Introduce Yourself

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Sean Allen

Mar 18, 2011, 7:04:59 PM3/18/11
As we get more people on this list, I think it would be a good idea to
say 'hi' and drop a little intro as we probably don't know each other.

To that end, I'll start:

I live in Brooklyn, NY.

First came across Smalltalk in the mid 90s when I managed to wrangle
my way into multiple evaluation copies of Smalltalk X for the Mac.
I loved using Smalltalk and had great fun working through The Art and
Science of Smalltalk while working on a couple simple Mac
Unfortunately, eventually I could wrangle any more evaluation copies
and couldn't afford to do Smalltalk. I didn't come back to using
Smalltalk again until 2008 when the company I was working for was
building a new platform to power its e-commerce applications and we
decided after spending 9 months looking at our options that Seaside
running on GLASS was going to be the most productive platform for us.
That job ended in June of last year and I looked for Smalltalk work
but ended up taking a job doing Java for the

I'd love to get paid to write Smalltalk and thus my interest in this
group and in Redline Smalltalk. Let me actually qualify that, I'd love
to get paid to write Smalltalk and not have to move as I did have
three possibilities come up while I was looking for work but moving to
Boca Raton, Houston or Omaha wasn't something that I wanted to do.

I'm a language polyglot and have been paid to work in a ton of
languages and my current passions are working on Redline Smalltalk and
playing around with Haskell and Clojure.

You can find me various websites at: <-- personal site

Look forward to learning a bit more about everyone else on here and
hope we can get @srbaker to perhaps add a note about introducing
yourself as part of a welcome email you get when you join the group so
we can have a good idea where everyone is coming from as they join.

Charles A. Monteiro

Mar 20, 2011, 2:27:53 PM3/20/11
to smalltalk-marketing-department
Hi, I have been fortunately working in Smalltalk arguably non-stop
since 1994 when I started at Florida Power and Light one of the
bleeding edge American companies that embarked on Object Orientation
back in the early 90's. I'm talking about monochrome VW 1.0 x.
Throughout the years I have had the misfortune of doing Java and
professionally as well. I really think of myself as a pragmatist, some
think of me as a Smalltalk zealot. That's not the case. Its just that
so far nothing has come close as an overall solution. My time is very
precious and Smalltalk let's me do what I have to do more effectively
and it helps me manage my time. Where something to come around that
would actually be more productive than ST I would jump at it. In the
more recent past I have also done a decent amount of Ruby. Its
probably the closest to ST but still lacking and lacking too much.

As far as marketing Smalltalk I have tried to do my share in
organizing the NYC Smalltalk User's group. I guess it might be getting
close to 9 years since I took over as the "chairman" of NYC ST.

I have some ideas on what to do marketing wise , looking forward to
sharing those.

><-- personal site


Mar 20, 2011, 2:52:59 PM3/20/11
to smalltalk-marketing-department
On 19 mar, 00:04, Sean Allen <> wrote:
> [...] add a note about introducing yourself

Hi Sean, all,

Congratulations for your excellent initiative, and thank you for your
invitation to join this group!

To introduce myself shortly, I was initiated to Smalltalk in 1992
while student in Paris. From mid 1993 to early 1998, I gained an
extensive experience in developing sophisticated Smalltalk-based
solutions in the French industry, specifically Prelude INSPECTION (see
for example [1]). Then, I investigated some theoretical aspects of
engineering such software systems in the framework of a PhD from 1998
to 2001 (related to [2]). From 2002 to 2006, I was involved in
academic research (see for example [3]). In 2007, I started a
technology company that leverages the power and beauty of Smalltalk
solutions to address the needs of an emerging and highly demanding
applications area called Ambient Assisted Living [4, 5, 6, 7].

It’s my firm conviction that there is a huge market for Smalltalk in
alternative application areas (rather than traditional one like
banking, finance and content management).

Specifically, I see a huge market opportunity for one-line composable
Smalltalk web-services, in line with the notion of User-generated
Services [8]. I actually started setting up a community portal for
Smalltalk web-service developers at [9], but had never time to further
develop it. I’d gladly provide more information if there is any
interest in the group for collaborations in that specific area.

BTW, I moved from Paris to Luxembourg in 2003 to join the University,
where I continue to live and work. I also travel quite a lot, e.g.
passed several weeks in NY last summer; was in Brussels in the past
two weeks, will be respectively in Nice, Barcelona, and Madrid in the
coming weeks.


Charles A. Monteiro

Mar 20, 2011, 3:31:41 PM3/20/11
to smalltalk-marketing-department
Well, since you visit NY so often. I officially extend you an
invitation to present some topic of your liking to our user's group.



Mar 20, 2011, 3:39:38 PM3/20/11
to smalltalk-marketing-department
On 20 mar, 20:31, "Charles A. Monteiro" <>
> Well, since you visit NY so often. I officially extend you an
> invitation to present some topic of your liking to our user's group.

Certainly, with pleasure; thanks for your invitation Charles!
I’ll let you know the next time I’ll have a travel plan to NY.
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