Six on Peace: These Enemies Didn't Want To Fight On Christmas – So They Sang Carols Together Instead; 27 Thoughts in the Pres

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philip panaritis

Dec 23, 2017, 7:51:22 PM12/23/17
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These Enemies Didn't Want To Fight On Christmas – So They Sang Carols Together Instead

Wendell Berry: 27 Thoughts in the Presence of Fear

"I. The time will soon come when we will not be able to remember the horrors of September 11 without remembering also the unquestioning technological and economic optimism that ended on that day.

II. This optimism rested on the proposition that we were living in a “new world order” and a “new economy” that would “grow” on and on, bringing a prosperity of which every new increment would be “unprecedented”.

III. The dominant politicians, corporate officers, and investors who believed this proposition did not acknowledge that the prosperity was limited to a tiny percent of the world’s people, and to an ever smaller number of people even in the United States; that it was founded upon the oppressive labor of poor people all over the world; and that its ecological costs increasingly threatened all life, including the lives of the supposedly prosperous."

Emerson on Peace

"The eternal germination of the better has unfolded new powers, new instincts, which were really concealed under this rough and base rind. The sublime question has startled one and another happy soul in different quarters of the globe,—Cannot love be, as well as hate? Would not love answer the same end, or even a better? Cannot peace be, as well as war?

This thought is no man's invention, neither St. Pierre's nor Rousseau's, but the rising of the general tide in the human soul,—and rising highest, and first made visible, in the most simple and pure souls, who have therefore announced it to us beforehand; but presently we all see it. It has now become so distinct as to be a social thought: societies can be formed on it. It is expounded, illustrated, defined, with different degrees of clearness; and its actualization, or the measures it should inspire, predicted according to the light of each seer.

The idea itself is the epoch; the fact that it has become so distinct to any small number of persons as to become a subject of prayer and hope, of concert and discussion,—that is the commanding fact. This having come, much more will follow. Revolutions go not backward. The star once risen, though only one man in the hemisphere 'has yet seen its upper limb in the horizon, will mount and mount, until it becomes visible to other men, to multitudes, and climbs the zenith of all eyes. And so it is not a great matter how long men refuse to believe the advent of peace: war is on its last legs; and a universal peace is as sure as is the prevalence of civilization over barbarism, of liberal governments over feudal forms. The question for us is only How soon?

That the project of peace should appear visionary to great numbers of sensible men; should appear laughable even, to numbers; should appear to the grave and good-natured to be embarrassed with extreme practical difficulties,—is very natural. 'This is a poor, tedious society of yours,' they say: 'we do not see what good can come of it. Peace! why, we are all at peace now. But if a foreign nation should wantonly insult or plunder our commerce, or, worse yet, should land on our shores to rob and kill, you would not have us sit, and be robbed and killed? You mistake the times; you over-estimate the virtue of men. You forget that the quiet which now sleeps in cities and in farms, which lets the wagon go unguarded and the farmhouse unbolted, rests on the perfect understanding of all men that the musket, the halter and the jail stand behind there, ready to punish any disturber of it. All admit that this would be the best policy, if the world were all a church, if all the men were the best men, if all would agree to accept this rule. But it is absurd for one nation to attempt it alone.'" [1]

5:50-23:25: MLK on Stokely Carmichael, Black Power, causes of urban "riots" (rebellions), possibility of electing a Negro president of US in "this generation", Gen. Westmoreland's evil attempt to conflate prolonging the war with peace movement, real causes of war as US escalation, praise for peace movement

eFather Daniel J. Berrigan gave an anti-war sermon at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, 1972..jpg
New York 1964 World’s Fair, Peace Through Understanding, Unisphere, 2009.jpg
Thomas Nast entitled, The Union Christmas Dinner, Peace on Earth, and Good Will Toward Men. 1864.jpg
The Problems are Our Lives 1989.DOC
Father Berrigan being handcuffed in 2001 after he and others blocked an entrance to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in Manhattan..jpg
Father Berrigan, right, and a defense lawyer, William M. Kunstler, center, after he was sentenced to three years in federal prison in Danbury, Conn..jpg
Father Berrigan served time for acts of civil disobedience..jpg
threeastronautsArt from The Three Astronauts, Umberto Eco’s vintage semiotic children’s book about the role of space exploration in world peace.jpg
The Atomic Bomb Dome in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.jpg
Protesters carry a large image of jailed Chinese Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo as they march during the annual pro-democracy protest in Hong Kong on Saturday..jpg
Silent protesters in the audience hold up peace signs as retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis testifies before a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on his nomination to serve as defense secretary in Washingto.jpg
New York 1964 World’s Fair, Peace Through Understanding, Port Authority Heliport, 2014..jpg
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