Presentation at Conference

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Apr 24, 2024, 12:01:27 PMApr 24

I’ve been asked to demonstrate SKY for attendees at the ISC conference. (This year the conference will be virtual.) The presentation is actually part of a day of pre-conference presentations—intended largely for new indexers.

I’ve just learned that I will have 45 minutes—instead of 30 minutes.

The conference planners sent a sample that I can index that will be the same as others are using—but I don’t have to use it—and I’d rather spend the time focusing on techniques. I’d like to do a quick demonstration showing how to use the spreadsheet and then spend time on shortcuts. For example:

  • Alt + Ctrl + Enter to propagate edits
  • Alt + Ctrl + P to split text at serial commas

SKY has a large number of time-saving functions. I learned the package on my own, and it took a long time for me to find my way into some of these.

Any thoughts from other SKY users?









Matthew MacLellan

Apr 24, 2024, 12:05:10 PMApr 24
to SKYIndexUsers, Judi Gibbs

I personally, as an occasional SKY user, would find it valuable to at least see a little bit of your work process as you're going through data entry, but certainly do what you'd prefer to do! Talking about the spreadsheet/shortcuts I'm sure would also be useful, and it's a decent chunk of time you have.

Matthew MacLellan (he/him/his)
indexer and developmental editor
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Cheryl Lenser

Apr 24, 2024, 12:17:00 PMApr 24
Sounds like a great presentation, Judi!

One of my favorite shortcuts in Sky is Swap Acronym (Alt + Ctrl + S). I do a good number of computer books, which have LOADS of acronyms in them, a lot of which need to be double-posted (or at least have a cross-reference). If you do demonstrate that one, don't forget to remind people to duplicate the entry THEN swap the acronym. 


Cheryl Lenser
Professional freelance indexer & editor
Treasurer, American Society for Indexing

From: <> on behalf of <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 12:01 PM
To: <>
Subject: [SKYIndexUsers] Presentation at Conference

Deborah Patton

Apr 24, 2024, 12:26:13 PMApr 24
That's great Judi!
I always like to find entries that all need the same treatment because it's actually faster to do them all at once. For instance, I write indexes for a university that publishes titles supported by research. Names of scholars are sometimes individual, but as we all know, they can be collaborative teams too. Those teams I copy/paste from the bibliography and paste into SKY. Then I label that entry.
At the end, I filter my view so I'm just seeing all those teams.
I have to tweak some.
Here's an example: Fouad, N. A., Ghosh, A., Chang, W., Figueiredo, C., & Bachhuber, T.
I select all and change [period comma space] to period semicolon space.
I find & and replace with nothing to eliminate it.
I change my split indicator to a semicolon (Preferences>Promote/demote/split).
Then I split. This example shows I have to split more than once, but I find it to be fun.
Can I remember to change the split indicator back to a comma? Of course not. I just about always get stuck in my next index. You'd think I'd learn...


AElfwine Mischler

Apr 24, 2024, 2:30:30 PMApr 24
to Judi Gibbs, SKYIndexUsers

You never let us forget that you don’t use Sky 8. So you’re going to demonstrate Sky 7, which isn’t available to new customers?? Please don’t badmouth version 8 in your presentation. It has so many advantages over v7 that I would never go back.

Ælfwine Mischler
Personal email:
Business email:
American Society for Indexing (ASI)

On Apr 24, 2024, at 6:26 PM, Deborah Patton <> wrote:

Apr 25, 2024, 6:53:13 AMApr 25
to SKYIndexUsers
How I wish you were presenting at the ASI conference, Judi! Will it be recorded and available for purchase? 

Does anybody know if someone will be presenting at ASI?  When Kendra asked us for topics, learning more about SKY8 topped my list. I wrote:
  • SKY software (version 8) demonstration: specifically, a "When you want to do x (double post, etc.) do y (keyboard stroke sequence)" and specifically for examples that are not in the user guide. How the language translates between indexing and SKY terminologies (If you want to do x (indexing task), what is it called in SKY?). I would love short segments on many indexing tasks rather than the whole session devoted to one feature. Perhaps it could be recorded for people to refer to again at a slower pace.
  • SKY software (version 8) demonstration: How to keep track of double-posts. People say they use labels, but I'd love to see exactly how.
I want to see how to use SKY 8.0. I have 7.0 from when I first learned indexing many years ago, but am now training myself on the version that would be updated in the future. About the new color-coding system for labels, I don't miss what I never used. 

