An Article from :The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs PLUS My Views on Google and Open Source Softwares

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Chinmay Patel

Feb 6, 2008, 10:01:24 AM2/6/08
Statutory Warning : If you are Open Source(Freetard), Google(tard) or Linux(Freetard JAI-ASS - Just Another IBM-ASS-ET), reading this article will result in an acute pain in the wrong end of your body. Also this post goes like : Spit on our face and Kick you on your C*
This post is going to be full of hatred and reality from my end. Many of my friends, who are part of this group believes that I hate Google and Linux, this is my answer to them. I don't hate them but I hate their lame attempts to try to look like something they are not. If you are an advertiser stay an advertiser unless and until you have the strength to build enterprise class app. If you are meant for schools/colleges stay there don't even try to come to the enterprise class OS and Virtualization Segment.
Here is the article and PLEASE DO READ ALL THE COMMENTS on the article. It will help you to open your eyes.
Also I have certain points to put forward, if you read the reference links you will enjoy them the most.
- After trying a lot of times to maintain my expenses online I've moved back to Microsoft Office Excel 2007 from Google's featureless-shitlike online excel-wanna-be WebApp, please message me to know why I did it, I will reply on this forum itself.
- After Y! Messenger my favourite IM is Office Live Communicator 2007 reason behind that not even Y! can beat it when it comes to Unified Communication.
- Google is still the best search engine in web segments. I have never tried Google Apps for enterprise so I can not comment on it, however I BEG to find ONE, I repeat ONE implementation where Google Apps is being used by a company serving more than 50,000 end users. I will not take a web page as a reference unless and until it is coming from reliable source(, ZDNet,, BBC, CNN are reliable sources I guess) and yes we are open to discuss reliability of the source, so please if you find something, post it on the group. So far, for enterprise segment, I have found Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 to be impressive.
- I still love Linux, and you can ask Cody, I still use Linux sometimes, however it is not at all ready to replace a large base of corporate workstations. Sadly, Munich(Germany), city council tried to throw out Windows out of the city, and replaced all the City Council Workstations/Laptops to Linux.
Read on what happened
In 2003, and then they realized and then in 2005, some 14K desktops,,1000000121,39195204,00.htm and rumors are heard that now 70-80% of them are running Windows on Linux VM. One more link for the same story :
If you have latest news on this project, please let me know.
By the way, here is a success story for Linux but then..hey.. ever heard of this city?
Few months back, in my College group, I ran a survey amongst the new batches as well as oldies to choose from Linux and Java, at that time one of my friend started jumping that this survey is like : You like M$ or Not. I did not that time.. felt..what should I do if my friends...even don't understand what I am trying to tell?
However enough with the silence, at least some of you will understand what I am trying to do here.
I am ending this article here but there is one more coming shortly. This one was originally written almost two weeks back.


Feb 6, 2008, 3:18:19 PM2/6/08
to Skynet
yaa dude i agree
MS is no. 1 in desktop & office works
linux in servers
sap in ERP
Oracle in DB
google on web
yahoo on chat
AOL in email
IBM in mainframes
Honeywell in flight system software
and blah blah

it is necessary to have variety or else pple like u and me who r
consumers as well as workforce will have to consume and work for sme
monopolistic forces and i know u may nt find it to much relevent to
the article but still i need to write it to remind MS is not
everything :-)

Chinmay Patel

Feb 6, 2008, 3:46:20 PM2/6/08
While I agree to the statement that MS is not everything, I have one really important thing to say : Watch out for my upcoming article on Google's Hysterical reaction on Microsoft's Bid For Yahoo!

Chinmay Patel

Feb 6, 2008, 4:40:47 PM2/6/08
Oh Yeah.. and all those OMLISS(Oh My Linux Is So Secure) kindda people out there... ever heard of Random JS Toolkit?
Here is an eye-opening web page
Random JS Toolkit Announced by Finjan
Here is how popular web host control panel Cpanel has put it on their site. Just have a look at it..Enjoy!!!...
Also if you are looking for an explanation how these attack works, let me know I will try to get something.


Feb 7, 2008, 2:49:42 AM2/7/08
to Skynet
and yeah windows is sooo secure

Back Orifice
Beast Trojan
Nuclear RAT (NR, NucRat)
Optix Pro
Posion Ivy
Trojan.Qoologic - Key Logger
Trojan Luder - B
Storm Trojan
Sub Seven
Trojan.Bytesize ?
Zlob trojan

jst chk out what r these ,,, these may be jst 0.0001 %


Feb 7, 2008, 2:52:55 AM2/7/08
to Skynet
while above were only few trojans for windows ,, now see the no. of
worms & viruses for linux

Linux/Lion (also known as Ramen)
SSH Bruteforcer

Computer viruses
MetaPHOR (also known as Simile)
Winux (also known as Lindose and PEElf)

i think they can be counted on fingers :-P , whilei was finding
viruses for windows ,, i lost my count though :-)

Rikin Shah

Feb 7, 2008, 3:59:55 AM2/7/08
well, most of the malicious programmers target most widely used systems for their attacks. That is windows. Thats why you can't count them on fingers.

