Fwd: 20.128 Summer School on Collaborative Networks

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Bala Pillai

Aug 1, 2006, 10:06:38 AM8/1/06
to sangk...@googlegroups.com, skle...@googlegroups.com

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From: "Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty <willard...@kcl.ac.uk>)" < wil...@LISTS.VILLAGE.VIRGINIA.EDU>
To: huma...@Princeton.EDU
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 07:01:16 +0100
Subject: 20.128 Summer School on Collaborative Networks
              Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 20, No. 128.
      Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                    Submit to: huma...@princeton.edu

        Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 08:54:39 +0100
        From: ec...@labe.felk.cvut.cz
        Subject: ECOLEAD Summer School on Collaborative Networks

ECOLEAD  Summer School on Collaborative Networks Helsinki, 28.- 29.9.06


Conference, http://www.pro-ve.org/

"Collaborative networks of organizations provide
a basis for competitiveness, world-excellence,
and agility in turbulent market conditions. They
can support SMEs to identify and exploit new
business potential, boost innovation, and
increase their knowledge. Networking of SMEs with
large-scale enterprises also contributes to the
success of the big companies in the global
market. Reinforcing the effectiveness of
collaborative networks, mostly based on SMEs, and
creating the necessary conditions for making them
endogenous reality in the European industrial
landscape, are key survival factors."

ECOLEAD (European Collaborative networked
Organizations LEADership initiative), is an
"Integrated Project" co-funded by the European
Commission within 6th Framework Programme
(2002-2006). ECOLEAD started in April 2004 and
involves 27 partners from 15 countries across
Europe, see
http://virtual.vtt.fi/virtual/ecolead/ . This
project aims to create the necessary strong
foundations and mechanisms for establishing the
most advanced collaborative and network-based
industry society where "most enterprises will be
part of some sustainable collaborative networks
that will act as breeding environment for the
formation of dynamic virtual organizations in
response to fast changing market conditions".

Program committee:
Hamideh Afsarmanesh (UvA, The Netherlands), Luis
M. Camarinha-Matos (UNINOVA, Portugal), Mitja
Jermol (JSI, Slovenia), Arturo Molina (ITESM,
Mexico), Martin Ollus (VTT, Finland), Ricardo
José Rabelo (UFSC, Brazil), Olga Stepankova (CTU,
Czech Republic), Klaus Dieter Thoben (BIBA, Germany)

The Summer School will present the current state
of the art in theoretical foundations of
Collaborative Networked Organizations (CNO),
Virtual Organizations Management, Professional
Virtual Organizations, Virtual organisations
Breeding Environment as well as demonstrate
recent advances in design and development of
corresponding ICT Infrastructures. The
presentations of recognized experts in the field
will highlight different aspects and viewpoints
of this recently established and very active
scientific domain with high promises for business world.

The presented topics will be of specific interest
both to attendees from academia (Computer
Science, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering,
Business and Economics or Industrial Sociology
students, academics and researchers) as well as
to engineering and technical professionals and
managers. Irrespective of whether you are novice
or experienced in the domain of Collaborative
Networks the Summer School will be of benefit for you!

For details and registration see http://labe.felk.cvut.cz/eco-summerschool/

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