SlickGrid vs JqGrid

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Jul 16, 2018, 10:15:04 AM7/16/18
to SlickGrid
Hi SlickGrid Team,

I am in the process of evaluating Grid for our product and there are seems to be some of the advantages and disadvantages in both of these Grids and these are the observations for the comparisons. Can you please provide the amount of time it involves if any missing feature has to be developed. 

Mainly uses div tag instead of table tag which gives better performance.
Expansion and Collapse of rows is available.Expansion and Collpase of rows is available
On right click of a column provides a menu options.
Copy & Paste option is available but only restricted within the Grid, it has to be enabled from Excel.
ConsMost of the functionalities required for Web Page Grid are to be coded explicity and these are not available as is like a) Freezing of some Columns and Time periods are to be scrolled onto right.ConsCopy Paste from Excel to jqGrid is not available
Open Source Vanilla JS License: MIT is required.Open Source Vanilla JS License: MIT is required.
Column smart rendering features is not available.Uses table tr td approach for the elements to fit
On click of Next operation in case of WebPage, where the Grid creation of fixed number of Columns need not be created again that flexibility is not available. Grid timings which is considered for Loading will have the same timings when Next operations is performed.

Missing Features:
  • Once the Grid is loaded with the Rows and Columns, Is there a way to refresh the Grid with the new data without plotting again the Number of Rows and Columns
  • In the Grid, a set of Columns are to be freezed and other columns are to be moveable so that the Time series data is viewed against few other columns which are freezed while scrolling right to the Grid
  • Smart rendering of Columns: If User has scrolled towards right then an ajax call invocation has to happen and then get the rest of the data from the server.
  • Separation using a line in between the Grid to depict that before the line these cell buckets of history (readonly) and after the line these are future buckets which are editable.
  • Styling:
  •           a) Different Styling of rows which are even and odd.
  •           b) Styling support to highlight a cell in the Grid for editable and non editable.
  •           c) Displaying icon on a Grid cell bucket at any corner like lock icon at cell cannot be edited or displaying error icon on the cell. 
  •           d) Grid cell bucket has to be highlighted with different background color on tab out of the cell.


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