campaign is being supported by a number of regional and international
organizations including the Mediterranean Sea Scientific Exploration Group,
the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
As many scientific reports show, the water in the Black Sea is strongly
polluted by a variety of chemicals. One of the biggest sources of pollution is
the Danube river. It flows through six countries over close to 3,000
kilometers between its origins in Germany and where it falls into the Black
Sea in Romania.
In its path it carries various kinds of chemicals that either are dumped by
factories and other industrial installations or seep through the earth from
large agricultural centers. Shipping in the Black Sea also contributes to the
pollution, causing considerable amounts of oil spillage.
Ecologists estimate that approximately 30,000 tons of phosphorus and three
quarter million tons of nitrates are poured into the Black Sea annually.
"This is quite dangerous not only for dolphins, but also for the entire
fauna of the sea,"said Bologa, who urges the government to endorse the "polluter
pays" principle. "The people who ignore the most elementary rules for
protection and contribute to the pollution of water should be sued or fined."
According to Bologa, if effective steps are not taken to protect the
dolphins, then in the future one will only be able to see live dolphins at the
"dolphinarium" (a public amusement center) in Constanta.
Threats - Fishing

Throughout their lives, turtles of differing ages and species
travel extensively throughout the Mediterranean Sea. During their
movements, the turtles come into contact with a great deal of fishing
activity, nearly all of which is potentially lethal to them. It is
estimated that at least 6000-8000 Mediterranean sea turtles are caught by
fishing activities every year (Demetropoulos). The main species caught is
the loggerhead turtle - Caretta caretta.

There are three main types of fishing technique employed by the
Mediterranean fishing industries which cause the incidental capture of sea
turtles. They are
long-line fishing, trawl-net fishing and drift-net or gill-net fishing.

Turtle stocks have been and still are, in some areas, heavily exploited. I
will concentrate on the Mediterranean, which to some degree reflects the
global picture. About 4000 Loggerhead turtles are fished every year in
Tunisia. The catch in the Mediterranean is estimated to be at least
6000-8000 animals per year. Given the slow growth rate of these animals,
which may take anything from 10-20 years to mature, the picture is very
disturbing indeed.

6. Next we go to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.
Key Event:
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Fouls Alaska Coast

The largest oil spill in U.S. history occurred in March 1989 when the
Exxon Valdez tanker ran aground in Prince William Sound in the Gulf of
Alaska, spilling 11 million gallons (42 million liters) of crude oil. The
resulting slick covered more than 1,000 miles (1,600 km) of the Alaska
coastline and caused an estimated $3 billion to $15 billion in
environmental damages. The spill killed hundreds of thousands of fish and
seabirds and thousands of otters. [See 1989 Largest U.S. Oil Spill Fouls
Alaska Marine Habitat]
The devastation to the environment was immediate, and harsh. The official
death toll estimates 250,000 seabirds, 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals,
250 bald eagles, and as many as 22 killer whales were killed by the spill.
Oil washed up on 1,300 miles of shoreline and drifted as far west as the
the Aleutian Peninsula.

In its February 1999 status report, the trustee council reviewed the
standing of the 28 species and resources designated as damaged by the

What happened to Captain Hazelwood (the white Captain)?

Joseph Hazelwood, who had a history of substance abuse,
was fired by Exxon, lost his license to captain a ship, and was found
guilty of criminal charges. One of the charges was for leaving the
command of the ship to an officer not certified to handle it inside Prince
William Sound in addition to civil suits...He has not been able to find
employment in the same field and he has tried at other jobs related to the
sea, such as lobster fishing.

7.Next we to to Nuclear Testing (by white people) in the Marshall Islands
and its destructibe effects : A Chronology of Events

Preparations commence at Bikini Atoll for Operation Castle, to test a
series of megaton range weapons, including America's first deliverable
hydrogen bomb.

Operation Redwing begins at Enewetak and Bikini. A total of 17 nuclear
tests, including several hydrogen bombs, are detonated.

The first thyroid tumors begin appearing among the Rongelap people exposed
to the Bravo test in 1954. Also, a higher than normal incidence of growth
retardation among young Rongelap Islanders is noted by U.S. doctors.

AEC draft report, not publicly released, concludes that Bravo fallout may
have contaminated as many as 18 atolls and islands, including Kwajalein
and Majuro.

U.S. Rep. George Miller writes to President Bill Clinton:... He also
comments on an ongoing thyroid study in the Marshalls. "The findings of
the thyroid survey are disturbing. The Committee has been informed that
even if only 50 percent of the survey results are verified...the incidence
rate is still significantly higher, by a factor of 100, than the rate of
thyroid cancer found anywhere else in the world."
The U.S. Department of Energy begins releasing thousands of previously
classified nuclear test era documents, many of which confirm the wider
extent of the fallout contamination in the Marshall Islands.

8. Next we go to the killing off of wolves in the United States (mostly by
white settlers):

"The first settlers...killed the wolves at every opportunity. Bounties
have been paid on the wolf from the ealiest days in an effort to wipe it
out. The wolf has almost been eradicated...."-SPORTSMAN'S GUIDE TO GAME
ANIMALS by Leonard Lee Rue III, 1968.
Wolves are very misunderstood animals. Between 1630 and 1960, great
efforts were put out to eradicate the wolf from North America, and they
were wiped out in nearly half of their former range. The Red Wolf is
nearly extinct and efforts to reintroduce it have had very little success.
Only now are people beginning to understand the true nature of the wolf.
The red wolf is the most endangered canid in the world. They are nearly
extinct because they have been hunted and poisoned by ranchers and

Of three different subspecies of red wolves, only one is still extant.
Canis rufus floridanus was extinct by 1930 and Canis rufus
rufus was extinct by 1970. In 1973, the red wolf was placed on
the list of endangered species in the new Endangered Species act.
However, Canis rufus gregregoryi is thought to have gone
extinct in the wild by 1980. Red wolves had formerly been found
from Texas to Florida and north to Carolina, Kentucky, Illinios
and Missouri. Now, they can be found in small parts of Louisiana and Texas.

