want to talk about ebooks?

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Sharon Domier

Jun 1, 2020, 8:54:57 AM6/1/20
to Small Collections Roundtable
Dear Small Collections Roundtable members, 

How have you survived this pandemic and social distress? I am sure that you all did your best to help your faculty and students get the materials they needed to finish their assignments or get started on graduate summer research projects. Some of you are still in session I believe, but many have switched from student support to summer projects. 

If you are like me, you are facing significant challenges as we continue to work from home and try to prepare for the likelihood of mixed in-person/online classes for the fall. That means that we will need to add more and more ebooks to our collections at the same time as we are facing budget cuts (at least my library is facing huge budget cuts as we try to maintain staffing levels).  

It would be great if we could put some heads together to talk about ebooks and small collections - have you started adding ebooks to your East Asian collection? If so, how did it go with your acquisitions staff? What are your experiences with different platforms?  We will not record the session. Frank experiences and advice would be so useful to all of us. 

I realized that I had 2 sessions scheduled earlier and totally forgot to confirm the second one, so this time I will do a doodle poll and then follow-up with a calendar invite so that we all have it in our schedules:) 

So, if you are interested, here is the doodle poll. It seemed to me to make sense to set the times for afternoon East Coast time, so we will take the time that works the best for the most members.

best wishes from the woods of western Massachusetts

Sharon Domier 
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