Skottie Expression Support

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John Rolewicz

Nov 1, 2024, 10:11:01 AMNov 1
to skia-discuss
Hello! I've been working with Skottie through Canvaskit-WASM, and am I bit confused with Skottie's support of expression. When compiled in Canvaskit, it appears that expressions are entirely unsupported, correct?
However, reading through this discussion group, I've found various references to Expressions being supported. Like here for example:

Is this only with some sort of custom Expression evaluator? Or available when skottie is used directly but not in the Canvaskit compilation?

Any clarification on this would be great. Thanks!

Florin Malita

Nov 1, 2024, 10:22:51 AMNov 1
Yeah, pretty much: we don't offer a built-in ExpressionEvaluator, and clients that need expressions support must provide their own.

(as a workaround, when feasible, designers can also convert expressions to keyframes when exporting with Bodymovin)


Any clarification on this would be great. Thanks!

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