9. Next we go to the extinction of the Dodo bird by the white man.

Mauritius is an Island in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa

The Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) did not survive long after the first
settlement of the Dutch in Mauritius in 1638.Even though they described
the bird as 'walchvogel' meaning 'disguting to eat' they certainly must
have had fun clobbering the clumsy creatures that waddled up to them only
to be hit on the head with a stout staff. In fact the name Dodo comes from
the Dutch 'Dodars' or 'Dodoor', meaning a sluggard or a stupid fool.

due mainly to dogs,hogs and monkeys that were introduced onto the island,
and who had a particular weakness for the large, single egg that the dodo
laid. By
about 1681, the dodo had been totally wiped out. Thus it became the first
creature known to have become extinct due to the actions of man and other
predators, and the destruction of its habitat.

Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99

B9 Predator wrote in message <>...

> C'mon McMonkey, face the facts. For every exception to the rule. For
>nigger genius or invention you cite, we can name hundreds of whites who
done far
>greater things. For every white crime you post, we could easily flood this
>off Usenet will more atrocious examples of nigger crime.
> I mean, just who do you think you're fooling anyway? Nobody, black or
>reads your crap and goes "Gee, I hadn't considered that". Everyone willing
>accept reality already knows the score. Whites create and niggers destroy.

That nigger has a hard head. A while back I posted probably 50 Caucasian
scientists to every one nigger he posted. I could have posted thousands
because they are numerous but posting takes too much time. He's not trying
to convince us, he's trying convince himself that his worthless race has
some kind of signifigance. I guess I can't really blame him.

Total Internet privacy -- get your Freedom pseudonym at

Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99

If you want a history of niggers destroying just have a look at crime
statistics. Hell just have a fucking look around any major city.

M.McGill wrote in message ...

>In article <>, some who gives a shit wrote:

>> C'mon McMonkey, face the facts. For every exception to the rule. For
>> nigger genius or invention you cite, we can name hundreds of whites who
>done far
>> greater things. For every white crime you post, we could easily flood
this NG
>> off Usenet will more atrocious examples of nigger crime.
>> I mean, just who do you think you're fooling anyway? Nobody, black or
>> reads your crap and goes "Gee, I hadn't considered that". Everyone
willing to
>> accept reality already knows the score. Whites create and niggers



Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99

> If you want a history of niggers destroying just have a look at crime
> statistics. Hell just have a fucking look around any major city.

Well since we are talking about history and criminal activity, lets look
at the history of criminal activity and gangs in the United States urban
areas so we can get a historical perspective on gangs, race and crime.

When whites such as Italians and Irish occupied a similar position
in the United States (second class citizens, living in the urban ghettos)
as Negroes do in the 1980s and 1990s this was the results:

"In the early 1900s the U.S. economy worsened, the population grew at a
rapid pace, and the gap between the rich and poor widened. All across
the nation gangs appeared where poor, hopeless people lived. The dawning
of the 20th century also brought with it a widespread use of firearms."


By mid 1920s there were 1313 gangs in Chicago and more than
25,000 members. Gang warfare in Chicago was
widespread and fighting took place along ethnic, cultural and
racial lines. Some gangs had no noticeable cultural, ethnic or
national ties and consisted mostly of whites.

Changes in Ethnic Populations

Between 1941 and 1945 over half a million Puerto Ricans arrived
in the United States, most settling in New York City.
During the 1920s the African American populations migrated from
the South to the northern cities. Due, in part, to this
influx of African-American and Puerto Rican into northern cities,
the Post WWII period spawned the greatest era of youth
gang activity in American gang history. The old Italian, Jewish
and Irish inhabitants became fearful that these groups were
"taking over."
"After the Civil War in 1865 New York records indicate a presence of
Jewish, Italian, African-American and Irish gangs."

"Irish immigrants formed the first American criminal gangs in New York City."

"It was not until the 19th century that "criminal" gangs first formed.
As the result of a worsening economy and growing population that
increased competition for jobs, gangs began to specialize in crime and
became a part of America's cities."
In the 1920s, violent gangsters led a wave of crime in Chicago and
"Scarface" Al Capone was one of their most notorious leaders...The
gangsters turned Chicago into a crime capital,......

It seems that Italians and Irish occupied a similar position in urban
areas as negroes and puerto ricans do in the 1980s and 1990s.

"After the Civil War in 1865 New York records indicate a presence of
Jewish, Italian, African-American and Irish gangs.....
Irish immigrants formed the first American criminal gangs in New York
City. Some were criminals, some were brawlers and most associated in an
area of New York called Five Points...The level of violence escalated.
The Whyos of Five Points used murder as a membership requirement. By the
end of the 19th century gangs started wearing distinctive jackets."


Now I will make a comparison before the changes in Ethnic Populations
between when whites were the majority of urban criminal gangs (according
to the article that chronicles the history of gangs in the U.S.) and
today when African Americans and Puerto Ricans are the Majority of urban
criminal gangs in cities like Chicago and New York.
Crime percentage based on population divided by total arrests = X
100 divided by X = percentage
Chicago, Illinois
Crime Statistics

Population 1914 2391852
Total Arrests 116895
Percentage 4.88%
Criminal Justice Indicators
New York City: 1994-1998

Population 1997 7,320,477
Total Arrests 335,264
Percentage 4.58%

Conclusion: During the time (1910-1920) when Italians and Irish occupied
a similar position in urban areas as negroes and puerto ricans do in the
1980s and 1990s, when the majority of criminal gangs in Chicago were
white, Chicago had a
higher crime percentage than New York City in 1997. Also New York City back
in 1920 (when the majority of the urban criminal gangs were white) had a
higher crime percentage than New York City did in 1997.
New York, New York Crime Statistics

Population 1920 5620048
Total Arrests 266749
percentage 4.74%

So you see the crime rate was just as bad when Whites made up the
majority of urban criminal gangs as when Negroes and Puerto Ricans were
the majority of urban criminal gangs.

This doesn't excuse Negro crime today of course, I am just pointing out
that whites had just as much a violent criminal gang history as Negroes
and Puerto Ricans in this country. All races are capable of acting like
savages to the same degree.