All the best,


Theresa Duran

Apr 25, 2024, 10:07:51 AMApr 25
to SKYIndexUsers

Kamm will be presenting a session on SKY at the ASI conference in June.




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Millis Indexing

Apr 27, 2024, 10:21:49 AMApr 27
Hi, Mary,

Kamm will be presenting at the ASI conference. The list of planned presentations is available on the conference page: Please note that although Kamm's presentation is listed, a change in title and fuller description will be coming with the next update.


Apr 27, 2024, 10:22:16 AMApr 27
to AElfwine Mischler, SKYIndexUsers

>>Please don’t badmouth version 8 in your presentation. It has so many advantages over v7 that I would never go back.

I will not bad mouth SKY 8. I will say that it has good features, one of which is the ability to copy and paste diacritics. SKY 7 requires a translation table for most diacritics. That is generally not true in SKY 8.

I will say that the times I have used SKY 8, it has frozen up. Fortunately, Kamm was available and able to unfreeze it for me, but he may not always be readily available. I’ll also add that others have also had problems of the SKY 8 freezing.

>>So you’re going to demonstrate Sky 7, which isn’t available to new customers??

It’s not true that SKY 7 isn’t available to new customers. Pam Sanchez convinced Kamm to let her use SKY 7 after she had the same problems with SKY 8 freezing.

What frankly troubles me is that Kamm has not been willing to concede that the problem exists—even though I and at least one other experienced indexer have both reported it. We have both gone back to SKY 7 because we cannot afford to lose the work.

And a new indexer, Pam Sanchez, also told him about it.

I have talked to a couple people who have switched to either Cindex or Macrex because of technical problems with SKY 8. I didn’t ask if it was the freezing, but it could have been.

Up through SKY 7, I found SKY very stable and excellent technically.

The features I will demonstrate in SKY 7 are all available in SKY 8.


Maria Sosnowski

Apr 27, 2024, 4:05:43 PMApr 27
to SKYIndexUsers

From the Sky website:

SKY Index™ (Professional Edition) v7.0 is the predecessor to the current v8.0 flagship program. The program is still available for those that have built their business around this program and are expanding their employee base. 


Sky7 is not available for new purchasers according to the website.  The fact that Kamm made an exception for someone doesn’t change that and isn’t something that should be brought up at a conference.  New users should be told that Sky8 is what is available, as that is what the website says.  Ideally, the presentation should be done using Sky8 so people see the actual product they would get.  I would be unhappy to attend a demonstration of a product and then buy the product and discover that what I was shown is different.


People have had issues with Sky7 as well.  It has some quirks.  I’ve seen posts about people with Sky7 needing help from Kamm for an issue.  Many people have switched to Sky8 and love it.  If I have a product that has a lot of diacritics I would definitely use 8.  There are pros and cons to both programs. 


A presentation should be a neutral introduction to the features of the program.  If you feel you have to say negative things about the product you are demonstrating then you should probably not be the one doing the demonstration. 



Matthew MacLellan

Apr 28, 2024, 3:01:19 AMApr 28
to SKYIndexUsers, Maria Sosnowski
Under legacy products on this page:

It says, "If you need the prior version of SKY Index for compatibility reasons."

I do use Sky 8, but 7 seems available enough. Who's to say what compatible means? Kind of a flexible term. However, I very much agree with the other comments about not adding the Sky 7 vs 8 debate to the presentation. I think keeping those comments to the absolute minimum (or none) would be the best for new potential users, or existing users. 

Matthew MacLellan (he/him/his)
indexer and developmental editor

Apr 28, 2024, 9:37:48 AMApr 28
to SKYIndexUsers
That's wonderful news, Kendra! Thank you and Kamm for making that happen!

All the best,


AElfwine Mischler

Apr 30, 2024, 9:46:48 AMApr 30
to Matthew MacLellan, SKYIndexUsers, Maria Sosnowski
I agree with Maria, and I was about to write to Judi off-list to say much the same. The version that is available to new users is v8, and that is the one that should be demonstrated. Not only does it handle diacritics much better than v7, but v8's index pane is much more functional than v7's. (I could never get it to scroll.) There are some other features in v8 (such as Ctrl+Alt+I to invert an entry) that are not in v7, and, as we all know, the labels look different in v8 than in v7. I have not had a problem with v8 crashing -- whether that is because of my computer system, I cannot say.

It's not so much a matter of which is "better" but which is available to new or potential users, the ones who are going to watch the demonstration.

