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Ciaran McHale

Aug 4, 1992, 6:34:10 AM8/4/92

"Hot bi chicks" --- The tasty new snack for when you feel like a nibble.
Chunks of tender young chicken, served piping hot with two sauces and a salad.

"Hot bi chicken and chips"
As above but with a portion of french fries instead of a salad.

Of if you're really hungry, why not have some hot bi chicks as a
starter, followed by our Chinese speciality: cream of sum yung guy.

<> 9 out of 10 cats say their female owners prefer women

Ciaran McHale ----
Department of Computer Science, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland. \bi/
Telephone: +353-1-7021539 FAX: +353-1-772204 email: \/

Djelrik Solis

Aug 5, 1992, 1:57:51 AM8/5/92
In article <> (Ciaran McHale) writes:
>Of if you're really hungry, why not have some hot bi chicks as a
>starter, followed by our Chinese speciality: cream of sum yung guy.
Just for the very-coincidental record, "guy" (pronounced as in "Guys
and Dolls") is the Lao word for, yes, CHICKEN!

><> 9 out of 10 cats say their female owners prefer women

And this is lovely, also :)

-Djelrik (who is also known to make "clucking" sounds for no particular
reason at all)

Djelrik Solis Department of East-West Psychology California Institute of Integral Studies
____ San Francisco
\ /
\/ , etc.

Aug 5, 1992, 11:12:16 PM8/5/92
to (Ciaran McHale) writes:
> Of if you're really hungry, why not have some hot bi chicks as a
> starter, followed by our Chinese speciality: cream of sum yung guy.

Whoop! Whoop! This man has been watching _Wayne's World_. Can he be saved?

Hot bi chick #quite a high number

Kimberley T. Smith

Aug 10, 1992, 2:08:08 PM8/10/92

Ciaran again:

>"Hot bi chicks" --- The tasty new snack for when you feel like a nibble.
>Chunks of tender young chicken, served piping hot with two sauces and a salad.

>"Hot bi chicken and chips"
>As above but with a portion of french fries instead of a salad.

>Of if you're really hungry, why not have some hot bi chicks as a
>starter, followed by our Chinese speciality: cream of sum yung guy.


><> 9 out of 10 cats say their female owners prefer women


Muffy Barkocy

Aug 10, 1992, 3:24:01 PM8/10/92
In article <> (Kimberley T. Smith) writes:
>Ciaran again:

>>"Hot bi chicks" --- The tasty new snack for when you feel like a nibble.

>>"Hot bi chicken and chips"

>>Of if you're really hungry, why not have some hot bi chicks as a
>>starter, followed by our Chinese speciality: cream of sum yung guy.


Not to worry...a vegetarian friend of mine tells me that it's okay for a
vegetarian to eat meat as long as it's still alive (before and after)...


Muffy Barkocy | |
~Little round planet/in a big universe/sometimes it looks blessed/
sometimes it looks cursed/Depends on what you look at, obviously/
But even more it depends on the way that you see~ - Bruce Cockburn

Ciaran McHale

Aug 11, 1992, 6:41:55 AM8/11/92
In <> (Kimberley T. Smith) writes:
>>"Hot bi chicks" --- The tasty new snack for when you feel like a nibble.
>>Chunks of tender young chicken, served piping hot with two sauces and a salad.

Well, you won't be able to have any hot bi chicks then. Never mind, just
pass them over here and I'll have them.

>><> 9 out of 10 cats say their female owners prefer women

I recently thought of a variation on the above:

9 out of 10 cats say their female owners prefer pussy.


John Flanagan

Aug 11, 1992, 8:59:15 AM8/11/92
In article <> (Muffy Barkocy) writes:
>In article <> (Kimberley T. Smith) writes:
>>Ciaran again:
>>>"Hot bi chicks" --- The tasty new snack for when you feel like a nibble.
>>>"Hot bi chicken and chips"
>>>Of if you're really hungry, why not have some hot bi chicks as a
>>>starter, followed by our Chinese speciality: cream of sum yung guy.
>>I'M A VEGETARIAN!!!!!!!!
>Not to worry...a vegetarian friend of mine tells me that it's okay for a
>vegetarian to eat meat as long as it's still alive (before and after)...

