I'm trying to build Skia with support for fontconfig on Linux. I would like to use the SkFontMgr based on fontconfg, by creating it through the SkFontMgr_New_FontConfig exported function.
When building Skia, I explicitely added the flag: skia_use_fontconfig=true (which is anyway true be default).
In my own code (which is linked against libskia.so), when I call the SkFontMgr_New_FontConfig method, I get the following link error: "undefined reference to `SkFontMgr_New_FontConfig(_FcConfig*)'".
I'm sure that I'm linking properly against Skia since everything else is working fine: for instance calling the SkFontMgr_New_Custom_Directory works fine (I can draw text and everything).
I had a look in the build folders for Skia, and there is a fontmgr_fontconfig.SkFontMgr_fontconfig.o object file available (meaning the SkFontMgr based on fontconfig has been built). However, when I look at the exported symbols in libskia.so (nm -D libskia.so), I cannot find the exported SkFontMgr_New_FontConfig function (the one for custom directory is well present). This explains the undefined reference in my own code.
What am I missing herre? Why is Skia not exporting the function properly?