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Opportunity to be Published (G/L/B/T)

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Feb 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/3/98



We are a group of G/L/B college students that are attmepting to collect stories
for an anthology.
First Kiss is going to be a collection of people's
First Kiss stories, but with a what we believe is an interesting and unique
twist. We want stories of the first time you kissed someone of the same
gender. As members of the G/L/B community our primary concern is with
representing the community in a positive light, raising money for charity, and
also providing a forum for YOU to share your story.

GO TO---->

Thanks for your time and sorry if this was an intrusion.

The Staff of First Kiss
First Kiss Copyright 1998

Alison Rowan

Feb 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/4/98
to (ThatKiss) writes:

> First Kiss is going to be a collection of people's
> First Kiss stories, but with a what we believe is an interesting and unique
> twist. We want stories of the first time you kissed someone of the same
> gender. As members of the G/L/B community our primary concern is with

> representing the community in a positive light [snip]

I don't know about representing the community (whatever that is) is a
good light. My first kiss with a woman was so damn terrifying that I
had to go away and throw up afterwards. this could have been due to
the vast amount of alcohol I had consumed in order to make myself
brave enough to do it.

If I hadn't had almost exactly the same experience when I first kissed
a guy I might have decided I was straight... thank gods things have
looked up a hell of a lot since then.

Purple Rabbits
also at
Crap wannafucks will be publicly pilloried on my Web pages
Actively Seeking Work - has anybody got a job?


Feb 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/7/98

In article <>, Alison Rowan
<> wrote:

> (ThatKiss) writes:
> I don't know about representing the community (whatever that is) is a
> good light. My first kiss with a woman was so damn terrifying that I
> had to go away and throw up afterwards.

Same here ... my first kiss made me pretty ill too. And since I was still
a Good Little Catholic Boy(tm) (ie really good at self-administration of
guilt trips) (no offense to Catholics) I nearly threw up afterwards too.
And I was sober.

Maybe we could share our first *good* kiss story ...



Feb 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/7/98

Whilst procrastinating, Darren shared:
> Same here ... my first kiss made me pretty ill too. And since I was still
> a Good Little Catholic Boy(tm) (ie really good at self-administration of
> guilt trips) (no offense to Catholics) I nearly threw up afterwards too.

My first MOTOS kiss made me feel rather ill, as a sweet innocent
li'l 16 year old, but by the time I got around to my first MOTSS kiss,
(a bit older 'n that!) I had managed to put my catholic guilt enough
behind me to enjoy myself. The backlash didn't kick in for a coupla'
days, at least :)

-bitty, who firmly believes that all first kisses should be amazing,
happy things, generally not in airports.

Bethany "Bitty" Ramirez
GO/MU -d+@ -p+ c+++ l u+ e* m++(---)(*) s-/+ n--- h*(+) f g+ w++ t r x+(*)
"She's a woman, not a gumball machine!" - _Friends_
"Everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise" _Cat's Eye_

Andrew D. Simchik

Feb 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/7/98

On 7 Feb 1998, Bethany wrote:

> Whilst procrastinating, Darren shared:
> > Same here ... my first kiss made me pretty ill too. And since I was still
> > a Good Little Catholic Boy(tm) (ie really good at self-administration of
> > guilt trips) (no offense to Catholics) I nearly threw up afterwards too.
> Wowsers...
> My first MOTOS kiss made me feel rather ill, as a sweet innocent
> li'l 16 year old, but by the time I got around to my first MOTSS kiss,
> (a bit older 'n that!) I had managed to put my catholic guilt enough
> behind me to enjoy myself. The backlash didn't kick in for a coupla'
> days, at least :)

Wow. I'm so glad I had a non-religious upbringing and
was never innocent. My first MOTOS kiss, beyond some
childish lipsmackin', was out-of-this-world *amazing*.
My first MOTSS kiss couldn't possibly have matched it,
since it was essentially the same activity with more
stubble, but the whole shebang (well, hebang) that followed
it was similarly earth-shattering.

Just lucky, I guess.

