Monday MPW-2 Update - Sep 12, 2022

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Sep 13, 2022, 10:24:29 AM9/13/22

Hello everyone,

Please see updates for this week.

MPW-2 Silicon Testing

I/O Configuration

  • Since last Monday’s update, we’ve had success configuring IO connected to a user project on MPW-2.  The project is Matt Venn’s Zero-to-ASIC submission and the video below shows 2 of 3 PWM outputs driven by a clock function.

  • Using test automation described below, we now have an automated test for characterizing the IO hold violation pattern in the shift register chain for a given part.

  • We have tested 7 parts so far.  Using the automated test we are planning to test 20+ parts to understand the repeatability of the test routine for characterization.

  • Since the IO configuration depends on hold violations for a particular chip, we are automating the routine for the characterization to support project owners being able to run this routine for their parts.

Caravel Functionality

  • An automated silicon test suite has been developed with over 30 functional tests.  Several of these tests have been run for some core functions including memory and computation for the management core.

  • Many of these tests depend on IO configurations to support the tests and further execution is waiting for completion of the IO characterization testing described earlier.


  • We are building a second setup to run more tests in parallel.

  • We’ve brought in a temperature forcing station and we are in the process of getting it setup to extend our testing.

MPW-2 Hardware

  • Breakout board fabrication and assembly will be completed in the next day or two.   Breakout boards and parts will begin shipping to project owners once the breakout board assemblies are complete.

  • The main board has been updated to support the breakout boards above.  Boards are being built on a quick turnaround time in order to test before the remaining boards are built.

  • A design has been completed for a Nucleo hat and is being reviewed prior to sending for fabrication.

MPW-2 Simulation

  • Proprietary tools have been set up for running Static Timing Analysis (using PrimeTime).

  • We are working through addressing issues with PDK files and netlists to enable the flow to work correctly.

Other Analysis

  • MPW-2 analysis is progressing.  

  • 12 out of 40 projects have been identified as analog and configuration of the analog IO is not impacted by the IO configuration issues.

  • We are reviewing the IO pad usage for each project as well as usage of the WB bus, logic analyzer and irq signals from the management core to the user project area.  

  • The process is manual and over half the shuttle projects have been completed so far.


Jeff DiCorpo

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