Question about outlines (how can I tell if they are public)

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Tony Colston

Jul 14, 2016, 10:51:50 AM7/14/16
to smallpicture-user
I read the docs and searched a bit before asking...

How do I know if the outline I am typing in is public anywhere? It looked like if the top element has a name is what does that?

Just wanted to make sure what I am typing is not ending up out in the world for everyone to read.

I might be missing a larger concept there... maybe all outlines are private by default... just wanted to see is there a UI element or a way I can look at an outline in fargo and know that it is not being published out to the world.


Dave Winer

Jul 14, 2016, 10:53:00 AM7/14/16
Good question.

All outlines are private by default.

You are not creating something public.

You can make it public with the Get Public Link command in the File menu.


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