Plus, it is a well-known fact that all dietary regulations
specifically exempt Chinese food.

John Flanagan || ||"Don't worry, honey,
U. of Hawaii, Dept. of Physics & Astro.|| our skirts are clean."
2505 Correa Rd., Honolulu, HI 96822 ||

Ciaran McHale

Aug 11, 1992, 9:35:17 AM8/11/92

[Hot bi chicks" and "cream of sum yung guy"]

In <1992Aug11....@news.Hawaii.Edu> (John Flanagan) writes:
>>>I'M A VEGETARIAN!!!!!!!!
>>Not to worry...a vegetarian friend of mine tells me that it's okay for a
>>vegetarian to eat meat as long as it's still alive (before and after)...
>Plus, it is a well-known fact that all dietary regulations
>specifically exempt Chinese food.

Well, actually...
From page 134 of "The Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex"...

Q: I'm a woman who wants to know how many calories there are in a single
sperm ejaculate of the average male.

A: There are approximately five calories in the amount of semen usually

No doubt, "this product will only be effective if used as part of a
calorie-controlled diet." :-)

Ken Johnson

Aug 11, 1992, 9:58:24 AM8/11/92

# I'M A VEGETARIAN!!!!!!!!

Have A Carrot.

-- Ken "let's go somewhere dark first" Johnson

//// Advice to dieters: //// Ken Johnson, A I Applications Institute
//// Never eat more than //// 80 South Bridge, EDINBURGH EH1 1HN
//// you can carry. //// E-mail
//// -- Miss Piggy //// phone 031-650 2756 fax 031-650 6513

Message has been deleted

John Clark

Aug 11, 1992, 11:50:29 AM8/11/92
In article <> (Kimberley T. Smith) writes:
+>Of if you're really hungry, why not have some hot bi chicks as a
+>starter, followed by our Chinese speciality: cream of sum yung guy.

Ok, then hot bi mock-chicks, made from soy beans curd, or
alternatively wheat gluten.

John Clark

Sean Ahern

Aug 11, 1992, 11:30:35 AM8/11/92
In article <> (Ciaran McHale) writes:
>In <>

>>I'M A VEGETARIAN!!!!!!!!

>Well, you won't be able to have any hot bi chicks then. Never mind, just
>pass them over here and I'll have them.

OI! Im a vegetarian as well. Dont eat *any* dead meat.
I'll quite happily nibble, lick, suck, tongue, chew, bite,
or otherwise as appropriate as long as flesh is not removed
and consumed. This, you may find, may be preferred by the majority
of hot bi chicks, so I think you're out of luck there... :)

White Rabbit

Jeanette Bradley

Aug 11, 1992, 4:26:04 PM8/11/92

>>Ciaran again:

>>I'M A VEGETARIAN!!!!!!!!
>Not to worry...a vegetarian friend of mine tells me that it's okay for a
>vegetarian to eat meat as long as it's still alive (before and after)...

Ah, but is it OK for vegans to swallow?

(if you don't know, vegans are poeple who don't eat *any* animal

# CompuServe: >INTERNET:uunet.UU.NET!ki!jet Jeanette Bradley #
# UUCP : ...!uunet!ki!jet b:O,f+,t,w+,dc,g++,k+,s+,e++,h-r+ #

the Crisco Kid

Aug 11, 1992, 3:47:26 PM8/11/92

Ah, but Sean... there are problems here. Take a good long deep kiss.
Swallow. You've just ingested several tens of thousands of dead and
not-so-dead squamous epithelial cells. Meat.

mad, bad, and cussed

6'2", dark short hair, blue eyes, bisexual and horny as ....
Kay Dekker, Dept of Industrial Design, Coventry University, Coventry UK
37 Old Winnings Road, Keresley Village, Coventry |B0 f t+ g++ k++! s+ e r p!
Phone: +44 203 838668 (work) +44 203 337865 (home) |Deflowerer-of-innocents

John Flanagan

Aug 12, 1992, 6:15:01 AM8/12/92
In article <> (Sean Ahern) writes:
> OI! Im a vegetarian as well. Dont eat *any* dead meat.
>I'll quite happily nibble, lick, suck, tongue, chew, bite,
>or otherwise as appropriate as long as flesh is not removed
>and consumed. This, you may find, may be preferred by the majority
>of hot bi chicks, so I think you're out of luck there... :)

Reminds me of a button I saw on a Bay Area bi activist:

"I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables."

