Notification icon!

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Feb 27, 2010, 8:47:58 AM2/27/10
to SMS Popup for Android
Hi!i've a question for you!
i've see that in the apk there is two icons: normal and eclair...and..
how can i change the notification icon?without modifing and resigning
the apk!
thanks anyway

Adam K

Mar 4, 2010, 8:44:59 PM3/4/10
to SMS Popup for Android
Hi Niko,

I was planning on adding an option to allow the user to select the
icon (haven't had the time yet), which is why you see them both in
there. At the moment the behavior is that if you are on a large
screen device (Droid/Milestone or Nexus One) it will use the eclair
icon, if not it will use the older icon.

If you really want the new icon you can download the source, rename
the icons around and re-build and install on your phone (it won't be
signed with the release key though). I think this will prevent you
receiving updates from Market unfortunately.



Apr 14, 2010, 1:35:18 AM4/14/10
to SMS Popup for Android

really hope you can add this feature soon. I've been using your app
since i got my G1 and now that i have a Nexus thats pretty heavily
themed the default black eclair icon doesn't work too well with my
black statusbar.

If you need some inspiration, ChompSMS has customizable notifications
with a whole bunch of different colored icons. I think that would be
the best way to go with yous. Just let people choose between recolored
versions of the default 1.6 and 2.1 images. i think everyone, myself
included, would be happy with that.

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