Page 68, 69, and 70 of _HISTORIC CITY The Settlement of CHICAGO_ 1976 by
the City of Chicago:

The Irish
The 200,000 Irish-born residents and their children were, in 1920, only a
part of the Irish community which was already into its third and fourth
American-born generations.

The Italians:
In 1920, Chicagoans of Italian birth and their children numbered 124,184.

The Blacks
In 1920, there were 109,458 blacks living in Chicago.
According to the 1910 census, Chicago's black population was 44,103 in
1910.- Source:
page 127 of _LAND OF HOPE_ Chicago, Black Southerners, and the Great
Migration 1989 University of Chicago, James R. Grossman.

In 1923 - the federal census bureau tabulated the City's (New York's)
African American population at 183,428. - Source:
by William Loren Katz 1997.
Black Population by City Top 50 -- 1990 Census

Rank City State Black Pop. Total Pop. Percent Black

1. New York NY 2,102,512 7,322,564 28.7
2. Chicago IL 1,087,711 2,783,726 39.1
Estimated Black population of Chicago based on 1910 (44,103) and 1920
(109,458) Census was 70,245 (6,535.5 a year increase from 1910 to 1920).
70,245 divided by 2391852 = 0.00293 x 100 = 2.93% Negro percentage.

Black population of New York City in 1923 according to Federal Census
Bureau was 183,428.
183,428 divided by 5620048 (Total New York pop. 1920) = 0.03263 x 100 =
3.26% Negro population.

RESULTS: During the time there was a LOWER percentage of negroes and the
majority of criminal gangs in Chicago were white, Chicago had a higher
crime percentage than New York City in 1997. New York City in 1997 had a
much HIGHER percentage of Negroes, and a lower percentage of whites than
Chicago did in 1914. Also New York City back in 1920 had a HIGHER crime
percentage than New York City did in 1997, even though there was a higher
percentage of Negroes in New York City (1997) than there was in 1920.
During 1920 in New York City the majority of urban criminal gangs were
made up of whites (Irish, Italian etc..). Today the majority of urban
criminal gangs in New York City are Negroes and Puerto Ricans.

Negro percentage of Chicago 1914 = 2.93%
Total crime percentage of Chicago 1914 = 4.88%

Negro percentage of New York City 1990 = 28.7%
Total crime percentage of New York City 1997 = 4.58%

Results = a HIGHER Negro percentage of City = LOWER total crime rate.
A HIGHER White percentage of City = HIGHER total crime rate
Negro percentage of New York City 1923 = 3.26%
Total crime percentage of New York City 1920 = 4.74%

Negro percentage of New York City 1990 = 28.7%
Total crime percentage of New York City 1997 = 4.58%

Results = a higher Negro percentage of City = LOWER total crime rate.
A HIGHER White percentage of City = HIGHER total crime rate
The difference between 1914-1923 in Chicago & New York City and 1990-1997
Chicago & New York City is that Whites (Irish, Italians etc..) made up the
majority of urban Criminal gangs in 1914-1923 and Negroes and Puerto
Ricans made up the majority of urban criminal gangs in 1990-1997. The
demographics of urban gang and ghetto life was different in 1914-1923 than
in 1990-1997, but the crime rate was just as bad or worst in 1914-1923 in
Chicago and New York.


Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99

> B9 Predator wrote in message <>...

> > C'mon McMonkey, face the facts. For every exception to the rule. For
> every
> >nigger genius or invention you cite, we can name hundreds of whites who
> done far
> >greater things. For every white crime you post, we could easily flood this
> NG
> >off Usenet will more atrocious examples of nigger crime.
> >
> > I mean, just who do you think you're fooling anyway? Nobody, black or
> white,
> >reads your crap and goes "Gee, I hadn't considered that". Everyone willing
> to
> >accept reality already knows the score. Whites create and niggers destroy.

> That nigger has a hard head. A while back I posted probably 50 Caucasian
> scientists to every one nigger he posted. I could have posted thousands
> because they are numerous but posting takes too much time. He's not trying
> to convince us, he's trying convince himself that his worthless race has
> some kind of signifigance. I guess I can't really blame him.

What does that prove? in 1962 a person could have posted 50 to 1 more
white pro football stars as negro football stars. Today I can post twice
as many Negroid football stars as white football stars. When your dealing
with Potential things can and do change.


Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99
On Sat, 25 Dec 1999 18:09:25 GMT, (M.McGill) wrote:

>In article <>, wrote:
>> If you want a history of niggers destroying just have a look at crime
>> statistics. Hell just have a fucking look around any major city.
>Well since we are talking about history and criminal activity, lets look
>at the history of criminal activity and gangs in the United States urban
>areas so we can get a historical perspective on gangs, race and crime.
>When whites such as Italians and Irish occupied a similar position

Yes, but at least they actually contributed something to this society.
The infrastructure of New York, Boston, etc. was built by the Irish
and Italians.

>in the United States (second class citizens, living in the urban ghettos)
>as Negroes do in the 1980s and 1990s this was the results:

You've had 200 years to pull yourself out of the ghetto. Why are you
still there. Why do gooks come to this country with a plane ticket
and $200 in their pockets and eventually make something out of


Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99

M.McGill <> wrote <snip the reposted bullshit>

Nothing original (again), just the umpteeth time the same "White Gangs" info
has been posted in lieu of a real answer.


Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99

BAH_BAH_Booy <> wrote

> You've had 200 years to pull yourself out of the ghetto. Why are you
> still there. Why do gooks come to this country with a plane ticket
> and $200 in their pockets and eventually make something out of
> themselves.

On the tenth anniversary of the Cuban Mariel boatlift, a "Nightline" episode
was devoted to comparing the accomplishments of Cuban immigrants versus
native Americoons. A young Cuban man described how he came to Florida as a
teenager with nothing more than the clothes on his back, and he moved in
with a relative, leaned English, and finished high school. Working at a
Kentucky Fried Chicken stand, he worked his way through a local junior
college and then got a scholarship to attend the University of Florida, from
which he graduated with a business degree. He opened up a furniture store,
worked hard and put in a lot of long hours, and before long had a chain of
furniture stores. In the meantime he'd bought a home, gotten married and
had kids, and his family was solidly in the American middle class. All this
in ten years.