Andrew D. Simchik:


Feb 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/8/98


Actually, I suspect your reaction is more the norm
(especially if he was the MOTSS you kissed! Or would that be
more OF Norm?!). I recall this was the way it happened for
me a few decades ago. With both sexes/genders/whatevers. I
never paid much attention to all that religious stuff they
tried to teach me. I guess you could tag me a former Bad
Baptist Boy! Maybe that's why I'm a pagan now!



Feb 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/10/98

From: "Andrew D. Simchik" <>

>Wow. I'm so glad I had a non-religious upbringing and
>was never innocent. My first MOTOS kiss, beyond some

I dunno, I kinda miss being innocent sometimes, yknow?

>childish lipsmackin',

bump teeth?

>was out-of-this-world *amazing*.

WOW. i dont consider kissing to be amazing in the first place,
never mind my first...

>My first MOTSS kiss couldn't possibly have matched it,
>since it was essentially the same activity with more

*giggle* I *LIKE* kissing stubble! (hi colin!)

>but the whole shebang (well, hebang) that followed

ROFLMFFAO :) (He-Man, She-Ra, had a He-Bang?)

>it was similarly earth-shattering.

wow. i dont think i'd ever describe any of it as earthshattering.
this a sex thing? (ie, is it a male versus female thing?)

>Just lucky, I guess.


Andrew D. Simchik

Feb 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/10/98

On 10 Feb 1998, Bitty wrote:

> From: "Andrew D. Simchik" <>
> >Wow. I'm so glad I had a non-religious upbringing and
> >was never innocent. My first MOTOS kiss, beyond some
> I dunno, I kinda miss being innocent sometimes, yknow?

I miss being innocent only because I wish to be corrupted anew.

> >childish lipsmackin',
> bump teeth?

No, miraculously. But it was one of those giggle giggle
okay we'll go into the closet and turn off the light
and try to get up the nerve to kiss giggle giggle.

> >was out-of-this-world *amazing*.
> WOW. i dont consider kissing to be amazing in the first place,
> never mind my first...

It's not all it's cracked up to be, but when it is good
it is very very good. This weekend it was very very good.

> >My first MOTSS kiss couldn't possibly have matched it,
> >since it was essentially the same activity with more
> >stubble,
> *giggle* I *LIKE* kissing stubble!

I'm coming to see its merits.

> (hi colin!)

That name came to mind, but of course dear sweet Colin's
was hardly the first stubble I kissed.

> >but the whole shebang (well, hebang) that followed
> ROFLMFFAO :) (He-Man, She-Ra, had a He-Bang?)

I was a He-Man junkie as a kid, of course. And She-Ra, to
a lesser extent. And GI Joe and Transformers. Dinosaurs,
snakes, bugs. Toy guns and video games.

Is it just me, or did growing up as a boy use to be more fun?

> >it was similarly earth-shattering.
> wow. i dont think i'd ever describe any of it as earthshattering.

It's true. Why do you think California has so many
earthquakes, and Kansas so few?

> this a sex thing? (ie, is it a male versus female thing?)

It's a hyperbole thing. Plus I am unquestionably more
oversexed than thou.

RedundantObBi: saw Chasing Amy for the first time last night.
Still making up my mind about it.

Jeliza Patterson

Feb 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/10/98

In article <>,

Andrew D. Simchik <> wrote:
>On 10 Feb 1998, Bitty wrote:
>> From: "Andrew D. Simchik" <>
>I miss being innocent only because I wish to be corrupted anew.

Ain't that the truth. <sigh>

>> >it was similarly earth-shattering.
>> wow. i dont think i'd ever describe any of it as earthshattering.

>> this a sex thing? (ie, is it a male versus female thing?)
>It's a hyperbole thing. Plus I am unquestionably more
>oversexed than thou.

