SleekXMPP has been Deprecated in favor of Slixmpp

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Nathan Fritz

Feb 24, 2020, 2:17:03 PM2/24/20
to SleekXMPP Discussion
Hi everyone,

Since Python 2 has been sunset, SleekXMPP is being deprecated in favor of the full Python 3 fork, Slixmpp. The github repo has been archived.

I know I haven't been involved in recent years, but I still appreciate everyone that has used this library, asked questions, contributed answers, contributed pull requests, and helped maintain it.

SleekXMPP wouldn't have been a success without Lance Stout and Mike "Bear" Taylor. Huge thanks to these two!

Feel free to continue to use this library in a historical context, for insights, or for your own forks. It's MIT, so you're still free to use it how you please.

Nathan Fritz (original author)

Sam Whited

Feb 24, 2020, 2:20:59 PM2/24/20
Hi Nathan et al,

Thanks for all the work you put into SleekXMPP. Now that it's being
sunset, can the website be updated to include this as well so that
people finding it via a search don't start using it without realizing
that it's been sunset?

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Sam Whited

Nathan Fritz

Feb 25, 2020, 4:36:13 PM2/25/20
to SleekXMPP Discussion
An ex-employer controls the domain, but I've reached out to see what can be done. They might just take it down.
Thanks for pointing it out!

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George Rey

Feb 22, 2022, 11:18:15 AM2/22/22
to SleekXMPP Discussion
What is the lowest version of python for which Slixmpp will still work?

My project calls for Python 3.7.7 -- but it appears to me that, when I downgrade to that version, the client just never gets past `Event triggered: connected ` --  In the debug log I get `NOT SENT: <class 'slixmpp.stanza.presence.Presence'>(...)`

George Rey

Feb 22, 2022, 11:18:59 AM2/22/22
to SleekXMPP Discussion
Can you suggest any alternate XMPP library that would possibly work with python 3.7.7?
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