Feedback + Requests: SLSA + Tekton Case Study

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Christie Wilson

Apr 7, 2022, 12:16:38 PM4/7/22
to, Tekton Developers
Hello SLSA folks!

I've been working with the Tekton community on putting together a case study examining how Tekton can be used to meet the SLSA requirements - which is an important goal for us!

At the beginning of the doc I've included a list of a few requests for terminology clarifications in the SLSA requirements specifications itself. If you are interested please take a look, and also if anything in the way that we are applying the requirements to Tekton seems off, please highlight it.

(The doc should be commentable by anyone in, please let me know if I should add any other groups to the doc - opening it up publicly is a bit of a challenge 😅.)


Thanks very much!

- Christie Wilson

Adam Kaplan

May 3, 2022, 1:00:47 PM5/3/22
to slsa-discussion
I want to let folks know that I am volunteering as the Tekton liason for these issues while Christie is out on leave.

At this point in time, it appears that the conversation is continuing on GitHub with the following issues: was also identified as a related issue.

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