Current Build Instructions For skyeye

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Joel Sherrill

Apr 28, 2013, 3:46:24 PM4/28/13

I was going to spend some time to ensure the RTEMS tests in testcode still
ran and attempt to verify that the current RTEMS code runs in skyeye.
I just don't seem to be having much luck. :(

I cloned the git repo and built with this:

../skyeye-code/configure \
  --enable-targets="all" \
  --prefix=/home/joel/skyeye/install-git/ >c.log 2>&1 && \
  make >b.log 2>&1 && \
  make install >i.log 2>&1

I didn't find a "skyeye" executable in the bin directory.

I found a post that I needed to run but that made things
worse. The autotools versions are very specific and older than
what is in Centos 6.

Am I building correctly? Missing a step? 

Advice appreciated.




Apr 29, 2013, 7:34:07 AM4/29/13
to skyeye-simulator
We do not have test too much on linux distributions for the installation of SkyEye. Now we
plan to only support Ubuntu. You need to run "make lib" before "make" and run "make install_lib"
 before "make install". The build command flow as the following:
> ./configure
> make lib
> make
> make install_lib
> make install


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Joel Sherrill

Apr 29, 2013, 10:28:41 AM4/29/13
Thanks for the quick reply. That helped a little.

FWIW I wasn't actually building on CentOS 6. I was only using that
to ssh to a Fedora 17 computer. I understand you are primarily on Ubuntu and if I
run into something that looks like a distribution specific issue, I will switch machines.
But so far, I see nothing but generic issues.

I am using git and the master branch. I am trying to build in a separate build directory.

(1) ./third-party/opcodes/s390-mkopc should NOT be in git. It is a binary
file and compiled as part of the build process.

(2) third-party/readline appears to be missing in git.

mkdir -p third-party/readline/ && cd third-party/readline/ && ./../../../skyeye-code/third-party/readline/configure --prefix=/home/joel/skyeye/install-git --enable-shared;make;
/bin/sh: ./../../../skyeye-code/third-party/readline/configure: No such file or directory

Just to let you know where this all is heading... the RTEMS Project has not tracked
the simulators we use very well. This has lead to it being likely that the head of any
simulator may or may not run the head of RTEMS. And we just don't know.

The RTEMS Project now has something called the RTEMS Source Builder (RSB) 
which fetches, patches, and builds tools. It is in Python and flexible. We have it 
currently building the cross compilers and RTEMS. We are starting to add 
infrastructure to run the gcc test suite on a simulator.[1] Right now, we are focused
on the simulators in gdb just to get the tool testing working. We will want to add skyeye
soon so we can test Skyeye, more BSPs, and provide more timely feedback to you.

Additionally we have access to a wide variety of hosts and besides showing the tools 
working on "normal" x86 Linux distributions, we have used a Raspberry Pi, a 32-core 
SPARC, and a 32-code PowerPC as development hosts.   We really want get more 
automated tool testing on our side and provide feedback to other projects.  And since
this will all be under the "RTEMS Tools" umbrella, as we add building and testing
other packages everyone benefits.

But for now, I am playing catch up and trying to get a current status of skyeye for
RTEMS BSPs. And git bisect breakages. Once things are working again, we have
a baseline to move forward from. :)


[1] We have had shell scripts to do this for development purposes for years. The
focus of the RSB is end user tool building and installation. End users would 
be running the tests.
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