And talking abt security...


that remains on your hand... you should know atleast 75% of the system architecture so that you can know from where these attacks can be done.


Feb 7, 2008, 5:43:25 AM2/7/08
to Skynet
yeah i agree Rikin ,,," if u r critisized then u r famous " ,
but still the issue was security and reliability ,,, well at present
linux is very secure , even the Mac can be hacked very easily . and we
know windows application crash more often than in any othr OS ,,, and
yeah regarding lame attempts ,,, o wonder if Chinmay read what MS was
ought to design while launching Project Longhorn with diffenr file
systems and very differnt storage of file , but Vista is a Lame
attempt with nothing more then few added programmes and using sme pre
made applications that r launched at run time and ofcourse a very
beautiful interface :-) , i think u must see the Linux Korrora !

Im a MS fan but ofcourse loyal to Linux , i owe linux a lot so cant
betray it :-)

Chinmay Patel

Feb 11, 2008, 5:57:51 PM2/11/08
Here it is...I know you have been waiting for this since you posted the response 5 days ago.

As you know, you are critisized only when you have something that OTHERS dont have.. and I will put that something as World's Largest Software Development company with Billions of $s. I can understand human nature is to criticize something you can never be so its all ok with me. And trust me dude.. Linux can be hacked very well. and as Rikin rightly mentioned it all depends on user base. after all who is interested in hacking Cody's desktop running linux when they know
for sure there is no chance to find something important.[Some pun intented .. I hope..cody.. will kick back making this post the longest thread on on our group].
Well.. idea of different file system is still there and Oracle was so much afraid of the idea that they went to court and MS had to put the idea the other way so that it goes straight.. deep in Oracle's sorry A**, don't believe that... but if you observe MS's style they dont abandon any product, they keep working on it and then they release it on the right time(Possibly ringing deah bell for one of the competitor). By the way, if you happen to see Vista's new Folder features as well as Windows Live Desktop Search(Again Google cried out so loud at that time.. : Mom!!! why they dont use google desktop search????) and if you read this what WinFS orignially intended to do, you will understand that.. it is happening under some other banner but it is happening.
And as long as Vista is considered, dude, dont you think that you are off the limits? You have neither looked deep inside Linux nor any of the Windows OS. Yet you are Jumpin n Shouting about both of them. Do you really understand what architecture Vista has followed? What are the pillars on which Vista stands? Why UAC is such a pain in wrong place but still works like a charm? What is Kernel Patch Protection? What is BitLocker and how it works? Leave it dude...leave it...
And when you are talking about few added programmes which are launched at run time.. if you are talking about Windows Mobility Center me I have no words, cause you are living inside your own world. For mobile professionals and business executives Windows Mobility Center is one stop shop. Nevermind it will take years before
you understand importance of these applications.
Just for fun, I recommend to download and install trial version of Windows Vista from and use it for a while and then comment on it.

Mrinal , tHiNk dIfFeReNt

Feb 12, 2008, 4:18:35 AM2/12/08
to Skynet
First thing first , this article was solely aimed at me :P .. i know
the pain in chinamy'z @** , well if Oracle had sued MS over sme FS and
court favoured them then that means MS was at fault and was looser and
yeah regarding google wen u try to copy the stuff of any bdy , it
surely going to be a pain in their sitting machine :-P , And ur ""
WinFS orignially intended to do, you will understand that.. it is
happening under some other banner but it is happening."" stuff means
that MS lost another front by using sme orginal ideas by sme other

So tell me who is looser who lost all the battles in court and in
public or the pple who won ???

and regarding ur stuff that i havnt used VIsta i wanna say that , who
the hell in userz world is interested to see the architetcure of
Vista , wen all just u wanna do is decent computing and a good looking
interface . that architecture gonna make difference to sme pple like u
and me whio going to work on APIz and frameworks, and reagrding other
stuff they r also avalable by third party software vendors for Windows
XP , so may i know where r the new ideas by MICROSOFT , they jst copy
the stuff and push their bloody @****s where their is money , and that
doznt bother them wether they r using other pple ideas or not ,, they
have no consious ... ( bit hard word )

and yeah to tell u yahoo just rejected the MS offer ,,, :-)

This post had to be a bit hard bcoz it was solely aimed at me ;-)

bubyee , tc

Mrinal , tHiNk dIfFeReNt

Feb 12, 2008, 4:24:09 AM2/12/08
to Skynet
and yeah MS also got sued for their WMP in europe and lost that too ,

