slack 0.15.2

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Alan Sundell

Apr 20, 2008, 10:17:30 PM4/20/08
to slack users
slack 0.15.2 released

Despite the length of this note, this is a very minor release that's
probably only of interest to a few people. No changes (other than the
version number) were made to the code itself, but some changes to the
packaging were made:

* slack is finally hosted on! Here's the new URL:

We're not using all the features of the site at the moment, but it's
nice to have a browsable code repository and use Google's bandwidth.

I'd been putting off the cvs-to-svn-to-svn migration for a while, so
thanks to Gustavo Franco and Pereira Braga for pushing me into it by
setting up the site. Sorry I didn't get this done before FISL.

* Tests and installs of the package on OpenBSD are fixed a bit.

Thanks to Steve Atwell for this.

* The debian directory has been moved into a separate tarball, so that
imports by the Debian maintainer will work cleanly.

You can find that tarball in the downloads section if you want to
your own debs. After a while I will probably stop bothering with
and leave it all to the Debian maintainer.

Thanks to Andrew Pollock for taking on the Debian maintainership.


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