There's a new open research/access conference happening in Washington D.C., USA November 15-17 this year called "OpenCon".
"We’re thrilled that you’re interested in OpenCon 2014 and have some exciting updates to share! First and most importantly,
applications to attend OpenCon will open on Monday,
August 4th, at 10:00 GMT and will remain open until Monday, August 25th, at 23:59 PDT (GMT - 7:00).
You’ll be able to find the application on the OpenCon homepage at, and
you’ll also receive an email reminder when applications go live. The application will be relatively short, and you will be able to apply for a travel scholarship to attend OpenCon directly through the main application."
"Generation Open Grants: These grants of up to $1,000 per organization are available to support student and early career researcher-led events and awareness raising
efforts during the 2014 International Open Access Week. Planning actions during Open Access Week is a great way to get involved and to strengthen your application for OpenCon 2014. Learn more about the program and apply for a grant here (applications due
by August 18):"
Thought it may be of interest to you for (applying for a travel grant OR organization grant OR suggesting an openSNP presentation). Not XOR, obviously. :)