Altering efficient scaling SkImages while working with skottie animation

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Duong Nguyen

Oct 23, 2024, 9:29:16 AMOct 23
to skia-discuss
Hi, I am working with skottie animation on android native application
I found that when using high resolution image assets, it takes lots of time to scaling SkImage:
``` (SkResources.cpp)
            if (bm.tryAllocPixels(info, info.minRowBytes()) &&
                                   SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear, SkMipmapMode::kNearest),
                                   SkImage::kAllow_CachingHint)) {
                image = bm.asImage();

Is there any way better to down scale the images. I'm looking for a solution as the downsample as decode bitmap on android Am I go in a properly direction? Sorry for my intermediate English
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