Agenda item for Thursday's call

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Zoltan Nemeth2

Mar 28, 2022, 1:38:51 PM3/28/22
to, Melba Lopez, Matt Rutkowski, Simon Kaegi, Fabio Benedetti

Hi SLSA group,


I would like to add an agenda item for Thursday’s SLSA meeting (we identified 3 new types of threats that we think could be added to the threat list), how should I do this, should I simply add the item to the google doc? Asking because the doc mentions joining this group as a precondition. Thanks in advance.




Zoltán Németh
STSM, Senior Architect

IBM Public Cloud, CTO Office - Cloud Architecture


+36705132868  Mobile





IBM Magyarországi Kft.

1117 Budapest, Neumann János u 1.

Cg.01-09-060028 - registering court: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága

Mark Lodato

Mar 28, 2022, 1:42:02 PM3/28/22
to Zoltan Nemeth2,, Melba Lopez, Matt Rutkowski, Simon Kaegi, Fabio Benedetti
On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 1:38 PM Zoltan Nemeth2 <> wrote:

Hi SLSA group,


I would like to add an agenda item for Thursday’s SLSA meeting (we identified 3 new types of threats that we think could be added to the threat list), how should I do this, should I simply add the item to the google doc?

Yup, sounds great!

Asking because the doc mentions joining this group as a precondition.

 No need to ask in the future - the group is used for access control for edit permissions on the doc. Sorry for the confusion.
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