canvaskit-wasm: understanding makeImageSnapshot() memory usage in WebGL

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Alan Song

Jul 22, 2024, 9:11:11 PM (4 days ago) Jul 22
to skia-discuss

We have a tile renderer that works like this: 

Suppose there is 2048*2048 px content, divided into 8*8 tiles each of size 256*256.

We initially create a surface with MakeRenderTarget of 2048*2048 to render everything, and loop from top-left to right-bottom to call makeImageSnapshot() on each 256*256 tile, save the snapshot image to cache. Finally, we loop through them, call drawImage and flush to the on-screen canvas.

For updates to the scene, say a 1024*1024 (4*4 tiles) area, we delete the dirty tiles (skimage.delete()), and then create another render target of 1024*1024, render and extract the 4*4 tiles, and flush to screen.

We observed that with this approach, memory usage is much higher than expected. Naively, each tile would take 256*256*4(one byte for each of rgba) = 0.25MB memory. 64 tiles would take 16MB. However, the GPU Process in task manager shows much larger memory used. (If only there’s proper memory profiling tool for webgl...)

Reproduction link:

1. Open the page, take the baseline memory in Chrome Task Manager

baseline-jsfiddle.pngMemory Footprint: 145MB, GPU Memory: 52.6MB

2. Click “render first frame” which renders 2048*2048 content and extracts tiles

first-frame-spike.png First a spike of Memory Footprint: 264MB, GPU Memory: 111MB

first-frame-settled.pngEventually it settles down to Memory Footprint: 204MB, GPU Memory: 69.5MB

If Memory Footprint represents total memory, and GPU Memory means textures uploaded to GPU, then the delta is
204-145 = 59MB extra total memory (instead of 16MB)
69.5-52.6 = 16.9MB extra uploaded to GPU (coincides with calculated 16MB size, but I doubt it’s accurate, see next step)

3. Click “render second frame” which renders 1024*1024 content and extracts tiles

second-frame-spike.pngInitial spike is Memory Footprint: 264MB, but somehow GPU memory reduces to 53.5MB.  

second-frame-settled.pngAfterwards Memory Footprint goes to 193MB and GPU Memory 53.0MB.

This is kind of surprising because GPU Memory decreased, so I added extra code to rerender the frame on mouse move. 

after-a-few-frames.pngAfter moving the mouse for a while. Memory Footprint is 245MB and GPU memory is 101MB, so the delta is

245-145 = 100MB
101-52.6 = 48.4MB

In the actual implementation we use drawImageRectCubic for scaling the tiles so there should be no mipmap involved (and its *1.33 for memory usage).


  1. Is it wrong to assume skImage.delete() would delete the corresponding raster data? Is it instead the case that the whole surface’s raster data is snapshotted, and makeImageSnapshot with bounds just creates a reference (that gets removed on delete())? And the whole surface data won't be deleted unless all snapshots of it are deleted?
  2. Can we assume the same width*height*rgba memory size for MakeRenderTarget? Can the memory spike be avoided?
Thank you!
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