Hello Ilya,
I don't know OpenStack that much and I don't work or SNIA. Regarding to the official ISO/IEC CDMI 1.0.2 specification, CDMI supports HTTP basic authentication, Cipher Suites and digital certificates (X.509v3) via HTTP and/or HTTP over TLS. They suggest HTTP over TLS. The HTTP basic authentication is described in RFC 2616 and RFC 2617 (
http://www.rfc-editor.org/search/rfc_search.php), Cipher suites in RFC 2246 and digital certiicates in RFC 3280. If the authentification is successful, the server shall respond with HTTP status code 200, otherwise with HTTP status code 401.
More detailed information in the ISO/IEC CDMI 1.0.2 specification on pages 218-223 (the document has 228 pages and has the number ISO/IEC 17826:2012(E)).
I hope that helps, Jana