Beta users of uBiome can now download their raw microbiome sequencing data. Their current implementation provides a response in pure JSON markup in the browser. Results are formatted as such (whitespace added):
{ "ubiome_bacteriacounts" : [{"taxon":"2","parent":"131567","count":"200967","count_norm":"1000000","avg":null,"tax_name":"Bacteria","tax_rank":"superkingdom","tax_color":null},
Where phylogenetic structure is preserved through the "parent":id relationships, and "count_norm" appears to be result of count/(count of ("tax_rank":"superkingdom")) to 6 sigfigs, i.e. percentage of entire result set.
"tax_color" seems to be for internal use so not sure why it is included, unless there is an ISO taxonomic-nomenclature<->hexadecimal-colour-representations standard of which I am unaware. "avg" I'm assuming is where they intend(ed?) to put average "count_norm" values of all users. May be useful for those wanting to create their own visualizations/population analyses, less so for those who just have a general data oversharing fetish, cough cough. ;)
Noticeably absent is anything labelling sample source. Predefined options for this are "gut", "mouth", "nose", "skin", and "genitals", but they also send out a "spare" swab with kits, which you can use on anything (I somehow resisted the urge to use mine for "anus of local Felis catus").
While I know you are all (very) busy, I just want to put this out there as a potential additional raw data type which could be uploaded and attached to an openSNP user profile. There was a positive reception on this list when the uBiome project was first announced, so I thought I'd follow up on that now that the data are accessible (to some). Alternatively, you could just wait until they provide an API, but I expect that to be in the far distant future as they seem to be developing slowly at this time.
I have attached my full "gut" data as a more comprehensive sample for any of those interested.