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Harshad RJ

Aug 25, 2016, 12:25:40 PM8/25/16
to SkEye

I just released version 2.0 of GatherYourSenses. The main updates are:
  • Ability to "connect" to your Local Android device. That is, you can see how your Android's sensors behave (and not just remote sensors).
  • Ability to set the duration of calibration. The app uses a moving window of specified time, when collecting data for calibration. Hand held calibration can usually be done quicker, while calibration when attached to a telescope might require more time. Hence, the choice of duration.

Frankly, this app has taken a life of its own. I have now learnt a lot about how the sensors behave in practice. I will soon be able to bring this (in a simplified form) to SkEye.

I would appreciate if you can try this on your device and send me feedback as described below.

The app is in beta and can be downloaded from this link:

Here's a quick walkthrough for using the latest version of GYS:

  • If connecting to Wiced Sense, make sure Wiced Sense is powered on and paired with your Android.
  • Start the GYS application
  • Press "Connect..." button and choose "Local Android" or the "Wiced Sense" device
  • Press "Calibrate magnetometer"
  • Choose duration for calibration. For hand-held calibration, the default of one-minute is sufficient. When attached to telescope you can choose a longer duration.
  • Move your device (Android / Wiced Sense) around slowly.
    If hand-held, move it in figure 8 movements while rotating gently. Imagine a laser beam coming out of the Wiced Sense. The goal is to point it in as many directions as possible.
    If mounted on a telescope, you can make full 360 degrees one axis, while keeping the other axis steady. For example, on an Alt-Azm mount, hold the altitude steady and make a 360 degree Azimuth rotation. Then switch to a different altitude and repeat.
  • Click "stop calibration" when you are done.
  • Observe the plots.
    The ones on the left are raw. They might be off-center and elliptical.
    The ones on the right are after calibration. They should appear centered around the origin and spherical.
  • Optionally, click "save" button to store the sensor data of that session into a file.
  • Optionally, capture a screenshot and mail it to me along with the sensor data file.

Brewster LaMacchia

Aug 25, 2016, 2:24:06 PM8/25/16
to SkEye Discussions + Announcements
Hi Harshad,

Just FYI: I tried this (handheld) on my Nexus 5 (6.0.1). App kept crashing trying to calibrate - finally figured out that I have my phone set to autorotate the display and when it did that the app would stop. Forced the phone to portrait mode and all is well.


Harshad RJ

Aug 25, 2016, 2:30:13 PM8/25/16
to SkEye
Ah, thanks for the heads up Brewster.

My phone is always in forced portrait mode so hadn't noticed it.

I believe Starman experienced a similar crash. Will fix and publish an update soon.

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Harshad RJ

Aug 25, 2016, 2:42:51 PM8/25/16
to SkEye
Fixed the auto-rotation problem and published a new release (2.1). The app now sticks to portrait mode always.


Aug 25, 2016, 2:52:37 PM8/25/16
Thanks Brewster, my Nexus is most always on auto-rotate, I never would have thought of that being a problem!

Brewster LaMacchia

Aug 25, 2016, 3:00:56 PM8/25/16
to SkEye Discussions + Announcements
Hi Harshad,

After moving the phone around, stopping calibration, and if I hit save the app exits and I get the do you want to report this box. Does that crash dump go back to you if I click OK? I'm not familiar with android app development.


Brewster LaMacchia

Aug 25, 2016, 3:12:36 PM8/25/16
to SkEye Discussions + Announcements
Hi Harshad,

Ran out and did a quick test, first handheld (fitness 82.8%) and then on the bracket (78.1%).  Don't know if that's a meaningful difference, and I did this in a hurry, but I need to experiment with the bracket some more.



Auto Generated Inline Image 1
Auto Generated Inline Image 2

Harshad RJ

Aug 25, 2016, 3:13:14 PM8/25/16
to SkEye

Yes, the crash report should come to me (via google's services); please do send it. Thanks!

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Harshad RJ

Aug 25, 2016, 3:33:22 PM8/25/16
to SkEye

The difference between the fitness (78.x and 82.x) isn't much. But in general, the numbers are on the lower side. I get similar numbers on my Nexus 4 when I am indoors. However, if I go outdoors I see a 99% fitness score!

I have fixed the crash-during-save and published an update (version 2.2). When you get the chance, please update and send me the attachments off-list.


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Harshad RJ

Aug 26, 2016, 2:27:23 AM8/26/16
to SkEye
​Found something interesting today.​ I tried calibration on local android sensors after getting up in the morning (a fresh start for the sensors). The first two attempts yielded very poor results; fitness was about 30%.

But after the two trials, the results were back again into 98% fitness.

Take away: my Nexus 4 takes a couple of minutes of movement to calibrate itself, and after that it does a pretty good job.

On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 1:02 AM, Harshad RJ <> wrote:
The difference between the fitness (78.x and 82.x) isn't much. But in general, the numbers are on the lower side. I get similar numbers on my Nexus 4 when I am indoors. However, if I go outdoors I see a 99% fitness score!

Brewster LaMacchia

Aug 26, 2016, 11:25:12 AM8/26/16
Hi Harshad,

On 8/25/2016 3:32 PM, Harshad RJ wrote:
> I have fixed the crash-during-save and published an update (version
> 2.2). When you get the chance, please update and send me the
> attachments off-list.

Hopefully you have two emails now with three runs each from my Nexus 5
and Moto X.


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