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sketchometry embed on mobiles

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Paul Libbrecht

Jun 13, 2015, 6:31:38 PM6/13/15
Hello Fellows of Sketchometry,

I've been playing with the embed feature and have to say that I
encountered rather deadly bugs.
Basically, the experience my pupils had was so unpredictable, that
moving to or installing the app was much better.
They all use smartphones of their own, mostly androids with varying size
and modernity, an iPhone 4 was also there.

The biggest problem with the embedding is the font size: the point names
and the menus are often too small. This makes them barely clickable and
barely selectable. Sometimes doing a circle is hard, polygones being
made instead.

Finally, and that is where it becomes unpredictable, zooming the html
page remains possible (when pinching outside of sketchometry) so that
you have the impression that some things are solved but actually they
are not the unpredictable drawing remains even bigger.

I've tried changing the base font size and saved the result here:
but that did not have an effect on sketchometry.

Do I find a way to make sketchometry adapt its size per default also
when in an iframe?
Would it not be better if sketchometry chooses the display to tbe
intersection of the page view and the iframe view?



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