slack doesn't work

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Jun 15, 2007, 5:38:02 AM6/15/07
to slack users
I think I set some configurations well
but it is not working.

"my.cnf" file exists in "/root/slack-0.14.1/test/testsource/roles/nss/
files/etc/" folder, but
I can't find "/etc/my.cnf" file after executing "slack -v"

can you help me?

# template roles.conf file for testing
# $Id: roles.conf.template,v 1.1 2005/01/09 01:40:48 alan Exp $ badrole
#hodaz: role1 role2.sub role3.sub.sub
#foo.hodaz: badrole examplerole
hodaz: nss

# template slack.conf file for testing
# $Id: slack.conf.template,v 1.1 2005/01/09 01:40:48 alan Exp $

hodaz:~/slack-0.14.1/test # slack -v
slack: getroles
slack: installing roles: nss
slack: sync nss
slack: stage files nss
slack: stage scripts nss
slack: preinstall nss
slack: fixfiles nss
slack: install nss
slack: postinstall nss

Alan Sundell

Jun 15, 2007, 9:33:15 PM6/15/07
On 6/15/07, hodaz <> wrote:
> I think I set some configurations well
> but it is not working.
> "my.cnf" file exists in "/root/slack-0.14.1/test/testsource/roles/nss/
> files/etc/" folder, but
> I can't find "/etc/my.cnf" file after executing "slack -v"
> can you help me?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, but...

> /etc/slack.conf
> # template slack.conf file for testing
> # $Id: slack.conf.template,v 1.1 2005/01/09 01:40:48 alan Exp $
> SOURCE=/root/slack-0.14.1/test/testsource
> ROLE_LIST=/root/slack-0.14.1/test/roles.conf
> CACHE=/root/slack-0.14.1/test/tmp/cache
> STAGE=/root/slack-0.14.1/test/tmp/stage
> ROOT=/root/slack-0.14.1/test/tmp/root
> BACKUP_DIR=/root/slack-0.14.1/test/tmp/backups

Since you're telling slack the ROOT is
/root/slack-0.14.1/test/tmp/root, shouldn't you be looking for
/root/slack-0.14.1/test/tmp/root/etc/my.cnf, and not /etc/my.cnf?

See slack.conf(5) -- the ROOT variable is used to tell
slack-installfiles the root of where you want to install files.
Useful for testing as you're doing now, or for installing things into
a chroot, or whatever. It's like the --root option to dpkg or rpm,
except we don't chroot() when running scripts (though we do pass them
$ROOT in their environment).

Also, for future reference, you can give slack more -v's for more
verbosity. -vv should show you something like:

slack-installfiles: Syncing
'/root/slack-0.14.1/test/tmp/stage/roles/nss/files/' to


Alan Sundell

Jun 15, 2007, 9:41:05 PM6/15/07
Oops... I forgot to put some smileys in there and to indicate your
confusion is understandable, and I don't think you're an idiot. I (or
somebody) should at some point write some tutorials that explain
everything better. Also, I'm really glad you asked a question here
instead of just giving up. So here's five smileys:

:) :) :) :) :)

Distribute them as you wish throughout the previous email :) <-- bonus smiley



Jun 17, 2007, 10:52:45 PM6/17/07
to slack users
Thank you for your kind answer :)

I succeeded sync test for your help.

I should have read doc files more carefully...I am so sorry.

There are many kinds of smileys in Korea.


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