Hi, I am rendering a screen full of glyph paths (below) and the I feel like the performance could be better.
Here is what I am rendering:
I am using the same (i.e 'auto newPath = mainSkPath') SkPath per codepoint. No functions like moveTo, lineTo, etc. are done after copying
I am varying the transformations and colors for the copied SkPaths
Here is the stack trace from Instruments
Full Trace HereAs you can see:
1. 41.6% spent on onDrawPath
2. 18.9% spent on Recorder::snap()
3. 13.3% spent on Context::submit()
I have looked into the trace and a lot of time (8% and 7%) is spent on allocating metal buffers, is it possible to use a MTLHeap here if I don't care too much about memory efficiency?
Any insights?