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Re: [sangkancil] {The Rostrum} TWO POLICE REPORTS RE LINGAM CLIP

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Bala Pillai

Nov 22, 2007, 10:54:17 AM11/22/07
V K Lingam claims:-

" I was thoroughly investigated in 1998 by the Anti Corruption Agency. I believe that the Anti Corruption Agency did not pursue any action on the allegations made by Balan"

I wonder why the reporters in the mainstream media did not ask:-

Mr V K Lingam, we might be completely wrong, but is it possible that the ACA did not pursue any action in 1998 because your then master, Dr Mahathir was in power and he had a marriage of convenience with you for his larger putting-Malaysia-on-the-world-map aims? And now the selective prosecution climate may not be as selective in prosecuting?

What might the reasonable man perceive, rightly or wrongly, in view of the pictures of you holidaying with then Chief Justice Eusoffe Chin and Vincent Tan with your spouses in New Zealand by Malaysia.Net in 1996 at  which you then intentionally chose not to respond to? Justice beginning 11 years late perhaps? Might the maxim "come to equity with clean hands" apply?

Bala Pillai
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