Call for Benchmarks 2024

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Martin Bromberger

Feb 19, 2024, 9:50:43 AMFeb 19


Do you have interesting or hard benchmarks that can be made public?

Want the world’s best SMT solvers to compete to solve your problems?

Submit your benchmarks to SMT-LIB and SMT-COMP!

Please let us know as soon as possible if you are considering

submitting benchmarks, even if the material is not quite ready. We

will work in close cooperation with the SMT-LIB maintainers to

integrate such benchmarks into SMT-LIB. The deadline for submission

of new benchmarks to be used in the 2024 competition is April 13, 2024.

If you have large complex benchmarks that are important to you and

unsolved within some reasonable time limit, we are especially

interested to see them. We will have again this year a parallel and a

cloud track where solvers can use the combined power of multiple cores

or machines to solve a single benchmark. We would particularly like

benchmarks that come with a description of why they are difficult and

important. Of course, new challenging benchmarks are always


For your submission please follow the guidelines in

Note that this is a different (but improved) process from previous

years. If you have questions you can contact us or the SMT-LIB

maintainers (contact information in the link above).


The organizing team

Martin Bromberger (chair), MPI for Informatics, Germany

François Bobot, CEA List, France

Martin Jonáš, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

PS: The GitLab repository with the latest release of benchmarks is currently down, but they are also available at

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