Hello everyone,
We are excited to announce MPW-4 is open for project submissions!! The deadline for project submissions for MPW-4 is December 31, 2021 @ 11:59 PST.
One of the new features for the MPW-4 shuttle is support for using ReRAM technology from SkyWater. ReRAM is a new primitive which enables the creation of new types of solutions like non-volatile storage. We are excited to see what general access enables people to do with this technology.
Due to the newness of this technology, this first run will be done with a “split lot” meaning that projects not interested in ReRAM can ignore the addition. For projects which are using ReRAM there will be some impact on metal layer parasitics and timing analysis that will need to be taken into account.
It should be noted that Efabless will have limited staff to support questions or issues from December 22nd to January 5th. Rather than closing the shuttle early, we have decided to keep it open to the end of the year. However, we recommend you get your project submitted on the platform early and get jobs submitted through initial passes for precheck and tapeout.
We had a great turn-out for MPW-3 and appreciate your participation and the engagement as the open source community continues to gain momentum. We are eager to see both new designs but also encourage previous submitters to submit updated designs for MPW-4!
The Efabless Team