English to Katakana Script Available

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Natalia Shmueli

Jan 23, 2023, 1:07:22 AM1/23/23
to sljfaq.org
Hello there Mr. Bullock!
I hope this thread finds you well. I was playing around with your English to Katakana converter and was very impressed. It's absolutely amazing and even more accurate than some DNN-based ones I've seen. Would you be able to provide the code on GitHub? In truth, I'm training an open-source singing-voice-synthesis model in Japanese, and I don't have time to go through each loanword and transform them into their katakana forms and would like to optimize the procedure. If not, that's totally fine, but it would be a massive help for the project. Thank you so much!

Ben Bullock

Jan 23, 2023, 2:11:39 AM1/23/23
to sljfaq.org
Unfortunately it's not available as a download or install, see

Best wishes,

Ben Bullock

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