Ted Koppel then turned to this local Miami nog "community activist" and
asked why American blacks hadn't been able to do the same. This shine then
loudly blurted out, "Well, we been da victims of 400 years of
O-pression....." I nearly fell out of the chair laughing. Koppel couldn't
have kept a straight face had his life depended on it.

Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99

M.McGill wrote in message ...

It proves that Caucasians are, have always been and always will be the
leaders in science and technology. It proves that niggers have no aptitude
for science and technology. Other wise southern and western Africa would be
supper powers.

Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99

I'm going to start calling this nigger McRepetilla.
Byker wrote in message ...


Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99

Byker wrote in message ...

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just what I
would expect a fucking nigger to say when confronted with cold reality of
the truth.


Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
In article <>, BAH_BAH_Booy wrote:

> On Sat, 25 Dec 1999 18:09:25 GMT, (M.McGill) wrote:
> >In article <>, wrote:
> >
> >> If you want a history of niggers destroying just have a look at crime
> >> statistics. Hell just have a fucking look around any major city.
> >
> >Well since we are talking about history and criminal activity, lets look
> >at the history of criminal activity and gangs in the United States urban
> >areas so we can get a historical perspective on gangs, race and crime.
> >
> >When whites such as Italians and Irish occupied a similar position
> Yes, but at least they actually contributed something to this society.
> The infrastructure of New York, Boston, etc. was built by the Irish
> and Italians.
> >in the United States (second class citizens, living in the urban ghettos)
> >as Negroes do in the 1980s and 1990s this was the results:
> You've had 200 years to pull yourself out of the ghetto. Why are you
> still there. Why do gooks come to this country with a plane ticket
> and $200 in their pockets and eventually make something out of
> themselves.

Here is your answer:
Since World World II the American Negro has come a long way, from 1/20
to 3/5 middle class. "faster than that of any other
group in American social history".
To borrow Ralph Ellison's phrase, the "invisible man" of the 1990s is the
successful black working- and middle-class suburbanite, not
interacting with ghetto blacks and largely ignored by whites. Ironically,
as Richard P. Nathan writes, the identification of the black
situation with the ghetto poor stems from the fact that "members of racial
minority groups who are educated, talented, and motivated can
assimilate in ways that a generation ago would have been thought
inconceivable." Few note the blacks who "make it." As William P. O'Hare
and his co-authors noted in a 1991 article, the record is clear:

Writing in 1994, Henry Louis Gates Jr., head of Harvard University's
African American Studies department, noted that "never before
have so many blacks done so well." Economist Peter F. Drucker sums up the
post-World War II changes:

In the 50 years since the Second World War, the economic position of
African Americans in America has improved faster than that of any other
group in American social history -- or in the social history of any
country. Three-fifths of America's blacks rose into middle-class incomes;
before the Second World War the figure was one-twentieth.
Title: The new millionaires: emerging generation of supersuccessful
African-Americans redefine wealth.

Summary: A new generation of African-American millionaires has emerged
in the 90's, one that generally is more generous and less ostentatious
than those in the past. business list
Ten of the nation's most populated cities boast over 126,000 Black-Owned
Go to: business list

and click on BLACK BUSINESSES. You will get a list which you can click
on see the many different Black owned businesses, they are:



Women Owned Business
1987 - 4.48 million 1996 - 7.95 million ( up 78 % )

Businesses owned by black women: 405,200 ( up 135 %
since 1987 ).

Businesses owned by Hispanic women: 382,400 ( up 206 %
since 1987 ).

Business owned by Asian and American Indian women:
305,700 { up 138 % since 1987 ).
Blacks, who make up 12 percent of the U.S. population, made up 24.5
percent of military personnel deployed to the Persian Gulf. In the U.S.
military some 400,000 blacks serve in an active-duty force of 2.1
million. By the fall of 1985 blacks accounted for 13 percent of enlisted
personnel in the Navy, 17 percent in the Air Force, 20 percent in the
Marine Corps, and 30 percent in the Army.


Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99

> Byker wrote in message ...
> >
> >BAH_BAH_Booy <> wrote
> >

> >> You've had 200 years to pull yourself out of the ghetto. Why are you
> >> still there. Why do gooks come to this country with a plane ticket
> >> and $200 in their pockets and eventually make something out of
> >> themselves.
> >

> >On the tenth anniversary of the Cuban Mariel boatlift, a "Nightline"
> episode
> >was devoted to comparing the accomplishments of Cuban immigrants versus
> >native Americoons. A young Cuban man described how he came to Florida as a
> >teenager with nothing more than the clothes on his back, and he moved in
> >with a relative, leaned English, and finished high school. Working at a
> >Kentucky Fried Chicken stand, he worked his way through a local junior
> >college and then got a scholarship to attend the University of Florida,
> from
> >which he graduated with a business degree. He opened up a furniture store,
> >worked hard and put in a lot of long hours, and before long had a chain of
> >furniture stores. In the meantime he'd bought a home, gotten married and
> >had kids, and his family was solidly in the American middle class. All
> this
> >in ten years.
> >
> >Ted Koppel then turned to this local Miami nog "community activist" and
> >asked why American blacks hadn't been able to do the same. This shine then
> >loudly blurted out, "Well, we been da victims of 400 years of
> >O-pression....." I nearly fell out of the chair laughing. Koppel couldn't
> >have kept a straight face had his life depended on it.
> >
> Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
> ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just what I
> would expect a fucking nigger to say when confronted with cold reality of
> the truth.

Here is cold hard reality:

Title: Black-owned businesses

Summary: Black-owned businesses are growing faster than average, but
remain smaller than average. Black entrepreneurs often start up part-time
ventures in fields in which they have experience, usually in services.
Northern states boast the highest ownership rates and are seeing the
fastest growth. The future of black businesses is as uncertain as future
economic conditions. The continuing tendency of corporations to downsize
and outsource various tasks means the number of black-owned businesses
should continue to rise fairly rapidly. In addition, it could be easier in
the future for some entrepreneurs to obtain funding.