and to tell u more jst see the stuff

Mrinal , tHiNk dIfFeReNt

Feb 12, 2008, 4:29:09 AM2/12/08
to Skynet

Chinmay Patel

Feb 12, 2008, 3:56:37 PM2/12/08
Ahhh.. I am so glad, the pain I caused, that's what I Intended to do. Now coming back to the topic, dude, use some sense and think what is happening, MS lost the case in court but then they still can do business in Europe. In a way -> EU cause MS say 1 BLN USD well in return MS can do business in EU -> Rip the sorry EU A** apart multiply that 1 BLN USD with 100 and get it back, now that is MS ISHTYLE!!!
And about the architecture, ofcourse end users don't care about Vista Internals but the way it is built, it is true that it is far more secure than its predecessors only thing is they wont understand and I have my doubts about you too..:P
As long as Y! rejecting MSs offer, MS doesn't give it a tiny rat's A**, this is business dude, didn't you see how google guys s*it in their pants foul crying on Internet freedom and innovation and shit like that. I am amused to see google's reaction on this, 'cause they just bought net's biggest spy-site - last year. If you need more info on doubleclick's operation then let me know. I hate them more than I hate freetards. I am gonna post on how innovative(God Forbid...) google is, just gimme some time.
As long as your links are concerned... I am bit disappointed,
the badvista guy is trying so hard to prove Vista is bad but only thing that I could see in his post is his pain due to DRM that he is not able to break through. Sorry dude I cant help it, Vista helps Entertainment industry to enforce DRM and I don't see anything wrong with that.
earthweb link didn't tell something new or something that I don't know and as long as complexity is considered I take pride in getting acquainted with complex user interfaces/softwares and I don't care about others. BTW just so you know, both my parents are non-IT people and have used XP extensively, both use Vista Home Premium since last 6 months and neither have complained(They still have options to use XP as I still host one desktop and one laptop loaded with XP) so I guess they are technically advanced than the earthweb guy :P
And in the ZDNet link a freetard wiping tears on pricing on MS products... WIN :) :D I have got nothing to say..just one thing..though.. its not a news article, a freetard writing in a community...well...that is really so much admired...:P
In the last thing, I will take the bad part, the guy sings the same song, nothing new except in last paragraph he says the Vista's massive size, now thats a point. Oh Gosh!!! I get a kid will understand localization/globalization support in OS? so that is fine too..BTW.. did you get it?


Feb 13, 2008, 2:10:33 AM2/13/08
i think u have serious doubts abt my capabilities :-P and know i wont like to say anything more abt MS as they may be my future employer and im in no way gonna leave sme bad remarks over them here that can cause pain in my sitting machine ever :-) , but yeah ragrading windows vista usability i want to share a a xperience as u did  , my uncle who is a lawyer used windows 98 for their usual office work on the thier P3 system 800 mhz system with mere 128 mb ram with office 97 loaded, i said what the heck why dont u upgrade ( three yrs back ) and got them windows XP on same system and 3 months back i gt them a laptop ( lenovo ) with 1.7 ghz core 2 duo system,with 1 gb ram and windows vista basic , he gt really xcited ,, wow a new laptop now im mobile ,, but what the heck , wen i saw them after2 months he was still using his p3 system and laptop very neatly packed in his cupboard, i was literraly shocked at the treatment met to dual core system with latest OS and wen i asked him why he is nt using his laptop he had his problems , he said and i quote " cant connect to HP printer and scanner bcoz and even if i can they behave weiredly i ont know why and system is very slow , applications dont open up fast and system hangs a lot and i have to take out the battery " , i chkd the system problem with drivers ,, not supported by vista ,, 
i said ok ,, downloaded latest drivers and readied system for them ,i also installed a SUSE 10 linux in another partition .  now after few days , i still see im using his old Xp system with P3 , well i have no answer why he is doing that ,o Vista no , No Suse :-|
The simplest xplanation i can give is that every user has its preception , well it may be differnt case for ur parents it was differnt for my uncle and may be different for sme oder pple , but really think of the laymen who has to deal with the modern systems , cant it it more easy then releasing patches after wards and leaving it to laymens ti install them ,, i wonder if our parents will be able to downlaod and install patches and updates without our help and also considering other third party softwares updates although there is automatic updates avalable but beleive me pple still have to consider their broadband bills in inida and still want a bit independence as to wen the downlaod should be done , probabily at the start of the new month 

but im seriously concernd at ur MS ishytyle , although u consider piracy a bad thing and also linux a bad thing but u consider MS ishtyle  a good thing even if causes problems to customers ! well then why customer should care for MS , why nt use a pirated Windows , tahts now a customer ishtyle !

Chinmay Patel

Feb 13, 2008, 2:44:16 AM2/13/08
Dude, there are no doubts about your capabilities, and dont worry.. I will never ever put your name under no-hire list in MS.[:P PUN..LOTS OF PUN INTENDED]. Now coming to the topic, I agree with you on certain extent that broadband and hardware is a limited resource in India. And there is nothing
we can do about it. As long as MS ishtyle is considered, I was not at all saying it is good. :( I am saying, it is difficult to defeat MS on this ground. They
rule the business world by keeping their OEM reseller, Hardware Dealers, Researchers, Govt and Consumer connections alive n kicking.
Also do you really think that they are interested in stopping piracy? common your eyes and think, they are stopping large scale piracy otherwise take example of China, what happened to World's Biggest Pirated Software Market when MS decided to go hunt Piracy in China. I would like to take this particular thing offline, we can take a call or an IM session on this. No offense to you, but when we will talk you will surely feel pain about how wrong you are
about MS opposing piracy.
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