Monday MPW-2 Update - Sep 26, 2022

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Sep 27, 2022, 12:36:36 PM9/27/22

Hello everyone,

Please see updates for this week.

MPW-2 Silicon Testing

I/O Configuration

  • Automated testing has been completed across 18 parts.  

  • Tests have been repeated across multiple test setups and run across operating voltages from 1.5 to 1.8V.  

  • The optimal operating voltage for configuring IO ranges from part to part.

  • We continue to find 4 out of the 18 parts can be fully configured with all IO.  Many of the others can configure 70-85% of the IO.

  • We have also brought up a second automated test setup and are working through debug to get it running in parallel.

Caravel Functionality

  • Extended function testing is running on parts with full IO configurations.  

  • Tests include CPU stress, openRAM, DFFRAM, IRQ, UART, and other testing

  • Test results will be available in the next day or so


  • Temperature testing will be performed after the functional testing above completes.

MPW-2 Hardware

  • 363 breakout board assemblies are back.  The remaining assemblies are expected to arrive in the next day or two.


  • Samples for the main Caravel board have returned and passed an initial initial testing.


The following video shows installation of pins as well as flashing firmware and running a simple blink test.


  • Initial samples for a similar board in a Nucleo hat format are being fabricated for testing.  Firmware for the configuration uses Micropython on the development board and initial testing has been completed on the Nucleo board talking to a Caravel.

  • The configuration will allow users to automate testing parts for their own projects to identify the part that will configure all IO required for their project and provide a configuration ‘string’ to be used by their firmware for setting up IO.

  • We are working to get the complete test configuration assemblies complete for shipping with the breakout boards to each project owner. 

  • If anyone wishes to receive their parts ahead of getting the main board plus Nucleo setup, please reach out to me on Slack at @jeffdi or via email at

MPW-2 Simulation

  • We now have STA and simulation results that are consistent with failures seen in Silicon testing. 

  • This now allows for implementing changes to correct the timing issues and confirm through analysis and simulation that they have been resolved.

-- Jeff
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