Oh, I don't know. There have been times when earthshattering really hasn't
been that much of a stretch from how that kiss -- or that sex -- has felt.
(I remember the first time I kissed C; I'd been trying to work up the
chutzpah for months, and I think the recent purchase of a good black leather
biker jacket gave me just enough of that butch swagger bravado to approach
such an astonishing woman. (Being a shy butch-in-training really sucks, in
some ways. But it seems to be in the wiring, so I've just got to struggle on
through.) When my lips touched hers for the first time, I
was lost in all that wonderful peach-scented softness, and almost
collapsed. I couldn't think straight, er, that is, I couldn't get my brain
to function at all normally for hours. And while I'm sure that being crazy
in love with her helped, that perfect alchemical combination of lips and
teeth -- well, it seems to be an empirically corroborable(sp?) experience. <g>

>RedundantObBi: saw Chasing Amy for the first time last night.
>Still making up my mind about it.

I really like Kevin Smith -- _clerks_ was brill, _mallrats_ was seventeen
times better than I would have expected possible in a movie starring shannen
doherty, and most of _chasing amy_ was great. But the last half-hour made me
want to hurl, and I walked out of the theater thinking "I've lived that, and
I didn't need to relive it."

who is going to go back to work now, really.

Jeliza Patterson,
"I went out for the football team to prove that I'm a man
I guess I shouldn't tell them that I like Duran Duran" -- Barenaked Ladies

Andrew D. Simchik

Feb 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/10/98

On 10 Feb 1998, Jeliza Patterson wrote:

> In article <>,
> Andrew D. Simchik <> wrote:
> >RedundantObBi: saw Chasing Amy for the first time last night.
> >Still making up my mind about it.
> I really like Kevin Smith -- _clerks_ was brill, _mallrats_ was seventeen
> times better than I would have expected possible in a movie starring shannen
> doherty, and most of _chasing amy_ was great. But the last half-hour made me
> want to hurl, and I walked out of the theater thinking "I've lived that, and
> I didn't need to relive it."

I enjoyed CLERKS and haven't seen MALLRATS yet.
As for CHASING FLAMEY, I liked parts of it an awful
lot. That bit at the end, the "one year later" moments,
actually got my eyes wet, and I *never* cry at movies.
I thought some of it was pretty clever, and I always
love Jay and Silent Bob (I have the hots for Jay,
inexplicably), who have a vibrant authenticity about
them some of the other characters sometimes lack. We
made fun of Joey Lauren Adams all the way through, of
course (a few Victoria Jackson comparisons, but usually
it was Jewel, and we punctuated her lines with "yodel-
lay-hee-hoo!"), though I thought she did a pretty decent
job, when she wasn't being totally cute 'n' clever or
screaming too loudly for too long. The indulgent pop-culture/
sex dialogues were fun but often predictable or didactic.
Jason Lee was great, Ben Affleck was pretty good, and
of course I loved Hooper despite his Queen Oracle stereotype.
The whole threesome thing was pretty painful in every sense.
Hmmm...what else do I want to say? Oh, yes: my favorite
line was "Archie is *not* fucking Mr. Weatherbee!" It
was doubly funny because Margaret (Banky) and I (Hooper)
are always having those conversations in just the same tones
of voice.

Darrell Manrique

Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

On 7 Feb 1998, Bethany wrote:

> Wowsers...
> My first MOTOS kiss made me feel rather ill, as a sweet innocent
> li'l 16 year old, but by the time I got around to my first MOTSS kiss,
> (a bit older 'n that!) I had managed to put my catholic guilt enough
> behind me to enjoy myself. The backlash didn't kick in for a coupla'
> days, at least :)

> -bitty, who firmly believes that all first kisses should be amazing,
> happy things, generally not in airports.

My first MOTSS kiss was when I was 19, and it was an amazing, happy thing,
but it was also at about 4 in the morning toward the end of a very long
party (before I started drinking). My first MOTOS kiss was when I was 20
(wait, I'm still 20!), and it was only midnight, and it was so-so.
Neither was anywhere near an airport.


"Stumbling through life can be beautiful." - Aaron P., 1997


Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

Whilst procrastinating, Darrell Manrique shared:
> My first MOTSS kiss was when I was 19, and it was an amazing, happy thing,
> but it was also at about 4 in the morning toward the end of a very long

4 in teh morning? aieeeeeeeeeeee.

> Neither was anywhere near an airport.

*giggle* Well, let's start a sub-thread: people's first kiss
locations. And then, alternatively, peiople's favorite kiss location.
(Note: I was *not* the airport one.)