Ælfwine Mischler
Personal email:
American Society for Indexing (ASI)

Apr 30, 2024, 9:47:13 AMApr 30
to Matthew MacLellan, SKYIndexUsers, Maria Sosnowski

>>However, I very much agree with the other comments about not adding the Sky 7 vs 8 debate to the presentation.


I wasn’t planning to add those comments—until others on this list took me to task for saying I’d be demonstrating SKY 7.


>>I do use Sky 8, but 7 seems available enough. Who's to say what compatible means? Kind of a flexible term.


The experience by Pam Sanchez demonstrates that SKY 7 is available.


>>Ideally, the presentation should be done using Sky8 so people see the actual product they would get. 


Message received. Over the next few weeks, I’ll use SKY 8 for some samples that don’t matter.


I’d actually like to be able to use SKY 8—for the diacritics if nothing else. One of my specialties is Tibetan Buddhist art—which has a lot of diacritics. I worked out the translation table before SKY 8 was available, so it had to be done. I did use SKY 8 for a book with Tlingit diacritics—and SKY 8 is not up to all of them, but it is up to some of them.


I’d really like to know why SKY 8 freezes—and Kamm is not willing to accept and investigate the problem. Enough of us have reported the problem that I think he should take it seriously.


I’d also like to know what he is doing about SKY 9—which I gather is in development.

Apr 30, 2024, 10:48:40 AMApr 30
to SKYIndexUsers
I did a quick perusal of the conference program, and I see a CINDEX workshop.  But way down at the end, almost as an afterthought, is Kamm's session.  Have things gotten to the point that the generic default indexing tool is Sky?  I can imagine it might have, but with that laundry list of sessions ending in an "Oh, the way: Sky is doing (etc.)...", it's either a imbalanced get-together or there's still a lot yet to be added.

Millis Indexing

Apr 30, 2024, 10:53:30 AMApr 30
The order of sessions listed on the conference page reflects neither the final schedule nor the relative importance of any given session. Something has to be listed last, after all. I can assure that including a presentation on Sky was not an afterthought. We work very hard to provide balanced coverage of all aspects of indexing, including the software currently available.


Siusan Moffat

Apr 30, 2024, 11:05:24 AMApr 30
to SKYIndexUsers

Sky is definitely not the generic default to indexers. Cindex still has more users and now that Cindex is free, it is quite probably going to continue to dominate.

We have no idea what will happen to SKY in the future. What kind of legacy/contingency plans are in place? David Ream had a great indexing software and it basically died with he did :(

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Siusan Moffat,
Indexing Society of Canada member

she/her pronouns

I acknowledge that I live and work in the territory of 
the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat,
and the Mississaugas of the Credit River, now home to many
Indigenous Peoples and newcomers from around the globe. I
recognize that decolonization must be an active and ongoing
process of reconciliation. Reconciliation is action beyond recognition.

Jay P T

Apr 30, 2024, 11:30:23 AMApr 30
to Millis Indexing,
I'm not saying the conference is not well-structured or favors any one/thing. I realize that there's time left until June. But with a specific CINDEX session already mentioned I would expect a more focused Sky program as well. The issue was/is whether to use Sky7 or Sky8 as a focal program is best for a Sky presentation. I would think that the general methodology of indexing--embedded or stand-alone--and presenting the various tools (Sky, CINDEX, IXMLembedders, InDesign and add-ons, even 3x5 cards!)--would be included. If it is, I missed it.  Sorry.

Best as well,


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Theresa Duran

Apr 30, 2024, 11:49:02 AMApr 30
to SKYIndexUsers
To clarify, Judi will be presenting a session on SKY at the ISC/SCI (Canadian society) conference held online 5/31-6/1. Kamm will be presenting a session on SKY at the ASI (American society) conference held at Bryn Mawr College on 6/4-6/6. Two different things.


May 2, 2024, 8:11:44 PMMay 2

I led an informal small-group discussion and demonstration of SKY8 at the ANZSI conference last October. It was a 40 minute session.


Discussion focused on favourite features such as merging an old index into a new one; labels (toggling them on and off, and examples of why you use them [NB labels look different in Sky7 and Sky8]); utilities such as the split function, swap acronym and invert name function (this function is not in Sky7); propagating edits; use of a comma in the Page field to generate a new main heading record; handling diacritics; and various settings in Options, Preferences and in Options, Data Entry.


BTW I have not had any issues with SKY8 freezing or crashing and I’ve used it on various laptops and desktop computers. 





