sketchup on linux

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May 29, 2011, 9:02:54 AM5/29/11
to sketchup on linux
Are developers here ignoring the request for a Linux version? I have
no idea.

I tried to get Wine to function on a early version of Unbuntu 10, with
no luck.
I was able to get SketchUp,using Wine, to work on the last update for
Unbuntu/Mint 10. I was thrilled!
However, now that I've upgraded to Unbuntu/Mint 11, guess what? You've
probably already guessed; it won't work again.

This reminds me of the time I was using Mozila Thunderbird, and every-
other week I couldn't get my Yahoo! Mail to work, because of the non-
native "go-between" program I had to use to get Thunderbird and Yahoo!
to talk (considering that neither Yahoo! nor Mozila would develop such
an item - this type of behavior is what I call short-sighted). I
eventually gave up, and dropped Thunderbird (you see, I've been with
Yahoo! Mail forever).

Now here I am with SketchUp. I've been using it since v.6 (on
Windows). I really like SketchUp. However, if all other program
developers is jumping on the Linux bandwagon, and Google isn't (and
relying on the user to find a work around), then I may need to rethink
my relationships - there are other 3D drawing packages out there.
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