MPW-5 is now open - deadline 21st March 2022

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Jan 10, 2022, 6:48:10 PM1/10/22
to, Jeff

Hello everyone,

We are excited to announce MPW-5 is open for project submissions!!  The deadline for project submissions for MPW-5 is March 21, 2022 @ 11:59 PST.

MPW-5 will include the ReRAM process addition. Timing models for the PDK will be updated with correct parasitics for the process stack with ReRAM. There are several projects already implementing ReRAM on MPW-4 and we look forward to seeing what the community can do with this technology.

We continued to see great community engagement and participation with MPW-4 which closed at the end of last year.  As the tools are continuing to improve, we encourage previous shuttle projects to re-harden and resubmit their projects for MPW-5.  New projects and designers continue to be welcome and encourage people to leverage previous design submissions as starting points for their own projects.

The Efabless Team

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