Source: American Demographics
Date: 06/01/1996
Price: $2.95
Document Size: Medium (3 to 7 pages)
Document ID: PG19991020050074244
Subject(s): Statistical data; Minority owned
businesses; Demographics; Business growth; Blacks; Economic conditions;
Business forecasts
Citation Information: ISSN: 0163-4089; Vol. 18 No.
6; p. 24
Author(s): Anonymous
Copyright Holder: 1996, American Demographics, Inc.
Document Type: Article

Black-Owned Businesses
by Paula Mergenhagen
June 1996
American Demographics

Terry Maxwell knew a market existed for office products designed to
prevent repetitive-motion injuries. The Mesa, Arizona, resident had sales
and marketing experience, and his wife was an engineer with skills in
technical design. In 1993, Maxwell did the logical thing; he started a
company called Ergonomic Products. Three years later, his client list
includes AT&T, Procter & Gamble, Revlon, and American Express.

Maxwell is one of a burgeoning number of black entrepreneurs. Between 1987
and 1992, the number of black-owned businesses increased 46 percent, from
424,200 to 620,900, according to the Census Bureau's Survey of
Minority-Owned Business Enterprises.* The total number of U.S. businesses
increased 26 percent during the same time period, from 13.7 million to
17.3 million. Blacks, who make up 12 percent of the U.S. population, are
still underrepresented among business owners, however. In 1987,
black-owned companies were 3.1 percent of the nation's businesses; in
1992, they were 3.6 percent.

Behind the Numbers The data in this article were collected by the Census
Bureau as part of the 1992 Economic Census from a large sample of all
nonfarm businesses filing tax forms as individual proprietorships,
partnerships, or subchapter S corporation with $500 or more in receipts in
1992. Subchapter S corporations have no more than 35 shareholders and are
not taxed as corporations. The survey does not cover larger subchapter C
corporations because of the difficulty of determining the race and other
demographic characteristics of the owners. For a copy of the full report,
call the bureau's Minority- and Women-Owned Businesses information staff
at (301) 763-5726. Selected data tables are available on the bureau's
Internet site: Selected
state-level data used for analysis in this article are available from
American Demographics' Internet site:


Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99

> I'm going to start calling this nigger McRepetilla.

> Byker wrote in message ...
> >

> >M.McGill <> wrote <snip the reposted bullshit>
> >
> >Nothing original (again), just the umpteeth time the same "White Gangs"
> info
> >has been posted in lieu of a real answer.
> >
> >

You speak of repetition as if it is bad. If someone asked me 100 questions
and I answered the same answer (no) repeatedly would that make the answer
somehow less valid or less appropriate? Now if you are tired of the same
answer over and over again that is your problem, get over it.


Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99


1. Just because whites were more than 50 to one Negro in Pro Football in
1962, did not prove that they would be the majority in 1989, or 1999.

2. Caucasians have not always been the leaders in Technology and science.
Here are 5 examples (A,B,C,D,E) that prove your statement false.

Songhay: the tomb of the askias
That the Songhay askiyas were able to build a professional bureaucracy
which functioned solidly for almost a century (from the accession of
Muhammad Turé in 1493 to the Moroccan conquest of 1591) is a testament
to their organizational skills and considerable personal power. Indeed,
their efforts surpass those of the Frankish king Charlemagne, whose
attempts to develop a complex administrative system seven centuries
earlier in medieval Europe met with no lasting success. After Mali lost
its power Songhay was there to assume its role as the last of the "
Great Three " ancient West African empires. The Kingdom of Askia
Mohammed's kingdom covered most of West Africa and was greater than all of
the European states combined. Songhay was significant during the 15th
and 16th centuries. The people of Songhay were highly intelligent,
industrious, and aggressively invincible both as traders and warriors.
Under the leadership of Askia Mohammed, Timbuktu became a prosperous
commercial city of 100,000 people, where trader came from Asia the
Middle - East and Europe to exchange there exotic merchandise for the
gold of Songhay. Timbuktu was an intellectual center unrivaled at this
time to any other such center in the world. Young people from the Moslem
world came to Timbuktu's world famous University of Sankore to study Law
and Medicine. Even medieval Europe sent its best scholars to the
University of Sankore just to see the excellent libraries with
manuscripts in Aribic and to cosult with the learned mathmeticians,
astronomers, physicians, and jurists whose intellectual endeavors were
paid for out of the king's own treasury.

E. Torday, a member of the Council of the Royal Anthropological
Institute of Great Britain and Corresponding Fellow of the
Anthropological Society of Vienna proclaimed in the Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute Vol. XLIII:

"I feel convincedŠ that we are indebted to the Negro for the very
keystone of our modern civilizations, and we owe to him the
discovery of iron"
In the September 22 (1978) issue of the scholarly magazine Science, two
Brown professors announced an incredible discovery:

"Assistant professor of Anthropology Peter Schmidt and Professor of
Engineering Donald R. Avery of Brown University, Have
found that as long as 2,000 years ago Africans living on the western
shores of Lake Victoria had produced carbon steel in
preheated furnaces, a method that was technologically ahead of any
development in Europe until the mid nineteenth century."
As Godfrey C Burns, M.D. points out in "Early African Science," Journal
of African Civilizations, Vol. I No. 1 April, 1979:

" These researchesŠ demonstrations evidence for a prehistoric, iron
smelting technology that produced steel 1500 to 2000 Years before

The Origins of Smelting

"More than 1500 years ago, Africans in the vicinity of Lake Victoria
"produced carbon steel in preheated forced-draft furnaces, a method that
was technologically more sophisticated than any developed in Europe
until the mid-nineteenth century" (Shore, 1991)."

Peter R. Schmidt assisted by D. H. Avery
More Evidence for an Advanced Prehistoric Iron Technology in Africa
Journal of Field Archaeology 10 (1983) 421--434

"These discoveries affirm that one of the most advanced technologies
in the ancient world developed in Africa independent of European

There were Negroes in the Southern Sahara and there were Negores who
migrated NORTH from Central Africa to the Southern Sahara, and they did
have neolithic megalithic technology.
Negro Nubians were building the OLDEST ASTRONOMICAL MEGALITH
Oldest Astronomical Megalith Alignment
"Although some believe the "high culture" of subsequent Egyptian
dynasties was borrowed from Mesopotamia and Syria, Malville and others
believe the complex and symbolic Nabta culture may have stimulated the
growth of the society that eventually constructed the first pyramids
along the Nile about 4,500 years ago."

