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SMI-S agent 5.3.2

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Mar 3, 2017, 4:53:25 PM3/3/17
to SMI-S Developers Group
I use Data ONTAP SMI-S agent to discover 7-mode NetApp Storage servers using ServiceNow Discovery. I did previously use the 5.2 version to discover Netapp Storage servers, but as our storage systems are migrated to Cluster mode and SMI-S 5.2 version does not support the cluster mode, I've got know I need to upgrade the SMI-S agent version to discover the Cluster mode Storage servers. Can someone help me to find out if Data ONTAP SMI-S agent 5.3.2 supports the Cluster mode NetApp storage servers so that we can upgrade out SMI-S agent to 5.3.2, we want this to happen only through the secure connection through 443 from SMI-S agent to the storage systems.

Johnny Hwang

Mar 3, 2017, 7:26:37 PM3/3/17
to SMI-S Developers Group
Data ONTAP SMI-S Agent has supported cluster mode NetApp storage servers since 5.1, so yes, you'll be fine =). You would need to reconfigure the storage server credentials on your SMI-S agent though, as the 7-mode credentials would no longer work as intended.
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