Using external modules in Skulpt

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Ярига Олег

Mar 30, 2020, 12:36:42 PM3/30/20
to Skulpt
I can't import any modules into Sculpt. For example, I'm trying to add a numpy module:
Sk.externalLibraries = {
: {
: ''
'numpy.random': {
: ''

But when I type import numpy in the browser, sculpt writes: there is No module named numpy

I need to add several modules: numpy, matplotlib, scipy, and jcamp. How can I do this?

Recently I've read, that Sk.externalLibraries are not supported more. But I didn't found the replacement of this construction. I don't know JS enough, but I need to add external libs in Sculpt. Please, help!

Martin Sadloň

Apr 4, 2020, 7:29:19 PM4/4/20
to Skulpt
I'm facing to same problem and still didn't found answer. I hope somebody will answer.
Where did you found information about Sk.externalLibraries is not supported anymore? 
I found out that it's not supported (it's missing in Skulpt source code) but I didn't found any notice about it. Do you know when it was removed?

Ярига Олег

Apr 5, 2020, 2:35:25 AM4/5/20
to Skulpt
>>>Where did you found information about Sk.externalLibraries is not supported anymore?
I found it in some topic on github. But I don't know what was it replaced with. No documentation, no support, no community. 

Did you found somthing we can use instead Skulpt?

воскресенье, 5 апреля 2020 г., 2:29:19 UTC+3 пользователь Martin Sadloň написал:
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