-bitty, who could prolly even dig up the date of her first kiss if
motivated. (which i'm not)


Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

From: "Andrew D. Simchik" <>
On 10 Feb 1998, Bitty wrote:
> I dunno, I kinda miss being innocent sometimes, yknow?
:I miss being innocent only because I wish to be corrupted anew.

Now THERE'S something I hadn't thought about...
I knew someone once who claimed that if you went 7 years without,
you were a born-again virgin. 'Course, he claimed he was a born-again
virgin at age 19, which made some of us skeptical.

:It's not all it's cracked up to be, but when it is good

:it is very very good. This weekend it was very very good.

*curious, nosey look*

> *giggle* I *LIKE* kissing stubble!
:I'm coming to see its merits.

having one's back scratched with scruff is infinitely more
satisfying than a brush.

> ROFLMFFAO :) (He-Man, She-Ra, had a He-Bang?)
:I was a He-Man junkie as a kid, of course. And She-Ra, to
:a lesser extent. And GI Joe and Transformers. Dinosaurs,
:snakes, bugs. Toy guns and video games.

my mom didn't let me play with my brother's toys :(

now, the ultimate test in coolness: VOLTRON :)

:Is it just me, or did growing up as a boy use to be more fun?

i think growing up used to be more fun, but teh toys these days
kick more ass technology wise. we were merely more creative. and had
better looking action heroes (luke! han!).

> wow. i dont think i'd ever describe any of it as earthshattering.

:It's true. Why do you think California has so many

:earthquakes, and Kansas so few?

well, massachusetts scores a big fat zero, eh?

:It's a hyperbole thing. Plus I am unquestionably more
:oversexed than thou.

*choke* um, i doubt it. *blushes furiously*

Misha MCM

Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

In article <>, (Bitty)

>bitty, who could prolly even dig up the date of her first kiss if
>motivated. (which i'm not)

Bitty, it's bad enough murdering your date. Do you
have to unearth the bones as well?

--Misha, whose first kisses probably don't count
"I'm confused. Is this a happy ending or a sad ending?"
"It's an ending. That's good enough."


Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

Whilst procrastinating, Darren shared:

> Maybe we could share our first *good* kiss story ...

nah, it would embarass someone who used to read this group ;)
(is kissing bisexuals better than kissing str8 men?)

Misha MCM

Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

>(is kissing bisexuals better than kissing str8 men?)

But kissing str8 men is such fun!

"Pull off the road."
"I can't, silly, it's stuck to the ground."

Andrew D. Simchik

Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

On 11 Feb 1998, Bitty wrote:

> From: "Andrew D. Simchik" <>

> :It's not all it's cracked up to be, but when it is good
> :it is very very good. This weekend it was very very good.
> *curious, nosey look*

Ask Xaos.

Hmmm, maybe I should clarify that. I *did* have some
serious fun (well, from my POV; I'm not sure he agreed,
though he said I did great for my first real bottoming
(the vanilla kind, though it sure didn't feel vanilla))
with a guy I met online this weekend. It wasn't Xaos,
though (darn).

> > ROFLMFFAO :) (He-Man, She-Ra, had a He-Bang?)
> :I was a He-Man junkie as a kid, of course. And She-Ra, to
> :a lesser extent. And GI Joe and Transformers. Dinosaurs,
> :snakes, bugs. Toy guns and video games.
> my mom didn't let me play with my brother's toys :(

Sucks. I got to play with my neighbor's Barbies.

> now, the ultimate test in coolness: VOLTRON :)

Hello? *G-Force*, dude.

> :Is it just me, or did growing up as a boy use to be more fun?
> i think growing up used to be more fun, but teh toys these days
> kick more ass technology wise. we were merely more creative. and had
> better looking action heroes (luke! han!).

It's true that Transformers seem to work better now
in a lot of ways.

> > wow. i dont think i'd ever describe any of it as earthshattering.
> :It's true. Why do you think California has so many
> :earthquakes, and Kansas so few?
> well, massachusetts scores a big fat zero, eh?

You said it, not me. :P

Nah, you can't take this one too far.