Diane Reamy

Aug 12, 1992, 4:10:07 PM8/12/92
In article <1992Aug12.1...@news.Hawaii.Edu> (John Flanagan) writes:
>Reminds me of a button I saw on a Bay Area bi activist:
>"I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables."

I like my version better: "I didn't sleep my way to the top of the
food chain just to eat vegetarians."
Diane Reamy [] Speaker to Vegetables
Mistress of the Obvious
Q: Will my love betray me?
Diane [] Speaker to Vegetables
Mistress of the Obvious
Q: Will my love betray me?
A: Who else would? [M. Groening]

Nigel Burnett

Aug 12, 1992, 3:16:03 PM8/12/92
In article <> (Kimberley T. Smith) writes:
> I'M A VEGETARIAN!!!!!!!!

(not original - shamelessly stolen from somewhere else)

If vegetarians eat vegetables, I must be a humanitarian.

"It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be
thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge" Voltaire
Nigel Burnett: business: 3030 Orlando Dr., Mississauga, Ont., 416-672-2100
Send e-mail to,!isgtec!nigel, or ni...@isgtec.UUCP

John Flanagan

Aug 13, 1992, 10:43:56 PM8/13/92
In article <> (Nigel Burnett) writes:
>(not original - shamelessly stolen from somewhere else)
>If vegetarians eat vegetables, I must be a humanitarian.

You eat humanitables?

John Flanagan || ||"No need to overheat your rhetoric,
U. of Hawaii, Dept. of Physics & Astro.|| Exaggerating items in your pride..."
2505 Correa Rd., Honolulu, HI 96822 || -- Mephistopheles, _Faust_

Tim Pierce

Aug 14, 1992, 2:38:32 PM8/14/92
In article <> (Ciaran McHale) writes:

>From page 134 of "The Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex"...
>Q: I'm a woman who wants to know how many calories there are in a single
> sperm ejaculate of the average male.
>A: There are approximately five calories in the amount of semen usually
> ejaculated.
>No doubt, "this product will only be effective if used as part of a
>calorie-controlled diet." :-)

There is a popular urban myth about a woman whose doctor prescribed a
strict vegetarian diet for weight loss. A few weeks later when she
returned for a checkup, he discovered that she hadn't lost an ounce,
and was certain she was cheating on the diet. "Did you stray from the
diet I prescribed in any way?"

"Of course not!"

"Really, now. Did you put ANYTHING in your body that wasn't on that

"Anything? ... Oh ... Well, I didn't know that THAT counted ..."

The woman, according to legend, was a prostitute, and daily swallowed
fifteen or twenty ejaculations. Needless to say, her doctor revised
her prescription.

____ Tim Pierce / "Bisexual just means you pay for it."
\ / /
\/ (BITnet: TWPIERCE@AMHERST) / -- Rock Hudson


Aug 14, 1992, 6:22:35 PM8/14/92
In article <> (Tim Pierce) writes:
>In article <> (Ciaran McHale) writes:
>>From page 134 of "The Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex"...
>>Q: I'm a woman who wants to know how many calories there are in a single
>> sperm ejaculate of the average male.
>>A: There are approximately five calories in the amount of semen usually
>> ejaculated.
>There is a popular urban myth about a woman whose doctor prescribed a
>strict vegetarian diet for weight loss. [etc.]

Guaranteed true: A good friend of mine from college (if you're out
there, Folly N., Hi!) was diagnosed as diabetic. Diet control and
calorie counting being a _very_ important part of controlling one's
progress, she had to ask her nutritionist about the consequences of


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