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                                                                       The Albuquerque Soaring Association is dedicated to the pursuit of Silent Flight with Radio Controlled R/C Sailplanes, Electric Powered sailplanes and vintage model aircraft.  With a diverse membership from beginners to people who have flown for over 40 years, ASA offers something for everyone.  We have Saturday contests weekly: Thermal Duration, Two Meter, ALES and F5J, Hand Launch. We go slope soaring when it's windy and fly Aerotow several times a year.  We fun fly during the week at the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Park and have our weekend contests and fun flys at the beautiful Evergreen Turf Farm in McIntosh, NM.  Please find club contacts, schedules, & other details on the ASA web site  

This is a managed group, generally open to dues paying members for posting privileges.  All others who wish to post a message of interest to our group, please contact a club official.