> :It's a hyperbole thing. Plus I am unquestionably more
> :oversexed than thou.
> *choke* um, i doubt it. *blushes furiously*

Oh, so you wanna have a contest now?
You're playing with fire, little girl.


Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

that bitch wrote in message ...
>In article

>"Andrew D. Simchik" <> wrote:
>>Hmmm, maybe I should clarify that. I *did* have some
>>serious fun [...] this weekend. It wasn't Xaos,
>>though (darn).
>Nah. If it were Xaos, I'd have nothing to abuse him

As if mere facts would stop you

- Steve, letting my bitterness shine through


Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

Whilst procrastinating, Andrew D. Simchik shared:

> Sucks. I got to play with my neighbor's Barbies.

you can have all mine, if you'd like.

> > now, the ultimate test in coolness: VOLTRON :)
> Hello? *G-Force*, dude.


> It's true that Transformers seem to work better now
> in a lot of ways.

i DONT want to know how you used them.

> > :oversexed than thou.
> > *choke* um, i doubt it. *blushes furiously*

> Oh, so you wanna have a contest now?

*smiles innocently*

> You're playing with fire, little girl.

one thing i'm NOT is little. short, yes. little, no.

Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

On 11 Feb 98 15:05:33 GMT, (Bitty) delighted
us by writing this:

>(is kissing bisexuals better than kissing str8 men?)

>Bethany "Bitty" Ramirez
> GO/MU -d+@ -p+ c+++ l u+ e* m++(---)(*) s-/+ n--- h*(+) f g+ w++ t r x+(*)
> "She's a woman, not a gumball machine!" - _Friends_
>"Everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise" _Cat's Eye_

yes, I think so.

Hussies r us...

Andrew D. Simchik

Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

On 11 Feb 1998, Bitty wrote:

> Whilst procrastinating, Andrew D. Simchik shared:
> > Sucks. I got to play with my neighbor's Barbies.
> you can have all mine, if you'd like.

That's okay. I didn't much like them then, either.

> > > now, the ultimate test in coolness: VOLTRON :)
> > Hello? *G-Force*, dude.

The Phoenix could kick Voltron's ass.

> > It's true that Transformers seem to work better now
> > in a lot of ways.
> i DONT want to know how you used them.

It's the GI Joes you should fear. Funny how they
always ended up wrestling.

Eric Siegel

Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Andrew D. Simchik wrote:

> RedundantObBi: saw Chasing Amy for the first time last night.
> Still making up my mind about it.

Well, I happen to own a Justice League of America jacket
like the one what made a brief appearance in said film...
Not that that ought to make any whit of difference in your
opinion of it.

Eric Siegel |
Dept. of Political Science |
Univ. of California, Davis | If one takes no prisoners,
One Shields Avenue | there is no dilemma.
Davis CA 95616 |
(530) 752-7106 |

Eric Siegel

Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Andrew D. Simchik wrote:
> On 10 Feb 1998, Jeliza Patterson wrote:
> > In article <>,

> > Andrew D. Simchik <> wrote:
> >
> > >RedundantObBi: saw Chasing Amy for the first time last night.
> > >Still making up my mind about it.
> >
> > I really like Kevin Smith -- _clerks_ was brill, _mallrats_ was seventeen
> > times better than I would have expected possible in a movie starring shannen
> > doherty, and most of _chasing amy_ was great. But the last half-hour made me
> > want to hurl, and I walked out of the theater thinking "I've lived that, and
> > I didn't need to relive it."
> I enjoyed CLERKS and haven't seen MALLRATS yet.
> As for CHASING FLAMEY, I liked parts of it an awful
> lot. That bit at the end, the "one year later" moments,
> actually got my eyes wet, and I *never* cry at movies.

Yeah, it got me, too (although I do tear up at flicks from
time to time; the end of _Silent Running_ *still* gets me,
and I've seen it about a dozen times.)

> screaming too loudly for too long. The indulgent pop-culture/
> sex dialogues were fun but often predictable or didactic.

The cunnilingus injury discussion was a hoot, I thought.

> Jason Lee was great, Ben Affleck was pretty good, and
> of course I loved Hooper despite his Queen Oracle stereotype.