"Neolithic herders that began coming to Nabta about 10,000 years ago --
probably from central Africa -- used cattle in their rituals just as the
African Massai do today"

"The Nabta culture may have been a trigger for the development of social
complexity in Egypt that later led to the Pharaonic dynasty," he said.
The Nabta project was funded primarily by the National Science Foundation."


Mapping of standing stones and megalithic structures in the Nubian
Desert suggests that the Neolithic nomads who once inhabited the area
were not only monitoring the heavens, but recording what they saw in
monumental form. (Courtesy J. McKim Malville) [LARGER IMAGE]

© 1998 by the Archaeological Institute of America
One of the earliest pyramids, the step pyramid at Saqqara, was built 500
years after the changing climate rendered Nabta uninhabitable. It may
have incorporated astronomical features known to the ancient Nubians.
The authors speculate that the development of the monumental buildings
of ancient Egyptian civilization was hastened by the arrival in the Nile
valley of well-organized nomadic groups with a sophisticated cosmology.

Standing stones at Nabta in the Nubian desert predate Stonehenge and
other astronomically alligned sites in Europe by 1000 years.

Long before the pyramids were constructed in Egypt, ancient people there
built elaborate structures aligned to the sun and stars. The standing
megaliths and ring of stones were erected from 6.700 to 7,000 years ago
in the southern Sahara desert.



by John H. Lienhard

(Theme music)

Today, African servants teach medicine to Colonial America. The
University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series
about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose
ingenuity created them.

We know Cotton Mather as a famous preacher in Colonial Boston. We hear
much less about his interest in science and medicine. Yet he pressed the
case for smallpox inoculation long before 19th-century science
understood it...

He'd seen it first hand in his African servant. The man showed Mather
his smallpox scar and told him that you

... take the Juice of the Small Pox, and Cut the Skin and put in a drop:
then by 'nd by a little Sick, then a few Small Pox; and no body dye of
it; no body have Small Pox any more.

In 1721 we knew people who had used inoculation for a long, long time.
We learned it from African slaves -- from a far more advanced people
than we thought. We learned it from an old civilization that we still
know too little about, even today.

I'm John Lienhard, at the University of Houston, where we're interested
in the way inventive minds work.

(Theme music)

Rudolph, R. and Musher, D.M., Inoculation in the Boston Smallpox
Epidemic of 1721. Archives of Internal Medicine, Vol. 115, June 1965,
pp. 692-696.

Mather also read European accounts of inoculation, but only after he'd
learned of it from his servant. It seems that personal experience with
inoculated Africans was the most powerful driver of Mather's enthusiasm.
Mather acquired the servant four years after his children had barely
survived smallpox. The servant's name was Onesimus.


A Number System for Mathematicians Only

"One must be a mathematician to learn this complex system" - Cladia
Zaslavsky in Africa Counts

The Republic of Nigeria is the most populous country of Africa, with 1/3
the population of the USA in 1/10 of its area. It is the historical
site of several highly advanced civilzations, including the Nok (500 BC
- 200 AD) and Benin (15th-17th c.).

21% of the people are Yorubas, most living in western Nigeria and
preserving their old traditions.

They were always a trading people, originally with the Islamic peoples
from northern Africa who brought knowledge from the great Islamic
University at Timbuktu in Mali (today 45% of Nigerians are Islamic).
And they had a unit of currency long before the Europeans, the cowrie
shell (sometimes, "cowry" - a spiral-shelled snail).

3. Negroes do have an aptitude for science and technology. The proof are
the examples that I have provided above and the many Negro Potential

4. Many countries that were Super Powers in the past are not super powers
today. Being a super power and aptitude for science and technology are not
the same. Sub-Sahara Africa is underdeveloped for these reasons:

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
by Walter Rodney

In 1972 several countries of Africa were working toward recovery from
the destructive social and economic effects of imperialism. Walter
Rodney, a renowned scholar, activist, and spokesperson for the
Pan-Africanist cause, wrote How Europe Underdeveloped Africa not only to
give a more accurate account of the historical relationship between the
two continents but also to encourage Africa and its diaspora to make
efforts to achieve freedom; not only in a cosmetic sense but
economically also. The data which Rodney uses to justify his arguments
are factual, but what makes this work pivotal is that it is not the mere
regurgitation of facts. Rodney uses historical facts to draw strong
conclusions as to what has hindered the development of underdeveloped
countries and what actions can be taken to aid in their development.
These are some of the major points which Rodney makes: 1.The
underdeveloped countries are rich, geographically speaking, in resources
which are needed throughout the world but are unable to use these
resources to provide goods and services for and by Africans because of
foreign control. pg.28-9 2. European countries were successful in
empowering puppet leaders to protect their interests...The ultimate
responsibility for freedom should be on the shoulders of Africans. pg.
37-8 3. Uses examples of leadership in the Congo and Benin to prove that
some African states disapproves of the slave trade and chose not to
participate and that European purposely set out to cause conflict
amongst nations in order to procure more human cargo. pg. 90-1 4. Points
out that human capital from Africa is what allowed America to have the
economic successes and lay the foundation which enabled it to become a
world power. pg.98-95.The slave trade dispossessed Africa of the "life
blood" of their societies by taking the strongest of their people and
those 15-35 years of age with this phenomena having more horrid effects
in certain areas. pg.105-07. 6. Slave raiding and other efforts to
attain slaves distracted African countries from development because of
long periods of conflict and the inability, as a result of the slave
trade, to make better use of labor. pg. 108 7. Political centralization
occurred in many areas despite the slave trade instead as a result. Here
Rodney gives clear examples to prove his point. pg. 111 8. Responds to
apologists of the slave trade by undermining the argument that the trade
brought new foods to Africa which were successful in preventing hunger.
Rodney responds by stating that cross continental cultural exchange had
before taken place and slavery was not necessary for this to occur. pg.
111-12 9. Contends that states such as Oyo strength was a result of
their successes in the pre-slave trade era, not a result of their
involvement in the trade of human beings. pg. 126-27 10. The 19th
Century European anti-slave trading movement in Africa based on their
desire for calm in Africa to allow them to better exploit the continent
of its resources. Here he points to the British attacks on African
states which, at this point, had no involvement in the slave trade. pg.
150-151. 11. Points to the role of African returnees and other Africans
that aided in the exploitation of Africa and its people. pg. 157 12.
Capitalists of each European countries worked together to exploit
Africa. pg. 183 13. The USA and other capitalist countries allowed the
exploitation of African resources and labor by force when necessary. pg.
158-202 14. ** More examples of US involvement. pg 211-212 15. Fascism
is a deformity of capitalism because exploitation is a necessary
component of each. pg. 216 16. European countries relied heavily on the
resources of Africa to aid their recovery after WW II. pg. 233 7.
European powers adamantly worked to block efforts at industrialization
by African countries. pg. 237 18. At the wishes of European powers,
certain areas in Africa were forced to grow cash crops as opposed to
staple crops. pg. 257-58 ** It is important to note that at no point
does Rodney contend that the US colonized any African country but he
does prove that the US took part in and benefited in the imperialist
efforts of other countries. Though the book's title is a bit broad,
Rodney does deal with the role of European countries separately. He also
breaks down the effects of slavery and imperialism on West, North, East
and the Southern region of Africa separately which results in a clear
understanding as to how his thesis was developed. How Europe
Underdeveloped Africa is an excellent book for students interested in
the history of Africa or the scholarship of Walter Rodney. For a more
specialized work by Walter Rodney read A History of the Upper Guinea:
1545 to 1800.

