Any help will be appreciated.
INFO: Starting Skanect 1.11.0 (64 bits)
INFO: Configuration file: C:/Users/gabri/AppData/Roaming/ManCTL/Skanect.ini
INFO: License configuration file: C:/Users/gabri/AppData/Roaming/ManCTL/SkanectLicense.ini
INFO: Number of CUDA devices: 1
INFO: Device 0: "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050" 3381Mb / 4096Mb
INFO: Device 0: sm_61, 640 cores
INFO: Device 0: Driver/Runtime ver.11.60/10.20
INFO: CUDA major: 6
INFO: CUDA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050, global memory: 4095M
INFO: CUDA device specs seem ok.
INFO: Could instanciate a GPU fusion successfully.
INFO: License type: FREE
INFO: Trying Structure Core backend
INFO: No support for Kinect One SDK.
INFO: Initializing Kin4Win driver
INFO: No Kinect for Windows devices found.
INFO: OpenNI2: Number of devices: 0
INFO: No support for softkinetic, skipping.
INFO: Depth Intrinsics: fx/fy/cx/cy [0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000]
INFO: Color Intrinsics: fx/fy/cx/cy [0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000]