"OOh! Yanni!" had me rolling for, like, an hour. I still
laugh just thinking about it.

Cheryl Trooskin

Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

Drew wrote, in response to Bitty:

> though he said I did great for my first real bottoming
> (the vanilla kind, though it sure didn't feel vanilla)

Um. Vanilla bottoming?
Is this a boy thing, or should I know what you're talking about?

> > now, the ultimate test in coolness: VOLTRON :)
> Hello? *G-Force*, dude.

*swoon* Drew, you just won my heart.
G-Force is, like, my all-time favorite cartoon, ever.

> You're playing with fire, little girl.

Ah, Drew, you're so domly.


-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Kathryn Burlingham

Feb 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/11/98

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Andrew D. Simchik wrote:

> Hmmm, maybe I should clarify that. I *did* have some

> serious fun (well, from my POV; I'm not sure he agreed,

> though he said I did great for my first real bottoming

> (the vanilla kind, though it sure didn't feel vanilla))

I think that's called Hot Fudge, dearheart.

--Kathryn, wondering if congratulations would be proper

If there's anything more predictable than a boy, I haven't met it.
--Blossom Culp

Andrew D. Simchik

Feb 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/12/98

On 11 Feb 1998, Jeffrey William McKeough wrote:

> >It's the GI Joes you should fear. Funny how they
> >always ended up wrestling.

> Ah, GI Joe. I'm getting sick of all these newfangled
> hypertechnological toys that keep getting announced. Does a child
> really need a doll with scanners for eyes that runs Quicken for
> Barbie?

In my day, we had "Chinese" jacks and *loved* 'em.

Andrew D. Simchik

Feb 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/12/98

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Cheryl Trooskin wrote:

> Drew wrote, in response to Bitty:

> > though he said I did great for my first real bottoming

> > (the vanilla kind, though it sure didn't feel vanilla)
> Um. Vanilla bottoming?
> Is this a boy thing, or should I know what you're talking about?

Let me try this another way:
I got fucked up the ass for an extended period
of time by a real live dick for the first time in
my life apart from a brief first attempt some
time ago that failed miserably.

So much for coyness.

> > Hello? *G-Force*, dude.
> *swoon* Drew, you just won my heart.
> G-Force is, like, my all-time favorite cartoon, ever.

I doubt I could watch it now -- I can't watch
Jonny Quest anymore, either, despite its symbolic
appeal -- but did I ever love it at the time.

Is it my favorite? Not with Dangermouse as competition.
Not to mention Ren & Stimpy, South Park, and the Simpsons.
Did I frequently ask my wristwatch to "Transmute"? Do
those bears...sha la la the woods?

> > You're playing with fire, little girl.
> Ah, Drew, you're so domly.

I think I'd make a decent top.

Andrew D. Simchik

Feb 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/12/98

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Kathryn Burlingham wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Andrew D. Simchik wrote:
> > Hmmm, maybe I should clarify that. I *did* have some
> > serious fun (well, from my POV; I'm not sure he agreed,

> > though he said I did great for my first real bottoming

> > (the vanilla kind, though it sure didn't feel vanilla))
> I think that's called Hot Fudge, dearheart.

Insert cherry joke here.

> --Kathryn, wondering if congratulations would be proper

Not as proper as seconds...

> If there's anything more predictable than a boy, I haven't met it.
> --Blossom Culp

...guess who *still* hasn't e-mailed me?




Feb 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/12/98

Andrew D. Simchik wrote in message ...

>I think I'd make a decent top.


- Steve, waiting impatiently, hoping Drew arrives before the Nutella
dries into that nasty, Mr. Hankie-like crust

aaron pinkston

Feb 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/12/98

> "OOh! Yanni!" had me rolling for, like, an hour. I still
> laugh just thinking about it.

