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Setup for 3D CAD files (SolidWorks)

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Andres Dandler

Jun 28, 2023, 11:01:46 AM6/28/23
to SmartSVN

I'm looking at installing SmartSVN to manage 3D CAD files.

(a) has anyone done this?  (I see only one person, Robert Finley, who mentions using it successfully)
(b) I'm concerned about file relationships.  SolidWorks has relationships between different files, and it needs a version-control system that keeps track of all the versions.  For example, the most common relationship between files could be an assembly (like a simple pen) that has multiple parts (cap, grip, main cylinder, internal ink part, etc.).  So the trick is that if I want to look at an old version of the design, it needs to pull up the corresponding old versions of the related files too.  Does SmartSVN work in this way?

Thank you!


SmartSVN Support

Jun 29, 2023, 10:11:25 AM6/29/23
> (b) I'm concerned about file relationships. SolidWorks has relationships
> between different files, and it needs a version-control system that keeps
> track of all the versions. For example, the most common relationship
> between files could be an assembly (like a simple pen) that has multiple
> parts (cap, grip, main cylinder, internal ink part, etc.). So the trick is
> that if I want to look at an old version of the design, it needs to pull up
> the *corresponding old versions of the related files too. *Does SmartSVN
> work in this way?

If you will properly commit all related changes in a single commit, then updating to an old revision should work. This is not specific to SmartSVN but to all Subversion clients. Hence, you may consider to discuss details at:

Best regards,
Marc Strapetz
syntevo GmbH

06/28/2023 17:02 - Andres Dandler wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm looking at installing SmartSVN to manage 3D CAD files.
> (a) has anyone done this? (I see only one person, Robert Finley, who
> mentions using it successfully)
> (b) I'm concerned about file relationships. SolidWorks has relationships
> between different files, and it needs a version-control system that keeps
> track of all the versions. For example, the most common relationship
> between files could be an assembly (like a simple pen) that has multiple
> parts (cap, grip, main cylinder, internal ink part, etc.). So the trick is
> that if I want to look at an old version of the design, it needs to pull up
> the *corresponding old versions of the related files too. *Does SmartSVN
> work in this way?
> Thank you!
> -Andres
> --
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Andres Dandler

Jul 4, 2023, 1:46:57 AM7/4/23
to SmartSVN
Ah, excellent, thank you.
Do you know if it's possible (or advisable) to set up the vault on a shared Dropbox folder?  I run a small business, and I do not have a physical server.  So I'm trying to have an SVN server set up on Dropbox, so that my team (2-3 people) can access the files.  Does this work?  We have tried but keep running into various error messages.  :-(
In case it isn't clear... I'm not a software guy, and I'm not an IT professional!
Thank you for any help.

SmartSVN Support

Jul 4, 2023, 4:50:14 AM7/4/23
Hello Andres,

> Do you know if it's possible (or advisable) to set up the vault on a shared
> Dropbox folder? I run a small business, and I do not have a physical
> server. So I'm trying to have an SVN server set up on Dropbox, so that my
> team (2-3 people) can access the files. Does this work?

You mean using file://-protocol to access files directly on a Dropbox-folder? That's definitely not recommended.

If you don't have your own server, I'd recommend to find an SVN hosting provider and put your sources there or (even more recommended) switch to Git and GitHub or some other Git hosting platform.

Best regards,
Marc Strapetz
syntevo GmbH


Andres Dandler

Jul 6, 2023, 2:03:05 AM7/6/23
to SmartSVN
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!

We have been testing with Assembla, an outside SVN hosting service.  It seems pretty good!  We are using SmartSVN to access the database.

I have two follow-up questions:
1) Do you have any tips for my setup?  I mean: managing 3D CAD files (SolidWorks) on a hosted service.
2) Why do you recommend changing to Git or GigHub?  As I mentioned, I'm not a software guy, so I don't know what those are.  Sorry!

Thank you!


Andres Dandler

Jul 6, 2023, 2:03:11 AM7/6/23
to SmartSVN
Oh, and I have one more question:
3) Is there a good tutorial video for how to use SmartSVN?  I looked on YouTube, but didn't find anything specifically for SmartSVN.


SmartSVN Support

Jul 6, 2023, 4:59:20 PM7/6/23
> 2) Why do you recommend changing to Git or GigHub? As I mentioned, I'm not
> a software guy, so I don't know what those are. Sorry!

In general, Git is currently much more popular than Subversion for most applications, and it is considered to be more powerful. However, if you have evaluated both options and found Subversion to be more suitable for your specific case, I certainly have no objections.

Best regards,
Marc Strapetz
syntevo GmbH

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