WHY Are We In A Recession?

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Sharon Lee

Jul 11, 2011, 2:12:19 AM7/11/11

Hi All,

Read this excerpt of a recent interview of Catherine Austin Fitts, and you will understand why the economy is so bad! Governments, previously run as "nation states," are now being ruled by their creditors (international bankers and LARGE corporations).  Now laws are being legislated by the creditors to benefit THEMSELVES and not the common good of the people. 

Catherine Austin Fitts, Financial Consultant (See Bio below)

Interview with George Noory

Coast to Coast am, 6/30/2011, Hour One, beginning at 16:35 minutes:

G:  [There are] lots of people interested in their own destiny, financially, and everything else. So, what's your crystal ball look like for the rest of this year?

C:  I think what we're watching, George, is a real shift in governance.  And the Greek debt situation is a perfect example.

G:  Yeah.

C:  We have literally seen sovereign debt emerge as a new control system.  And so countries, country by country, are not being controlled by their government, they are being controlled by the creditors.  And that's exactly what we've seen in Greece, you see it more and more in this country where the creditors really drive and determine policy, so we're literally watching the engineering of government worldwide and it's happening through the debt system.  And it's a real shift from democracy to the creditors, uh, sort of, uh, you know, dictating policy, and dictating policy that makes money for them as opposed to what's good for the whole.  So literally, we're watching the Disaster Capitalism Story with literally, Greece, it...  We see people over in Greece with shopping lists and basically they are going to strip the country and privatize the assets.   And it's all part of this process of moving from places run by governments, to places increasingly run by corporations and private investors.

G:  I don't know, did you ever see the movie, "300," the animated movie of 300 Spartans from Greece fighting off Persians that were invading them.

C:  Well, Greece is being invaded.

G: I know, it looked like that movie today, looking at some of the news clips.  People are rioting, they are upset and everything else.  Is this the plot of the Elitists, the Global Elitists, who would love to topple countries  and take over everything?

C:  Yeah.  Absolutely. This is the re-engineering of government.  So, what they are saying is they don't want government run by, or, they don't want resources on Planet Earth run by sovereign governments, they want them run by corporations.  And literally what you're seeing is assets moved out of the government and out of communities and into private hands.  It's kind of a privatization, and if anything it's a subsidy to the corporations.  We saw with the announcement of the Greek Deal, the Stock Market [went] up, well that's because this is good for corporations, because those assets are going to be shifted out of a wide variety of hands and shifted in to make money for corporations.  So it's absolutely a centralization of control and a privatization of control.  So... And one that is accumulating great wealth at the top.  And one of the things I would note, if you look at capital, if capital is in the hands of many, then it's harder to aggregate it for reinvestment in the corporations and some of the big projects they are doing, but the more you can consolidate capital into a few hands, the more excess capital there is to finance the corporations.  So we are really seeing a centralization of capital and investment.  And if anything, it's shrinking the economy, if you look at what's happening in Greece, those kinds of things, you know we saw them happen in Russia in the 90's, they happened in Eastern Europe, now it's moving into the sort of, the typically first world, and it's very destructive to the economies, it really shrinks the total economy and the total wealth and it's part of why we are in a recession and really feeling the pain, is the centralization.


Catherine Austin Fitts is the Founder and President of Solari. She served as Managing Director and Member of the Board of Directors of the Wall Street investment bank, Dillon, Read & Co., Inc. She also served as Assistant Secretary of Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner at HUD in the first Bush Administration and was the President and Founder of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc.

Catherine has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA from the Wharton School, and studied Chinese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Catherine serves on the board of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee and publishes a column, Mapping the Real Deal, in Scoop Media in New Zealand.

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