Colorado2 - questions on start time & talk length

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Reed Esau

Feb 23, 2008, 1:59:45 AM2/23/08
to SkeptiCamp
I've set it to the time the Library opens in the morning - 9am.

They close at 5pm, which gives us eight(8) hours of time for talks,
breaks, etc.

Rich, if you were thinking of a later start time, we'll need to change
it both on the wiki page and on the meetup page.

Also, I've been receiving questions of talk length. What should they
target? We should be clear about now so that participants can prepare.

Rich Ludwig

Feb 24, 2008, 11:05:49 AM2/24/08
I put 20 mins for the talk to allow for 10 mins of questions.  We will have two rooms if we need them.  The hours are good.  You can also direct them to me for questions if you like.
- Rich
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