He came to the area recently, so there's all sorts of posters and whatever around. When I
was buying blak tapes today, I saw a life-size display and clapping my hands saying
"Yanni! Yanni!" No one got it though :(

> Eric Siegel |
> Dept. of Political Science |
> Univ. of California, Davis | If one takes no prisoners,
> One Shields Avenue | there is no dilemma.
> Davis CA 95616 |
> (530) 752-7106 |

"If free I can be, I will;
if suffer I must, I can." "Fuck virginity!"
-William Faulkner (Absolom! Absolom!) -Jennifer Solomon

"The tao is everywhere. It's in the
sky, it's in this desk, it's in my "Never eat
shoes, but mostly it's in yourself." more than you can lift."
-Lisa Furukawa -Miss Piggy

Aaron Pinkston


Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

Whilst procrastinating, Misha MCM shared:

> But kissing str8 men is such fun!

No, not really. *wrinkles nose*


Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

Whilst procrastinating, Andrew D. Simchik shared:

> It's the GI Joes you should fear. Funny how they
> always ended up wrestling.

Yes, well, Barbies can at least end up naked, or wearing Ken's
clothing. You can't really do that with GI Joe.


Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

Whilst procrastinating, Jeffrey William McKeough shared:
> hypertechnological toys that keep getting announced. Does a child
> really need a doll with scanners for eyes that runs Quicken for
> Barbie?

Well, yes! I mean, Barbie thinks math is hard and can't possibly
do things on her own, so she needs all the built-in help she can get!


Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

Whilst procrastinating, Cheryl Trooskin shared:
> Ah, Drew, you're so domly.



Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

Bitty wrote:
> Whilst procrastinating, Misha MCM shared:
> > But kissing str8 men is such fun!
> No, not really. *wrinkles nose*

Actually, a few of them aren't bad, if you can
get them to really give it a shot. ;-P


Joe (joe @ ; joe @
essays on poly & bi:
poly book reviews:

Misha MCM

Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

In article <>, (Bitty)

>>Yes, well, Barbies can at least end up naked, or wearing Ken's
>>clothing. You can't really do that with GI Joe.

You could with the old ones, before they
miniaturized them.

--Misha, reminding them young whippersnappers of
the Golden Age of civilization, circa 1970.

father: Perhaps we should have shown him more love and affection.
mother: More brute force, if you ask me, dear. Like we did with Nigel.
father: Nigel died.
mother: Yes, but think what he'd have been like if he'd lived.

Misha MCM

Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

>Whilst procrastinating, Misha MCM shared:

>> But kissing str8 men is such fun!

> No, not really. *wrinkles nose*

You just picked the wrong one.

Any idiot can face a crisis -- it's this day-to-day living that wears you out.


Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

Whilst procrastinating, Andrew D. Simchik shared:
> <sigh>

> *MEN*.

*second the <sigh>*


Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

Whilst procrastinating, Misha MCM shared:
> > No, not really. *wrinkles nose*

> You just picked the wrong one.

There's a *right* one?
I'll stay a dyke, TYVM.


Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

Bitty wrote:
> Whilst procrastinating, Andrew D. Simchik shared:
> > <sigh>
> > *MEN*.
> *second the <sigh>*


Andrew D. Simchik

Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

On 13 Feb 1998, Bitty wrote:

> Whilst procrastinating, Cheryl Trooskin shared:
> > Ah, Drew, you're so domly.
> HA!

And how would you know?

Eric Siegel

Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

On 13 Feb 1998, Bitty wrote:

> Whilst procrastinating, Andrew D. Simchik shared:
> > It's the GI Joes you should fear. Funny how they
> > always ended up wrestling.

> Yes, well, Barbies can at least end up naked, or wearing Ken's
> clothing. You can't really do that with GI Joe.

With the *good* GI Joes you can (not those cheap plastic imitations
they made into a cartoon show).

Eric Siegel |
Dept. of Political Science | "Tiffany must never happen again"
Univ. of California, Davis | -- Andrew Simchik
One Shields Avenue |

Darrell Manrique

Feb 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/13/98

On 11 Feb 1998, Bitty wrote:

> Whilst procrastinating, Darrell Manrique shared:
> > My first MOTSS kiss was when I was 19, and it was an amazing, happy thing,
> > but it was also at about 4 in the morning toward the end of a very long
> 4 in teh morning? aieeeeeeeeeeee.

Yes, and in an interesting cross-thread twist, Tori Amos' album Boys for
Pele was playing!

