Family Tree DNA mtDNA - anyone used this test??

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Janet Furler

Dec 8, 2019, 3:03:15 PM12/8/19
to Slovak Roots
FamilyTreeDNA has a sale now on the mtDNA test.  I'm wondering if anyone has used this test and if it was informative.I can't get beyond my maternal grandparents and hoping this test might connect some of the dots.  Thanks for any info!

Janet Furler
(maternal line is Roseman (Rozman) and Ochran (probably a variant of the original)

Keith Riggle

Dec 8, 2019, 3:59:18 PM12/8/19
to Slovak Roots
Janet, both my dad and I have taken it, and it has provided us lots of matches. The usefulness is determined by whether the matches have uploaded a family tree, and many of them have not, but it's possible to contact the matches. Keep in mind that the mtDNA test tells you only your mitochondrial DNA, which is passed from mother to child, so it's only useful for your maternal grandmother, not your maternal grandfather.

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