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Cloud Plugfest Being Expanded for September

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Aug 20, 2014, 11:29:58 AM8/20/14

Cloud Plugfests are work-oriented gatherings of developers and participants in standards organization projects and framework project developers designed to promote interchange of methods, tools and techniques that are defined by the plugfest participants as being suitable to test features such as portability, interoperability, ease of use, self-consistency and security when used in a cloud setting.

Participants at the 12th Cloud Interoperability Plugfest will test the interoperability of well adopted cloud storage interfaces. We always have a large showing of CDMI implementations at this event, but are also looking for implementations of S3 and Swift (and Cinder/Manila) interfaces.

The SNIA SDC 2014 Cloud Plugfest will take place Monday Sept 15 through Wednesday Sept 17 in Santa Clara, CA during the Storage Developers Conference.
If you plan to participate "in-person" in Santa Clara you must also register for the SDC event . The registration fee for the first 10 companies that register to participate "in-person" is complimentary (one free pass per company).  Additional passes are available at the special Cloud Plugfest rate of $495 per person which includes a full SDC Conference Pass.
Remote participation is also available at no cost.

Cloud Plugfest Registration Process

Complete the online Cloud Plugfest Registration Application.  Please make sure to read the Cloud Plugfest  Confidentiality Agreement and affirm your agreement during registration.

If you are interested in participating or helping to organize the testing, please contact Arnold Jones (

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