> > Neither was anywhere near an airport.
> *giggle* Well, let's start a sub-thread: people's first kiss
> locations. And then, alternatively, peiople's favorite kiss location.
> (Note: I was *not* the airport one.)

Well, all I'll say is that one was outside, and the other was was much

dEm, already aware of the double meaning that will be read into my words

"Weird is part of the job." - Captain Janeway

Richard Jones

Feb 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/14/98

On 13 Feb 98 04:03:55 GMT, (Bitty) wrote:

> Yes, well, Barbies can at least end up naked, or wearing Ken's
>clothing. You can't really do that with GI Joe.

You certainly can with Action Man (the Britsh equivalent). A friend of
mine recently told me how dressing her favorite military commando in
her favourite lacy dresses was one of the joys of her childhood. As a
token bit of machoness, she let him keep his rifle though.

0800-RICHARD : "I am not a man, I am a free number".

Darrell Manrique

Feb 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/14/98

On 10 Feb 1998, Bitty wrote:

> >but the whole shebang (well, hebang) that followed
> ROFLMFFAO :) (He-Man, She-Ra, had a He-Bang?)

Eew! They were brother and sister!! AAAAAAAGH!

dEm, wondering if he should really be admitting to knowing this...

"Stumbling through life can be beautiful." - Aaron P., 1997

aaron pinkston

Feb 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/14/98

Eric Siegel wrote:

> On 13 Feb 1998, Bitty wrote:
> > Whilst procrastinating, Andrew D. Simchik shared:
> >
> > > It's the GI Joes you should fear. Funny how they
> > > always ended up wrestling.
> >

> > Yes, well, Barbies can at least end up naked, or wearing Ken's
> > clothing. You can't really do that with GI Joe.

> With the *good* GI Joes you can (not those cheap plastic imitations
> they made into a cartoon show).

Please, don't date yourself too much ") i mean =)

> Eric Siegel |
> Dept. of Political Science | "Tiffany must never happen again"
> Univ. of California, Davis | -- Andrew Simchik
> One Shields Avenue |
> Davis CA 95616 |
> (530) 752-7106 |

yeah!! I like this one toooo.


Feb 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/15/98

In article <>,
(Bitty) wrote:

> I knew someone once who claimed that if you went 7 years without,
> you were a born-again virgin.

I always heard it was six months. :) I guess we had to lower the
standards in the very Catholic part of Texas I lived in so that more
people could qualify and get in heaven or something.

> having one's back scratched with scruff is infinitely more
> satisfying than a brush.

I would have to agree.

> > wow. i dont think i'd ever describe any of it as earthshattering.
> :It's true. Why do you think California has so many
> :earthquakes, and Kansas so few?
> well, massachusetts scores a big fat zero, eh?

I don't know. So far I have scored - er - IT has scored quite well IMHO. :)

Of course, there is always room for improvement. So far it's been all guys ...

Darren, who relocated to Rhode Island from Texas about 6 months ago, and
made up for a year and a half of near-born again virginness rather quickly
once he got there (like the first weekend, yee-haw)


Feb 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/15/98

Darren <> wrote:
>> I knew someone once who claimed that if you went 7 years without,
>> you were a born-again virgin.

> I always heard it was six months. :) I guess we had to lower the

aieeee. well, i've still never been bron-again, by those
standards. thank goodness.

>> well, massachusetts scores a big fat zero, eh?
> I don't know. So far I have scored - er - IT has scored quite well IMHO. :)

> Darren, who relocated to Rhode Island from Texas about 6 months ago, and
> made up for a year and a half of near-born again virginness rather quickly
> once he got there (like the first weekend, yee-haw)

Yeah, I seem to have fond-enough memories of rhode island ;)


Feb 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/15/98

Darrell Manrique <> wrote:
>> ROFLMFFAO :) (He-Man, She-Ra, had a He-Bang?)

> Eew! They were brother and sister!! AAAAAAAGH!

Well, its a disgusting concept to begin with - why on earth would
the fact theyre theyre siblings actually make it any worse? the thought
cant GET any worse!

Dawn S Friedman

Feb 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/18/98