Gary Glaenzer

Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99

M.McGill <> wrote in message he's repeating himself when asked why he repeats


Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99

M.McGill wrote in message ...
>In article <>, wrote:
When your dealing
>with Potential things can and do change.

the negro POtential - the potential never to live up to their potential.
That will be the negro legacy.


Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99

M.McGill wrote in message ...
>In article <846a1h$hdc$>, "Rockerman"
>Never is incorrect. Many times in history the Negro has lived up to
>his/her potential. Here is an example:
>In the United States Army Intelligence tests during World War I, the
>'Negroes' of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Ohio led the whites of
>Kentucky, Arkansas and Georgia by from one to seven percent.

... and in the last 80 years since WWI the negro potential has continued to
devolve to its current position.

The legacy of negro POtenial goes the route of so many high school athletes
whose coach's saw major league potential or musicians with that one hit
record - obscurity.

Potential has to be achieved and can never be attained in a gov't or AA


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <846a1h$hdc$>, "Rockerman"
<> wrote:

> M.McGill wrote in message ...
> >In article <>, wrote:
> >
> When your dealing
> >with Potential things can and do change.
> the negro POtential - the potential never to live up to their potential.
> That will be the negro legacy.

Never is incorrect. Many times in history the Negro has lived up to
his/her potential. Here is an example:


In the United States Army Intelligence tests during World War I, the
'Negroes' of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Ohio led the whites of
Kentucky, Arkansas and Georgia by from one to seven percent.


See American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 33, p.256 (Sept.,1927).


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <846i5m$cae$>, "Rockerman"
<> wrote:

> M.McGill wrote in message ...
> >In article <846a1h$hdc$>, "Rockerman"
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >> M.McGill wrote in message ...
> >> >In article <>, wrote:
> >> >
> >> When your dealing
> >> >with Potential things can and do change.
> >>
> >> the negro POtential - the potential never to live up to their potential.
> >> That will be the negro legacy.
> >
> >Never is incorrect. Many times in history the Negro has lived up to
> >his/her potential. Here is an example:
> >
> >
> >In the United States Army Intelligence tests during World War I, the
> >'Negroes' of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Ohio led the whites of
> >Mississippi,
> >Kentucky, Arkansas and Georgia by from one to seven percent.
> >

> ... and in the last 80 years since WWI the negro potential has continued to
> devolve to its current position.
> The legacy of negro POtenial goes the route of so many high school athletes
> whose coach's saw major league potential or musicians with that one hit
> record - obscurity.
> Potential has to be achieved and can never be attained in a gov't or AA
> handout.

Not true. The Negro is gaining his/her potential back:

Since World World II the American Negro has come a long way, from 1/20
to 3/5 middle class. "faster than that of any other group in American
social history".
To borrow Ralph Ellison's phrase, the "invisible man" of the 1990s is the
successful black working- and middle-class suburbanite, not
interacting with ghetto blacks and largely ignored by whites. Ironically,
as Richard P. Nathan writes, the identification of the black
situation with the ghetto poor stems from the fact that "members of racial
minority groups who are educated, talented, and motivated can
assimilate in ways that a generation ago would have been thought
inconceivable." Few note the blacks who "make it." As William P. O'Hare
and his co-authors noted in a 1991 article, the record is clear:

Writing in 1994, Henry Louis Gates Jr., head of Harvard University's
African American Studies department, noted that "never before
have so many blacks done so well." Economist Peter F. Drucker sums up the
post-World War II changes:

In the 50 years since the Second World War, the economic position of
African Americans in America has improved faster than that of any other
group in American social history -- or in the social history of any
country. Three-fifths of America's blacks rose into middle-class incomes;
before the Second World War the figure was one-twentieth.

It seems the Negro is gaining:

Myth: The black/white IQ gap is 15 points and growing.

Fact: The black/white IQ gap is 7-10 points and shrinking.


Nationally representative IQ tests show a black/white IQ gap of 7 to 10
points. Academic achievement tests, for those who consider them valid
measurements of IQ,
show an average gap of about 10 points. In general, these tests show the
gap is being reduced about two and a half points a decade. The Bell
Curve flouts all this evidence on the basis of a single study, its own
flawed analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.


Among scientists, it has been common knowledge that both black and white
IQs have been rising over the decades, with black IQs converging upwards towards
whites. This fits nicely with America's rising standard of living, which
has been rising somewhat faster for blacks, thanks to the Civil Rights
movement and other anti-poverty measures.