From: <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, 25 April 2024 2:01 AM
Subject: [SKYIndexUsers] Presentation at Conference


I’ve been asked to demonstrate SKY for attendees at the ISC conference. (This year the conference will be virtual.) The presentation is actually part of a day of pre-conference presentations—intended largely for new indexers.


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May 2, 2024, 8:46:48 PMMay 2

>>BTW I have not had any issues with SKY8 freezing or crashing and I’ve used it on various laptops and desktop computers. 


Every time I think I’ll try it again, I get a report like that from Pam Sanchez. Problem is that I cannot afford to lose work.


I am going to try it again before my presentation to ISC.



May 3, 2024, 1:22:02 AMMay 3
to SKYIndexUsers
I’ve been using Sky 8 continuously ever since first release and have never experienced it ‘freezing or crashing’. 
Probably one of the ‘silent majority’.

May 3, 2024, 8:08:30 AMMay 3
to SKYIndexUsers

SKY8 has crashed for me on three of the five indexes I've done in the past year. However, I want to use it b/c it is the most recent version, the one that will be updated. 

All three times it happened when the project was near completion, but it doesn't seem to have to do with the size of the index.  

It has not crashed on the most recent two indexes I've done, so I'm wondering if some unusual new-user action on my part caused it to happen. It would happen when the results of the Error Scan were open and I right-clicked on a record to go to Label Manager. I was wanting to mark records to look at later. The Error Scan results also froze on my screen. I posted on the list about this in January, but never did get to the bottom of what was happening.

My possible misguided user behaviors is one reason I am keenly interested in demos of version 8. (I'm looking forward to Kamm's presentation at ASI and am hoping Judi's demonstration will be recorded so those not attending the ISC conference can purchase it).

While I never lost anything with the crashes, I would like to feel more confident in my abilities with and trusting of the tool I use for my livelihood.


Siusan Moffat

May 3, 2024, 10:17:36 AMMay 3
to SKYIndexUsers

I've also been using Sky 8 since it was introduced but I DO get crashes. Especially when I'm doing something in grouping mode. However the big difference for me is that I do NOT lose anything, not like when I was using Sky 7.

Obviously both versions have downfalls we all wish were fixed :(


Nigel D'Auvergne

May 4, 2024, 2:18:56 AMMay 4
to SKYIndexUsers
I’ve been using Sky 8 continuously ever since first release and have never experienced it ‘freezing or crashing’. 
Probably one of the ‘silent majority’.

On 3 May 2024, at 01:46, wrote:

Rudy Leon

May 4, 2024, 12:28:20 PMMay 4
to Nigel D'Auvergne, SKYIndexUsers
It happens to me near the end of every index I work on lately. It's annoying, but restarting it is simple and I never lose any data when it happens (unlike certain other tools).

Macro Express often freezes and needs to be rebooted, as does Firefox. Occasionally Word does as well, with a great deal of loss. 

Sadly, that's modern computing. At least when SKY crashes, I don't lose anything but my place. 

Thank you,
​​Rudy Leon
Editor, Book Coach, Indexer, and Faculty Development Professional

Maria Sosnowski

May 4, 2024, 2:34:31 PMMay 4
to SKYIndexUsers

This thread is so interesting, and I wonder what factors impact people having programs freeze. 


I used Sky 8 a bit and never had it freeze.  It is considerably faster than Sky7 and I used it for an international music book with tons of diacritics which I was able to just copy and paste using Margaret’s macros.   I’ve had Sky7 just close suddenly once in a while.  I also use Firefox and Macro Express and have never had them freeze.  I think Word has frozen once or twice over the last couple of decades, but it’s very rare. 


I suspect with a lot of these issues people have it’s some combination of software/operating system, or a particular keystroke combination, that is part of the problem.  But there are so many variables it’s hard to know why different people have different experiences. 



Louisa Emmons

May 4, 2024, 2:53:36 PMMay 4
to Maria Sosnowski, SKYIndexUsers
I agree with Maria that it's difficult to know what causes issues with SKY. Kamm once asked me if I had recently downloaded something to my computer, thinking it might have had something to do with my problems. I had indeed downloaded Steam for game-playing purposes the day before. I'm not sure if that download was the actual problem, but when I removed it the issue cleared up.


May 6, 2024, 9:10:15 AMMay 6
to Maria Sosnowski, SKYIndexUsers

I’m glad this problem is finally being taken seriously. After asking Kamm to unfreeze two indexes so I could submit them on time, I declined to use SKY 8. As noted elsewhere, every time I’ve thought about trying it again, somebody reports freezing, and I rethink the decision to try it again.


I cannot afford to lose my work.



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