unread,Aug 7, 2011, 4:07:09 PM8/7/11Sign in to reply to author
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to Sketch Users
I'm trying to draw solids by sweeping points, but I can't seem to
figure out how to apply a style.
From the documentation, you can sweep a line to make a series of
polygones and you add the style with square brackets (the
[fillcolor=white]) bit
def n_cyl_segs 20 def n_views 5 def I [1,0,0]
def endopts [fillcolor=lightgray]
repeat { n_views, rotate(180/n_views, [I]) then translate([I] * 2.1) }
sweep[endopts]{ n_cyl_segs<>, rotate(360/n_cyl_segs, [0,1,0]) }
I'm I'm not sure where it put the style when starting from a point:
def n_toroid_segs 20
def n_circle_segs 16
def r_minor 1
def r_major 1.5
sweep { n_toroid_segs, rotate(360 / n_toroid_segs, [0,1,0]) }
sweep { n_circle_segs, rotate(360 / n_circle_segs, (r_major,
0,0)) }
(r_major + r_minor, 0)
For example, I tried:
sweep { n_toroid_segs, rotate(360 / n_toroid_segs, [0,1,0]) }
sweep { n_circle_segs, rotate(360 / n_circle_segs, (r_major,
0,0)) }
(r_major + r_minor, 0)[fillcolor=blue]
But that didn't work. How do I do this?