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Agents needed

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не прочитано,
8 окт. 1997 г., 03:00:0008.10.1997

Open to all coutries.Agents needed to sponsor
our Lottery agency worldwide,The proposition
for users knowledgeble with internet,and
marketing experience.Good terms and pantion
plan,to qualified users.

Qualified users become autorised agents for,
"The Global Lottery Agency" .The company
provied the agents,with the followings.

* FREE Autorised agent web site.
* FREE Advertising and promotion tools.
* FREE Full suport 24 hours 7 days a week.
* FREE Site submition to over 600 search eng.
* FREE Bonus check of $125 for 5 first referrals.

On agent's web site,there are instructions,step by
step,how to promote and advertise your site free.
Watching thrue your site,your agent's progress,
number of visitors entering your's and their's site.

For complete info

Rafael Goldman
Executive v.p Sales Menager
The Global Lottery Network .Corp
The Palace st 22018 Suite 118
Frankfourt Germany 2927802

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