The authors of The Bell Curve, then, face an uphill battle in trying to
prove that black and white IQs are not converging, but diverging. They
attribute this divergence to "dysgenesis," which supposedly results when
dull people interbreed. In fact, they assert this downward trend in
spite of the famous "Flynn Effect," which has been raising IQs for all
people and all classes world-wide, about 3 points per decade.

In a second departure from scientific consensus, the authors also
maintain that the IQ gap between blacks and whites is 15 points, an
usually high figure. But this is not what four major IQ tests for
children have found:

Black/white IQ gap in major IQ tests (1991) (1)

Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices 7 points
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children 7
Stanford-Binet IV (two separate studies) 10

The authors of The Bell Curve note these numbers, but dismiss them. The
Kaufman-ABC results, they claim, suffer from statistical problems. (2)
Even granting them their objection, however, still leaves three major
studies showing a 7 to 10-point gap, not a 15-point one.

Why do the authors discount both the Flynn Effect and these test results
in their assessment of black IQ? Because of a single study: their
analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). The NLSY
has tracked the lives of 12,000 young people since 1979, at one point
giving them an Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT). But The Bell
Curve's analysis of the NLSY data is deeply flawed. First of all, the
AFQT isn't even an IQ test. "This is an achievement test," said Halford
Fairchild of the American Psychological Association said, in its
authoritative review of The Bell Curve. "It shows the extent to which
you've benefited from school. To assert it's a proxy for IQ is a big
lie." (3)

It is well-known that matching blacks and whites for socioeconomic
status will see a large reduction in the IQ gap. Researchers justifiably
dispense with such
matching if they want to learn the raw differences. But including
samples from "low-SES areas" creates great potential for mischief. Inner
city schools are
disproportionately filled with poor black children, but relatively
richer whites are bussed into their schools, where they take the same IQ
tests. Furthermore, an IQ test
given to a broad region like a city would include inner-city black
children and suburban white children. Both study samples would yield
unnaturally large IQ gaps.

The only way to minimize statistical errors (and deception) is to
consider nationally representative samples. As our first chart
indicates, such tests indicate a 7 to 10-point gap. For those who accept
academic achievement tests as valid proxies for IQ tests, the gap in
1990 was about 10 points, after having been reduced about 2.5 points per
decade since 1970. (9)

9. Nisbett, p. 49. The academic tests used for this statistic are listed
in the chart below, which has been compiled from his written account:

Point reduction in black/white IQ gap (1970-1990)*

Test Reduction
National Assessment of Education Progress 4.2 points
Scholastic Aptitude Test 5.0
National High School Studies 4.5
American College Test 4.4
Graduate Record Examination 5.7

*Total reductions have been extrapolated from different-length
studies to represent two decade period. Original lengths: NAEP,
1970-1990; SAT, 1976-1993; NHSS, 1973-1982; ACT, 1980-1991; GRE,

Study: College Lifts IQs Of Blacks Gains Are Greater Than For Whites

Blacks who graduate from college make much greater gains in intelligence
during their college careers than white students, researchers at
Washington University reported Monday.

During college, the gap between whites and blacks narrows. Blacks who
graduate increase their IQ scores more than four times as much as
whites, cutting the black-white gap in half.
Research News Release: 6 November 1997

Contact: Susan Lang
Cornell University News Service

Race And Class Intelligence Gaps Groups Narrowed

ITHACA, N.Y. -- Intelligence test scores of Whites compared with
African Americans, and of the members of high compared with low
socio-economic groups, are not growing ever wider. This is contrary to
often-reported arguments that Americans are getting dumber because
low-IQ parents are outbreeding high-IQ parents. Rather, upon closer
look, these scores point to a growing convergence, report two Cornell
University developmental psychologists who are experts in intelligence
assessment and types of intelligence.

Williams and Ceci point out that the closing of the racial gap was
due to gains in test scores by black students, not from reductions in
white students' scores.
I read that according to the 1998 Crime Index, for the SEVENTH straight
year, serious crimes have dropped nationwide, particularly among Blacks.
Teenage pregnancy has been steadily dropping, primarily among Blacks, and
the economic status of Blacks have been climbing.

The Uniformed Crime Reports are available on the Internet


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <>, wrote:

> On Mon, 27 Dec 1999 02:00:21 GMT, (M.McGill) wrote:
> >In article <846a1h$hdc$>, "Rockerman"
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >> M.McGill wrote in message ...
> >> >In article <>, wrote:
> >> >
> >> When your dealing
> >> >with Potential things can and do change.
> >>
> >> the negro POtential - the potential never to live up to their potential.
> >> That will be the negro legacy.
> >
> >Never is incorrect. Many times in history the Negro has lived up to
> >his/her potential. Here is an example:
> >
> >
> >In the United States Army Intelligence tests during World War I, the
> >'Negroes' of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Ohio led the whites of
> >Mississippi,
> >Kentucky, Arkansas and Georgia by from one to seven percent.

> How did the niggers of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Ohio do in
> relation to the whites of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Ohio?
> How did the niggers of Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkansas and Georgia do
> in relation to the whites of Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkansas and
> Georgia?
> How did the niggers of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Ohio to
> the niggers of Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkansas and Georgia?
> Let's see some FACTUAL numbers on these aspects.

Go to the Library (the biggest one in your area) and ask for the Journal below.

> >
> >
> >See American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 33, p.256 (Sept.,1927).

> 1999 God AlmightyŠ Productions

David McDuffee

Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
B9 Predator wrote:

> [W]e can name hundreds of whites who done far greater things.

And none of them are you. Anyone could find hundreds of blacks,
Hispanics, or even Aleuts who have done far greater things than
you. Hell, your achievement potential tops out before you even
get to "can create a grammatical sentence". None of the black
posters to this newsgroup seem to share that deficiency. McGill
certainly doesn't.

> Whites create and [blacks] destroy.

The record of black creations and creativity belies this
generalization. As does McGill's catalog of destructiveness on the
part of whites. To date, no black society has even approached the
level of senseless destruction witnessed in Nazi Germany. The fact
that you and your "88" buddies have a special place in your hearts
for that particular spasm of destructiveness underscores just how
absurd your ridiculous racial dichotomy is.

David McDuffee

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