GUI 'Commit' panel cluttered with too many files

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Arnold Wiegert

Jul 7, 2023, 12:21:32 PM7/7/23
to SmartGit
I am trying to use smartgit with the repos based on an OpenMediaVault  based NAS server via an SMB shared folder because my main work is from a Win based LAN.

Occasionally, I need to access the git repos from a Linux machine and I have no problems pulling/cloning repositories, but when I try to push any modifications back to the remote repo, I get an error message, which makes it impossible to continue.

~/Public/pkg/Codelite/wxSkAui> git -c credential.helper=/app/extra/smartgit/lib/ push --porcelain --progress origin refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master
'/run/user/1000/doc/740bccd0/wxSkAui.git' does not appear to be a git repository
Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Can you help me sort this out so I an commit/push any changes back to the NAS server?



syntevo Support

Jul 7, 2023, 1:57:22 PM7/7/23
Is your NAS repository really accessible at /run/user/1000/doc/740bccd0/wxSkAui.git? If not, please fix the remote of your local repository clone.

I would suggesting to use a real Git server. It is too easy to corrupt a remote repository if it is locally accessible as network share.

Best regards,
Thomas Singer
syntevo GmbH
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Arnold Wiegert

Jul 8, 2023, 12:20:00 AM7/8/23
I am just not well enough up-to-speed on setting up such a server on my local network and simply have to live with what I can manage to set up, I'm afraid.

This is a fairly new requirement and I am still working out the workflow to get what I need. It does seem I am having better luck with getting changes pushed to my NAS.
For now, I will consider this issue resolved.
As for the 'Commit' panel, after having tested various 'file show options' via the several buttons at the top, I think I understand the GUI a whole lot more and seem to be able to manage cloning, pushing & pulling with some success.

Thank you

Arnold Wiegert

Jul 8, 2023, 12:20:18 AM7/8/23
Unfortunately, my push to what I understood to be the 'remote'  I cloned from, seems to succeed, but when I clone from that supposedly updated repo, my 'pushed' changes do not appear.

Completely lost now.
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